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Posts posted by Teridax16

  1. No I didn't use all the sets, but due to having to buy the sets new on eBay...ugh it ended up getting expensive, I tried first getting used sets, however most of the ball socket connectors would come cracked or broken on the ends. So I bought the sets new. Maxilos was $65,new teridax was around that same price, I had the other sets already though.

  2. Well to answer the questions,1. It only took a month because I had to order parts from sellers on eBay. Building time once I had all the pieces was actually two days to get it the way it is now.2. It would have been a spur if I didn't have to order the pieces I needed. 3.as far as functions, he has full posability and a couple different weapons I built for him, no actual action functions though.4. This would be a little pricy only because I needed a maxilos and spinax set, two makuta 8593 sets and an antroz set, inila hewkii, oh and some gunmetal armor parts that I believe came from hero factory.

    Oh and thanks for the feedback, I always like to have outside opinions on things.

  3. Here is the link,https://www.flickr.com/photos/131898077@N08/sets/72157653498987466 I uploaded it on flickr.,,

    I'm new to this site and forums in general, I apologize for making a new post, should have edited this one as I could tell after they locked the new post I did. I just want peoples opinion on this Teridax that took me a month to get right. So bare with me on this.


    Please tell me what you think if you view the pics!

    • Upvote 5
  4. Hey thank you guys for the feedback! I always appreciate criticism, helps me improve, your guy's MOCs are outstanding! You guys think I should remake the chest? I'll get a camera this time and upload several changes, then if you guys dont mind voting on which change looks best? That way I can get him as good as possible. I'll take pictures when he is up straight too, I did realize he looks hunched in those pics, but standing straight he isn't so bad.

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