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Blog Entries posted by sydorack

  1. sydorack
    My whole sense of the week has been completely screwed up for the past year. I used to take sundays off, so I had a certain feel for the the weekend and when it was coming. Now a days, I take thursdays off usually, and I never have any clue what day of the week it is.
    My boss is gone from now until tuesday as well, so it looks like it's going to be another cycle of more than 7 days without a day off. This happens a lot honestly and I really don't mind it. I love my job so i can't really complain about anything. That eventual day off after like two weeks of straight work is always pretty uneventful. I'm usually so drained that I barely make it out of bed at any point.
    Last night I watched a few episodes of that new hulu show "difficult people". It brought some good lolz. Some of it was pretty dry, and there were a whole load of references to people and things I had never heard of. They constantly refer to twitter and the internet, and it's definitely interesting to see that on a show. I mean, in real life, we all talk about internet stuff and things people tweeted and what not all the time, but I've never seen a current show actually have people interact about things like twitter. It's a little weird honestly, but I think thats only because it hasn't really existed yet. It definitely makes sense to exist, twitter is just soooo prevalent in a lot of peoples lives nowadays that it was only a matter of time until someone made a show based around people talking about it. They also say a whole load of really offensive stuff that made me die from laughter. Definitely going to keep watching.
    I got lego wall-e yesterday. Its pretty sick. The only thing that sucks about it, is that his head flops around pretty haphazardly. The whole head attaches to the neck with basically a single technic pin, and the head is actually a pretty solid and heavy unit, so there is no friction at all holding it in place. It definitely looks amazing though. Like when I finished it, I was actually amazed at how awesome it looks. All the cute. All of it. Now the trouble is finding a good shelf spot for him. Bionicle sets pretty much take up 90% of my shelf space so I dunno what to do. I refuse to ever take down a bonkle, like ever. I have a bunch of new ninjago stuff that I have out too OH WELLLLL.
    Literally none of the things I just wrote out have anything to do with each other. What is wrong with me. Pink Floyd is on the radio at work right now and I do NOT like them. AHHH
  2. sydorack
    Okay. It is the sunday after force friday right now. I'd like to talk about the construction figures for a moment. I got all six of them, three on friday and three yesterday. I also got the FO tie fighter. Its pretty sweet.
    Back on topic...... The figures are AWESOME. Like really frickin awesome. Every single one of them is a good set. The highlights would of course be grievous in his entirety, because he's so huge and insane, and vader's custom torso build. I really was not expecting them to be as big as they are. Even the smaller of the 6 stand with the tallest of the toa. Vader is just under a foot tall, and grievous is just over a foot tall. All of them were fun to build and are proving fun to pose/play with.
    I'd like to talk about vader's custom torso. This was really impressive. It definitely shows how hard they tried to make this figure look good and cool. The whole thing is pretty much smaller technic pieces used together in really cool and unique ways. The end result is a torso-esque shape with ball joints all around it to attach the limbs and armor. I loved building it, and I love looking at it.
    Now I'd like to tie this in to bionicle.
    I think the 2015 toa are cooler than these sets. Even on a purely objective level. Grievous and vader are the only ones that give bonkle a run for its money, but the rest of the 4 are put to shame by even pohatu(who is actually my favorite of the '15 toa). The new star wars sets do look awesome and pose well, but gear functions from the 2015 toa alone just puts the star wars sets to shame. How awesome would it have been if vader and luke could swing their light sabers at each other? Oh well. They're still awesome. Bionicle is better. Never surrender.
  3. sydorack
    This is actually the first blog I have ever had, with the exception of tumblr I guess. I only had it for a few months though, and that was like 5 years ago anyways. Does tumblr even count as a real blog? I don't think it does. It's definitely filled with people who think that they and their opinion "matters" but other than that it's all "art" and junk. Is a blog even real? No.
