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Posts posted by abstractAgamid

  1. On 9/2/2016 at 11:21 PM, Aanchir said:



    A point some people made is also how if kids may not buy it if they do not recognize it, and that's the case with toys in general. Watching Transformers Energon, would you rather buy Rodimus, the cool Autobot commander you see on the TV show, or Sharkticon, that guy who looks kinda cool but you have no idea who he is or what he even transforms into? Some concept. In 2015, what were some big things that came out? The Avengers. Star Wars. These things, as licensed lines, sell themselves, and so happen to have ties to Lego. While not original lines, Lego still makes money because kids will see "STAR WARS" on the box and get it.


    If a kid goes out to look at toys, just after seeing The Force Awakens for the first time, imagine their excitement with all the new stuff out there. Now, do you think they'd rather have toys for characters like Finn, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, etc, or these Bionicle alien robot things that look kinda cool but don't know much about because they came out of nowhere...? Of course they'll want to go for what they're familiar with, they'll go with the Star Wars toys. Ironically, the one line Lego made and created themselves sells itself short in favor of lines based off properties not made by Lego, but sell toys of based off an agreement, and those are making them money next to Ninjago for example.


    They've concentrated themselves elsewhere, and it's not good. All that was made by creation and imagination? Now they're just selling and making money off stuff based off something someone else made up, not their original ideas like it was with Bionicle. So going with the corporate idea, they've gone with what makes them the most money and are avoiding the "failure" of Bionicle like the plague.

    "The one line that LEGO made and created themselves?" No idea what you mean by that. Bionicle is just one of MANY lines that LEGO created themselves, including City, Friends, Ninjago, Elves, Technic, Creator, and Nexo Knights. And contrary to your assumption that LEGO's success is "concentrated" in licensed themes, the truth is that licensed sets make up no more than a third of the LEGO Group's business, a status quo that has held steady for over a decade. Of the LEGO Group's five top-selling themes last year, only one (Star Wars) was licensed, three (City, Friends, and Ninjago) were non-licensed, and one (Duplo) was a mix of both. The LEGO Group's portfolio of non-licensed themes is far more successful today than it was before Bionicle G1 began! Clearly, it wasn't Bionicle's originality that did it in, nor is LEGO in any way biased towards licensed themes when it comes to what properties they invest in.


    To be fair, Creator, City, and Technic are mostly based on real-life things. (Not that that means they're bad.)


    I do however think that Bionicle might be the least derivative of Lego's themes, or the most original, if you will. Saying that it's the only one is not really accurate though.

    • Upvote 1

    The thing is, many clone waves had very distinct, memorable body shapes - the Bohrok, Rahkshi, Vahki (Visorak, not so much). So that kinda excuses it.


    Odd, I'd exchange the Vahki and Visorak in that statement. The Vahki resemble Rahkshi, but are less cool, while the Visorak are the only non-humanoid canister set wave in all of G1 - if that isn't distinct, what is?


    I'm not taking a shot at you, just interested in why you think this.




    I mainly compared it to things that had been done in other IPs. Visorak are kind of a generic arachnid design (not really a real spider, more stylized portrayals of spiders).

    • Upvote 1
  3. You know how Bright Blue (Mata blue) parts often become more greenish after some time? Has anyone witnessed that happening to Bionicle/Technic parts?


    Because for me it's only happened with System pieces. My Bionicle parts are still unaffected by this. Does it just not affect polycarbonate (or, at least, happen much slower to it)?







    Edit: I should note that some of the parts it's happened to are those bricks with Technic holes in them (the ones from 8139 Night Blazer, specifically).

  4. Okay, after seeing more of Storm Beast, I think it might actually be one of the best sets of G2? I'm actually considering getting it.


    The build is cool, and the function's pretty ingenious. I also like how they added a bit more to its feet.


    The things I dislike:

    • the friction extender pieces, which, eh
    • the red axles, which I'm only mentioning because 2016 Gali had black ones
    • the empty sockets on the back of his hands, but that's not that bad
    • but most of all, that new piece on the upper arms. That just looks so bad. At least when it's attached to a bone piece. Even the smallest available shell in trans-light blue would've looked better.
    • Upvote 3

    You know what color I just realized we need? Just regular, classic Mata Green. We have lime, bright green, dark green, and trans-green shells, but none in plain old green. That would be really nice.

    On the one hand, you're right that that's a color that's pretty much non-existent in CCBS aside from the heads and Hero Cores of Nex 2.0 and Nex 3.0. On the other hand, I kind of like that green G2 Bionicle sets have taken to using Bright Green. For many years it was a woefully underused color despite basically being the green equivalent of Mata Red (Bright Red) and Mata Blue (Bright Blue). Instead, Dark Green (Mata Green) was used as the default green color for most LEGO sets. When LEGO City garbage trucks and the Green Lantern buildable figure started using Bright Green to a greater extent in 2012, a lot of people mistook it for a brand-new color even though it's been on the LEGO Group's color palette since at least 1994!


    Screw Bright Green, I wanna see Light and Medium Green.

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