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Posts posted by Slick117

  1. Gresh, Guardian of Jungles


    You can find the rest of the photos here


    This is the very first Bionicle moc I've made and posted on a website, so I'm pretty excited!

    I will say, I'm kinda a cheapskate, I don't buy pieces off of Bricklink, so I had to work with what I had, which is why I have

    those red ball joints on the feet.

    The other CCBS build in there is mainly for scale, and demos.  


    Comments and criticism are appreciated. Enjoy the pictures, and good luck to the participants!


    Sorry, I'm not sure how to shrink it, yet, this is the first time I've used this website. -_- I'll try to shrink it once I have it uploaded, if that is ok for the contest. I'm also not sure why the title is in a code-box. 

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