    I don't think anyone is going to ever read this, which doesn't really matter. I just want a place to write out some of the things in my head that 1. aren't too incriminating and 2. so maybe one day I can read old stuff and rofl over how dumb I am. I am literally standing at a counter at work typing this on my bosses laptop. I had my own but it was rendered useless like 2 years ago. I got it when I started college in 2009; it was a requirement that you purchased a macbook. It was actually part of the first semester tuition. During orientation week, everyone went and got their laptop, and it came preloaded with all the appropriate programs and junk we would need for our adventure at music school. I went to Berklee College of Music, and I dropped out after three semesters. I started in January 2009 and I bailed by May 2010. That place succckkkedddd. I completely hated it, and hated myself the entire time I was there. I dropped out mainly to hang out with my friends and play in bands, which is ironic since I was at music school to theoretically learn to play in a band better, and then I just left to actually go play in bands with my friends. Weirdness.
    That was weird. Back on track.....
    I've been living with my girlfriend for the past year, and now we are moving back in to my parents house. We are going to take over the basement, and rule our lego kingdom from it. I have to be out of the apartment I'm currently in by the 31st, so it's crunch time. The whole thing is putting insane stress on me and my lady, which is to be expected I suppose. It still sucks. I wish moving was easier. I have all of my lego stuff moved in already, to my parents, and I have already started setting up my bonkles where I want them. Im going to be limited to pretty just my G2 figs and my favorites from G1. I had literally every lego set I own on display at my apartment, but there is not nearly as much room in my parents basement. That is honestly the biggest downside of this move to me. I loved having an army of bionicle stuff all over my place, along with star wars and ninjago and lego movie sets all over the place as well. Im going to try and keep some ninjago sets from this year built and on display, but we'll see how much room I really have after we're fully moved in.
    This is dumb. To the zero people that read this, thanks? I guess?
  4. sydorack
    I should preface this quick story by stating that I am actually a professional tattooer. I work in a small city in Connecticut at a small shop with one other dude, my boss. I'm on instagram (@janitorjake) if you want to check my shtuff out.
    Okay, here goes…… I tattooed a guy today who I have tattooed before. I did a weird tribal design from some movie on the back of his neck probably a year-ish ago. The back of the neck is actually a pretty painful spot, and very uncomfortable to sit to get. As far as my memory serves me, he sat pretty well for that one. I don't remember him moving or flinching or anything. Today was a different story….
    He came in and asked to get matching tattoos on the outsides of his ankles. I figured it would be a breeze, considering he had sat well for the back of his neck. Booooooyyyy was I wrong. Literally from start to finish for BOTH of the tattoos, he was screaming and writhing in pain. Not only is this very annoying, but it also makes it impossible to make the tattoo look nice. Imagine trying to draw something on a piece of paper thats flapping around in the wind. The only problem with this is that once it's there, it ain't coming off. It makes doing my job basically impossible, and the end result is always a lesser quality tattoo. I managed to make them not look terrible, but they would have looked infinitely better had he sat still.
    Let this be a lesson for anyone reading this who is planning on getting tattooed ever. SIT STILL PLLEEAAASSEEE. I'd rather someone yell in pain than wiggle even the slightest bit. It hurts. It always hurts. Some spots are way worse than others, but every spot hurts. Think about this before getting something, and make sure you're ready to deal with it.
    Also if you want a bionicle tattoo, hit me up because I want to do more. You can check out the ones I've done on my instagram.
  5. sydorack
    I finally decided to sit down and make a list of my favorite 10 bionicle sets pre-2015. This got a little weird for me. While I was compiling this, I realized I wasn't being completely objective, as far as how the sets stands alone as a set. I decided, however, to keep going like this. Take this list as not a strictly objective view of the sets. This is just a list of my favorite sets/characters. Also I should say that this list will probably change as I continue to fill in my collection. I don't own any of the 08/09 vehicle sets, and I know those are highly regarded sets and for good reason. Okay. Here we gooooo.....
    1. Brutaka
    I think this is a pretty obvious and fair choice. This is definitely one of the most well built sets we ever got. Brutaka should be at the top of everyone's list. Everything from his custom feet, up to his olmak, is perfect. We even got extra articulation from his hidden daggers. His streamlined shape and figure is definitely a masterpiece of a Lego set.
