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Posts posted by MarkSurge9411

  1. 1: "Lower legs gappiyash"

    Yes, it gives off more of a skeletal look, which makes no sense.


    2: "Shoulders low and emptyish"

    Same as above.


    3: "Bow difficult to pose with"

    This is a problem with all three characters who have a bow like that. They're hard to pose.


    4: "Six-shooter hard to fire without a lot of elbow grease"

    I think this is great, so you don't accidentally shoot studs off if your hand slips.


    5: "Surprise Shadow Trap sucks Umarak main figure dry"

    Well, I won't be using said surprise, so it doesn't effect me.

  2. 1: "Hollow head"

    The hollow heads seriousley annoy me. I know why they did it, although I just don't like it.


    2: "Tail and wings attatched to pin, move easily"

    Is that a bad thing?


    3: "Large wings make it hard to display"



    4: "He makes for a cool combo character, but then you need to buy Lewa too"

    Like I said on the Lewa review, I agree with this. I wish the Uniters and Creatures were sold together.

  3. 1: "Technic design on the lower legs looks ugly"

    I actually love this design, I find it innovative and reminicist of certain G1 sets.


    2: "Hip swivel function is problematic"

    It what sense?


    3: "Two friction joints per leg make posing problematic"

    Over time, they become more, erm, cooprative, for lack of a better word. Plus, without these friction joints, it actually becomes harder to pose the sets, as the bones lose friction over time.


    4: "Weapons are positioned oddly"

    Agreed, if he ever were to get in to a sword fight, they'd be extremely awkward.


    5: "What's with the green spikes on his hands?"

    Those are parts of the handles of the weapons.


    6: "On his own, he's not very remarkable looking"

    I respectfully disagree with this. I think he's quite remarkable, with and without Uxar.


    7: "To form his cool Uniter mode, you need to buy Uxar"

    Yeah, I wish they sold the Uniters and Creatures together, just like Kopaka and Melum.

  4. For the cons:


    1: Visually messy

    Really? I personally found him aestheticly pleasing.


    2: Is Tahu red?? Or??

    I kind of agree with this, he doesn't have too much red on him, which is unfortunate. However if he were mostly red, it'd be extremely boring. In fact, that's a problem I have with the buildable Darth Vader and Kylo Ren. Consistent color scheme? Check. But that's about it.


    3: Very generic feeling

    Again, really? I feel he's actually quite unique.


    4: Bad chestplate

    Broken record, whatever, but really? I honestly like the chestplate.


    5: Relies on unity gimmik to create a cohesive character

    Personally, I disagree with this. I think he's cohesive with and without Ikir.

  5. On a totally different note: When does LEGO usually start showing off their winter wave sets?

    Around October, but that was for the Bionicle 2015 sets, so IDK. Although leaks come from early September to late November. However there's no doubt that Lego will have beefed up security now.

  6. Hewkii: Oh my god, Nuparu, I can't control the Garai anymore! We're all going to be crushed to death.


    Nuparu: Just take it off!


    Hewkii: You don't understand the gravity of the situation. Gravity Hurts!


    Nuparu: *sigh*

    A double pun? Really?!:P

  7. I'm talking about the canister sets.


    The canister sets lacked variation, there were only two new feet molds introduced with the Piraka, their legs were all the same, the torsos were all the same, their left arms sucked and the rubbery spines would limit posability.

    THANK YOU! Ugh, I absolutely despise the Piraka sets, they're just so, ugh.


    What's worse is that it took me ages to figure out who was who.



    "Perhaps not so much think the same, it kinda is like that on their boards, but the thinking the same part is definately showing through."



    Really? Where? Because I don't see it anywhere. Everyone there thinks different. Some people like Skull Scorpio (the set TTV has been the harshest on), some prefer other reviewers to LJ, etc. yet they don't say anything about that.




    Yet another set I like that no one else does. He doesn't deserve the hate he gets. He's pretty cool.


    I don't mind him, TBH. Heck, IMO he's better than Ekimu vs Kulta (gets booed off of the stage).

    This topic is no place for such discussion; in fact, there really isn't a place on BZPower as a whole for it as well. Toa Imrukii, I recognize your strong feelings on the matter, but continuing to start and engage in this sort of commentary is not the way to deal with them. It's not fair to anyone trying to participate in this thread.


