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Posts posted by Bioghost1000

  1. The Darkest Days of men are over, but darker days still have yet to come. 


    Now that that's out of the way, Let's get rockin'!


    Name: Bianca Kain


    Codename: Onyx


    Age: 17


    Gender: Female


    Loyalties/Faction: None


    Morality: Chaotic Good


    Powers: She has superhuman strength, able to lift 200 tons. This strength can also be used to leap up to a half a mile. She is also nearly invulnerable to harm, able to withstand oncoming fire from a Gatling gun as well as a blast from a bomb. 


    Appearance: Standing at 7 feet, she is well muscled and tone, yet still retains a feminine figure. She is also seen with light tan skin and fiery red hair. Her hair is typically kept about an inch beyond shoulder-length as well as straight down and combed back. Her face is rather long and smooth, with aquamarine eyes, full lips, thin, high eyebrows that are shaped in such a way that she always seems to have a mischievous glance, and an angular nose. The lids of her eyes are often coated with smokey eye shadow and black eyeliner, which makes them pop even more. Her fingers are rather long, with black nails about 1/8th of an inch from her fingertips.


    Her costume is mainly black. It is a full body suit that typically consists of light fabrics for freedom of movement. She wears a full mask with no features, not even eyes. Only those that wear the mask can see through the fabric it is made of. She also wears a full fiery red wig, which goes down to the middle of her back and is integrated with her real hair. She also wears combat boots and a belt with an onyx gem at the center of the buckle. The belt is used to hold her rope.


    Weapons: She uses a tactile, black rope to catch enemies from a distance and to reach out of reach places.


    Skills: She is a skilled wrangler, wrestler, and jet pilot.  


    Personality: Calling her a party girl is a gross understatement, she is downright wild. To most people, she is seen to enjoy herself way too much. Even when fight crime and saving lives, she tends to go overboard. Often she will come up with scenarios to use her powers to the fullest extent, and that typically leaves needless collateral damage and body casts. She also has tendency to take unnecessary risks. Despite this though, she is not an adrenaline junkie, and she is capable to self-restraint. She just doesn't think her actions through at times. She also enjoys extreme sports.

    Weaknesses: Despite her invulnerability, she is not invincible. When she does get injured, it takes her 50 percent longer to heal from said injuries than the average person. Her personality also makes it difficult to work with her.


    Bio: Born into Grand Rapids, MI, she lived a happy-go-lucky life. That is, until her parents died from a car accident when she was 11. Put into foster care, she slipped into a deep depression that seemed endless. But all that changed when she met her lifelong friend, Kris Xenon, who taught her to throw herself in the moment and enjoy life. She did some experimentation with what interests her, and she instantly found extreme sports to her liking. By age 14, after about a year of living in the moment, she was adopted by a forensics analyzer named Mackenzie Kelson. It was a rough transaction, but she eventually warmed up to the idea that Ms. Kelson was her new mother. Shortly after that, while leaving a party, she noticed some weird activity a chemical plant not to far from her location. Without thinking, she went to investigate. She found that some thieves stealing a questionable substance. Unfortunately, when trying to get a closer look, the thieves discovered her and threw her into a vat of chemicals. She survived though, but her physiology was altered, giving her super strength and near invulnerability. It also increased her muscle mass and bone density. In no time, she learned about her new powers, and instantly, she wanted to become a superheroine. After buying a red wig and onyx belt, she created a black costume with a faceless mask. After her first attempt at crime fighting, she trashed a bank. The media began calling her the Infamous Onyx, and the name stuck. 

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  2. Name: Vittara

    Species: Toa of Lightning

    Gender: Female

    Power/Weapon 1: Elemental control over electricity

    Power/Weapon 2: Kanohi Kakama, the Mask of Speed

    Power/Weapon 3: Metal Claws that are silver in color

    Appearance: Appearing rather small and frail, she does not seem very threatening. But looks can be deceiving. What she lacks in strength, she more than makes up for in speed and agility. Despite her size, she does have an athletic figure. Like most Toa of Lightning, she covered in blue and white armor.

    Bio: Once part of a Toa team in the Northern Continent, she became a lone Toa after a falling out. She then wandered the Matoran Universe, fighting threats and defending villages as a Toa for hire. She came across many exotic and technologically advance places, from Metru Nui to Xia to the upper islands in the Southern Island chains. So, when she was abducted into Bionifight, she first though she was at another unexplored island in the Matoran Universe. She soon realized that she was in another place entirely, outside the Matoran Universe. Upon this discovery, she became pretty mad.