    2. Sidorak
    This is definitely a very subjective opinion. Sidorak is more or less my favorite character from the entire generation. His set has always been one of my favorites as well. Even though he has some weird articulation and posing restrictions, I have still always loved him. His shape and flow always worked really well for me, especially because I myself have always been a very tall and slender person. He is also one of the only 05 sets with the ability to hold his rhotuka in place. Considering the fact that every single figure from 05 had a rhotuka spinner, it was definitely a big deal to me that he could effectively hold his in place. His custom
    Built head was always one of my favorites as well. I'll stop talking about sidorak now. I love him.
    3. Karzahni
    This is a set that I only very recently came into possession of. I spent a lot of time, before I owned him, looking over pictures of him and speculating as to how much I would actually like it once it was in my hands. He's also one of my favorite characters from the entire generation. After finally getting this set and building it, I instantly fell in love with it. There are some obvious flaws with it, mainly the various lose spikes that decorate him, but I still very much love this set. The extra matoran and trap are also pretty great. You get 4 sets in 1! That's amazing! If there was a pre-mutation karzahni set, that would probably have been my number 1 pick. But alas, we got weird mutant karzahni instead, and he's still pretty freakin sick.
    4. Tarakava
    The Tarakava was the first bionicle set I ever got. I was 9 years old, and they were the greatest things ever. This is what started it all for me. Nostalgia aside, they're still two of the coolest things we ever got. Two giant treaded lizard things that box? Oh yeahhhh. They still are some of the most fascinating looking things we ever got, and I still love playing with them some 14 years later.
    5. Makuta
    This was the first time we got the big bad, and this is definitely my favorite incarnation of him. Everything about this set just screams HEY IM A BAD DUDE WHO DOES BAD STUFF. I was so bummed when his mask in MOL was changed. The set form kraahkan is one of the coolest masks ever. I always loved this set, even though his legs are basically immobile. I still love it for what it is and visually, it's one of the coolest looking sets.
    6. Maxilos
    This is another obvious pick, and the only reason he isn't higher, is because of the nostalgia I have attached to the previous sets on the list. Maxilos rules and if you don't agree, I feel sorry for you.
    7. Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo
    I wanted to include the toa metru on this list somehow, and I felt choosing Lhikan was the best way to do this. The metru were my favorite toa we got in G1. Lhikan was probably the best metru build toa. His hau is awesome, and his twin swords are even more awesome. Kikanalo is also a really impressive piece. His build is sturdy and strong, and his custom built head is another one of the best ones we ever got. The two of the them together make for a quite memorable and awesome set.
    8. Lesovikk
    This is one of the few vehicle sets I currently own. I always really liked Lesovikk as a character, and I definitely always loved the set. Lesovikk himself is just a regular inika/piraka build, but I always liked him more than most other sets built in this style. His sea sled thing is awesome too. Mounted cordak blasters are always a plus.
    9. Krekka
    Most people seem to not like Krekka. I've always loved this set a lot. Despite the obvious lack of elbows, everything about his build and functions are just awesome. He looks super complex and robotic. This has always greatly appealed to me. I proudly have him on display and I always will. He's definitely one of the most fun builds I've ever put together.
    10. Takanuva
    For similar reasons as Lhikan, I chose Takanuva as a representative for the mata/nuva sets. It's where this all began, and I had to include that era of toa somewhere on this list. Takanuva is a fine choice, I think, with both his role as the coveted 7th toa and the inclusion of the ussanui in the set. The ussanui is pretty sick and was always one of my favorite looking vehicles. Takanuva himself just rules. It's hard to beat that gold avohkii. Nostalgia rush. MOL. Good memories. Happy times. Yay!
    Okay so that about does it. I purposely did not include anything from G2. The new generation of sets are honestly some of the best sets we ever got, but we still have several years to see where this will go. I am super hyped bionicle is back and I can't get over how great it's honestly been so far. All the issues aside, G2 bionicle rules and I can't wait for 2016!!
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