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Booky The Bookworm

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Posts posted by Booky The Bookworm

  1. That might be fun... There were always other Bionicle games on the web I enjoyed playing, but they were minigames, like the Agori Defender, or Battle for Power.

    I hadn't really tried playing the old ones a lot 'till recently, on sites with all the games, like BioMedia Project.

  2. Back in the day, 2001 or or so, I got interested in it. I remember myself thinking, "Well, I remember 'Throwbots', but these are way cooler!" So after a while, I started getting a set or two.


    But what I did mostly was study up on the storyline and fandom. It was the biggest part of Bionicle, all the plotlines and side quests and characters they had goin' around, living their life, fighting Rahi, et cetera. It was the coolest part to me, back then. To this day, I still love the storyline, and of course the sets, too.

    • Upvote 1
  3. My personal favorite Toa team were the Toa Inika/Mahri. They were new and cool, and the first to incorporate "Launchers", or "guns" other than Vakama Metru. My personal favorite is Matoro, with Nuparu as a close second, out of the six, but what does the BZPower community think? Feel free to leave you answers, comments, questions, and concerns below.  

    • Upvote 2
  4. My favorite year was a tie between 2007 and 2008. 2007 because of the Toa Mahri and the Barraki, because their sets were new and cool, and 2008 because the Phantoka were pretty cool and their vehicles were awesome.


    My least favorite year? 2010. *Cough the Stars sucked cough* 

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hi. I have a question about Member Titles.I've noticed that many members have customized their Member Titles to fit their profile, but I don't know how to do that. Currently, mine is stuck at "Tohunga". Could you help me with that?

  6. Hello, everyone. I've always liked the Barraki, the six antagonists of the Toa Mahri. They all had completely different builds, and different weapons, and in the story line, they were all warlords of different species.


    I was wondering, what's your favorite Barraki? I myself like Takadox, but that's me. Feel free to let me know of your favorites and comments.

  7. This is ...Pathetic. Honestly. They couldn't even make it believable that they're not a cheap knock-off brand vandalizing people's childhood memories. And sadder still, they claim it's "Compatible with Lego Bionicle"(Even though it is Lego Bionicle, just not sold by Lego with the brand name spelled "Bionlclie".) It's crushing that companies invade other company's copyright and can't even come up with a half-decent name.

    • Upvote 2

    It's a conjecture.


    Here's another conjecture: canisters would melt if you brought them with you to take photos of lava.


    Conjecture: canisters would crack into pieces if you rolled over them with a steam roller. (Bonus: the other two types of packaging wouldn't.)


    Conjecture: if you put a lizard in the canister it will probably get filthy.


    Man, all these conjectures about unlikely things are making canisters look pretty bad. Sure, they're not likely to happen, but it's conjecture.


    Thank you. Just what I meant.

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