    Personality: A hard Toa to be with, she is rather critical of others, pointing out the flaws of their fighting styles and how they could improve upon them. This makes her seem condescending, but what few people realize is that she is just as hard on herself as she is to others. Despite this, she can be quite caring. She will often make sure everyone is okay before she ventures off to her next adventure. She is also very passionate about her viewpoints, which was the cause of tension between her former teammates and has been the cause of tension between her and the leaders of Bionifight. After her falling out with her team, she has kept mainly to herself. She doesn't talk about her past, believing that it is pointless to discuss. In her mind, what's done is done, and their is no changing it, so why discuss it? She has been completely opposed to this tournament, seeing it as not only a waste of time, but also a total disregard of freedom.

  3. IC: (Nartam) Back again. How many times have I come here? 4 times? 5? I can't even remember anymore. It will be dark soon. I should find some shelter before the nocturnal Rahi awake from their slumber. Not that I couldn't fight any of them off. Not that I cared if I got hurt in the process. But I'm weary from my last battle with the Rahkshi. I need to rest. I see the Tiro Canyon. That will make a good shelter for the night. I enter the Canyon, set up my tent and a fire, and prepare a small fish I caught earlier in the day. It wasn't much, but it would sustain me until I reached Po-Koro. I had my meal and put out the fire. Darkness soon fell upon me. Soon, despite my best efforts, I lost myself in sleep. Now I hate sleeping. When I sleep, I have nightmares, terrors that already haunt my every waking moment. The only difference is I can't distract it with the struggles of everyday life. It's like being forced to watch a Muaka maul an Ash Bear, eating it over and over and over again. I miserably tried to wake up, tried to end the nightmares, but I was so tired, and sleep was so welcoming. I didn't wake up until the sun was at it's highest point in the sky. I was half insane when I did. Packing my tent, slowly regaining my sanity, I left the cavern and headed to Po-Koro. My name is Nartam, and this is my story.


    OOC: Hello BPZRPG. Ready to begin.

  4. Name: Nartam

    Species: Toa

    Gender: Female

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Powers: Being a Toa of Stone, she has incredible strength and control over rock and sand. She can lift large boulders with ease and create structures of solid rock.

    Abilities: Outside of her powers, she has great endurance. She can literally fight for hours on end. She also is surprisingly agile and has a vast knowledge of survival techniques. She has spent years relying on her survival skills alone. She can successfully hunt and gather food, build shelters and weapons out of whatever she can find, and navigate using the position of the stars.

    Weapons: She wields two blunt staffs that are weighted on one of their ends. The weighted edges are made of hard steel, making them very good at breaking things whether it is rocks or armor. The handles of the staffs are wrapped in leather to reduce slippage. She is also known to carry a variety of makeshift knives and spears.

    Kanohi: Kanohi Kadin, the Mask of Flight

    Appearance: Tall and muscular, she is quite built for a woman. She still retains an hourglass figure. A beauty besides, her face is as smooth as a pearl. Like most Toa of Stone, the main color of her armor is brown. Hints of silver dot her armor, giving it an angelic glow. She wear a long, tan cloak, tattered and weathered due to her constant traveling. The cloak has a hood that covers her face. She typically keeps it open, revealing her armor.

    Personality: Once, she was a brave and confident warrior and hero. Now, she is an utter recluse. Wrapped in the guilt of the death of her team, she feels that there is no place for her. She will still defend villages and fight whatever Rahkshi or other threat that comes her way, but for the most part, she focuses only on survival. She is still a strong and cunning fighter, though. Her mind often comes up with several plans at once. This makes her an unpredictable opponent to face.

    History: One of most athletic Po-Matoran in Po-Koro, she was quite the Kohlii star. This led her to overestimate her skills and become arrogant. When she became a Toa, she believed her popularity would skyrocket. She did a lot of heroic feats in her village, but while they were greatly appreciated, they gave her the reputation of a glory hog. To change this, she answered the call of a Toa of Air on an expedition to find a powerful ancient weapon. However, it was cut short by a horde of twenty Rahkshi. At first, she and her Toa team met the threat head on. They took them all down but, she made a bad call that cost the lives of her fellow Toa. Feeling the guilt of her team's death, she buried them in their respective villages and became a wandering nomad. At first, she deliberately put herself in harms way, so that she could die and not feel the pain of her guilt. However, after she experienced a near death experience, she came to the realization that she doesn't want to die. So, she continue to wander Mata Nui, learning much needed survival skills and training herself to be a better fighter as she went along.

    Weaknesses: As with most Toa of Stone, she is unable to swim. Also, due to her lifestyle and isolation, she is rather poor at conversation and teamwork. Plus, wrapped it guilt, she doesn't care about the damages she suffers, seeing it as only minor compared to the pain she feels.

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