    Please stay on the topic at hand, everyone.

    My apologies.


    Also, I thought you went inactive.

  9. "Perhaps not so much think the same, it kinda is like that on their boards, but the thinking the same part is definately showing through."



    Really? Where? Because I don't see it anywhere. Everyone there thinks different. Some people like Skull Scorpio (the set TTV has been the harshest on), some prefer other reviewers to LJ, etc. yet they don't say anything about that.

    • Upvote 1
  10. You know what I'm probably just over thinking it at this point, so y'know what, what ever happens, happens.



    Solek. Everything about Solek.

    Ah look what we have here, another one of TTV's brainwashed fans, SMH.

    I'm sorry if that seemed uncalled for, but the fact is that it seem as though that TTV wished to make all of their fans think and speak the same. Which is very much not right.

    The worst thing with bionicle for me is that alot of the fandom is very much hateful about CCBS, even though they don't even give a good alternative to CCBS.

    Completely uncalled for. Also, they do not force all their fans to speak the same, if they did, they'd delete all comments that disagreed with what they said. Heck, the comments you've made bashing them are still there.




    Solek. Everything about Solek.

    Ah look what we have here, another one of TTV's brainwashed fans, SMH.

    Okay, i'm super curious so i'm gonna ask, what made someone say solek? were they referring to personally or what, because i can't think for the life of me of any time when the majority of bionicle fans hated specifically him above all else. 0:

    and also out of curiosity, what the hapori did TTV have to say about solek that ties these two comments together?

    Mesonak (who is a part of TTV) has a grudge against solek, not for his mask, but for his build (even though every set that used the av-matoran build sucked equally) and so this has become a trend over at TTV, and (suspiciously) most or dare I say all of their fans have followed this, this is one of many examples of the social brainwashing of their fans. This (amongst other reasons) is why I was banned from their Message Boards, because I didn't think and speak the same as the rest of them, even though I was there from the beginning. This, is extremely bad. I am worried greatly about this, because I don't want a nazi-like one minded uprising of BIONICLE fans, this will be terrible for the community at large, and if this happens they will certainly do something to get themselves known in the publics eye, and then they will think that the bionicle community and lego are evil. We must NOT let this happen!

    I may be over thinking this, but I say you should better sure and safe than sorry. Because once (or if) this happens, we as a community will be powerless to do anything. That is why we must build our defences now as a community and prepare for such a thing to happen.

    We should stop speaking about this here, and perhaps begin a topic where we speak of TTV's faults.

    I'm sorry, but I laughed at this. You said the person who banned you hated CCBS, even though the TTV cast loves CCBS. If TTV wanted to make everyone think the same, would that really be someone they'd make a mod?


    Also they know that if they deleated my comments that their fandom and we here would be very upset with them, and even if they do say, ban me on youtube than I still win, because I stood my ground. I don't know what happened to them to believe in these things but I am suspicious of an underlaying force, perhaps TTV is some sort of puppet community, but now I just sound completely and utterly crazy-bonkers. All I am is highly suspicious of them, we will have to wait and see what happens with this.

    Believe me, I've seen many, many comments on their videos bashing on them (their choice to put the winter wave of 2015 as number one best wave of Bionicle, for example), and every single one of them is still there. As well as many other comments that bash on things they say or like. So to say that they want all their fans to say the same things is pretty ludicrous.

    • Upvote 1

    Solek. Everything about Solek.

    Ah look what we have here, another one of TTV's brainwashed fans, SMH.


    I'm sorry if that seemed uncalled for, but the fact is that it seem as though that TTV wished to make all of their fans think and speak the same. Which is very much not right.



    The worst thing with bionicle for me is that alot of the fandom is very much hateful about CCBS, even though they don't even give a good alternative to CCBS.


    Completely uncalled for. Also, they do not force all their fans to speak the same, if they did, they'd delete all comments that disagreed with what they said. Heck, the comments you've made bashing them are still there.




    Solek. Everything about Solek.

    Ah look what we have here, another one of TTV's brainwashed fans, SMH.


    Okay, i'm super curious so i'm gonna ask, what made someone say solek? were they referring to personally or what, because i can't think for the life of me of any time when the majority of bionicle fans hated specifically him above all else. 0:


    and also out of curiosity, what the hapori did TTV have to say about solek that ties these two comments together?

    Mesonak (who is a part of TTV) has a grudge against solek, not for his mask, but for his build (even though every set that used the av-matoran build sucked equally) and so this has become a trend over at TTV, and (suspiciously) most or dare I say all of their fans have followed this, this is one of many examples of the social brainwashing of their fans. This (amongst other reasons) is why I was banned from their Message Boards, because I didn't think and speak the same as the rest of them, even though I was there from the beginning. This, is extremely bad. I am worried greatly about this, because I don't want a nazi-like one minded uprising of BIONICLE fans, this will be terrible for the community at large, and if this happens they will certainly do something to get themselves known in the publics eye, and then they will think that the bionicle community and lego are evil. We must NOT let this happen!



    I may be over thinking this, but I say you should better sure and safe than sorry. Because once (or if) this happens, we as a community will be powerless to do anything. That is why we must build our defences now as a community and prepare for such a thing to happen.


    We should stop speaking about this here, and perhaps begin a topic where we speak of TTV's faults.


    I'm sorry, but I laughed at this. You said the person who banned you hated CCBS, even though the TTV cast loves CCBS. If TTV wanted to make everyone think the same, would that really be someone they'd make a mod?

    • Upvote 1


    In case there was still any doubt, now that we have an official map of the City of the Mask Makers from the mobile game, here's this.


    Sure looks a lot to me like bonehead city is shaped like bonehead (or voodoo head. or doo head. whatever you prefer) island.The arena is an eye (which is more apparent in the other art), the graveyard the nose and the forge the ever fire-belching mouth.


    If someone would know how to go about extracting the City map from the game at full resolution and without the game-relevant blips, that would be awesome.

    Wait, did the game actually update? And if so how do you get into the AC?


    Yep. You have to re-play the levels.


    OH COME ON!!


    *Sigh* I know what I'm doing tonight....

  13. In case there was still any doubt, now that we have an official map of the City of the Mask Makers from the mobile game, here's this.


    Sure looks a lot to me like bonehead city is shaped like bonehead (or voodoo head. or doo head. whatever you prefer) island.The arena is an eye (which is more apparent in the other art), the graveyard the nose and the forge the ever fire-belching mouth.


    If someone would know how to go about extracting the City map from the game at full resolution and without the game-relevant blips, that would be awesome.

    Wait, did the game actually update? And if so how do you get into the AC?




    Oh, Protector of Stone. Why can't we refer to them just as Protectors?


    No offense directed at you, but I couldn't help but giggle at this comment after so many months of hearing people on various sites ramble on about how titles like "Protector of Stone" and "Protector of Fire" could never take the place of proper names (which, for many people, meant nothing short of vaguely foreign-sounding gibberish).


    I'm getting better at remembering which names belong to which characters. I can't rattle the names off at the drop of a hat, but by now if you give me a few minutes to think I could come up with which names belonged to which Protectors. But they're certainly not as easy to keep track of as names or titles made up of familiar, meaningful words!


    I've already memorized them (without even trying all that hard).


    Nilkuu, Protector of Stone

    Vizuna, Protector of Jungle

    Kivoda, Protector of Water

    Narmoto, Protector of Fire

    Korgot, Protector of Earth

    Izotor, Protector of Ice


    The irony of it all is I suck at remembering people's names IRL XD.

  15. I want to start a story about my take on 2015, but I don't have any ideas for titles. Do any of y'all have any?



    Need 1 crucial answer about kopaka okoto, I'm planning on getting him in december but I am concerned about the stickers on his legs, do these stickers fit firmly or has anyone experienced the stickers trying to fall off. I havent decided if i want to apply the stickers on after getting him

    They stay on extremely well. 


    I think you'd probably just swap out the bone/rib pieces and the Skull mask.

    Eh... I think a bit more work than that is called for. Skull Slicer's color scheme and build both convey a skeletal look that we can probably assume wasn't what Slicer looked like when alive. Here's a MOC I made a while back of what Skull Slicer might have looked like, taking inspiration from the set itself as well as Ekimu (since I would assume an arena champion would have access to some of the best armor available at the time).


    Personally, I think that the additional arms are the result of being possessed by LoSS. I mean, Skull Spiders have four legs, yet the one that's used as Slicer's mask has none. And thanks to the book, we know these things are (most likely) organic, so I doubt that it was just an unused SS.


    Of course, that's just me.

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