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Posts posted by ComicGuy89

  1. Nice review, with loads of wonderful photos. The use of a blue background really pops.


    Honestly, despite all the Tahu reviews, I simply can't bring myself to dislike him. I can see where the criticisms are, when reviewers point out the incoherent design, the gaudy colours, the conflicting textures, etc.


    But I see him and I don't know what it is about him but he looks so good to me. He's in fact one of my favourite ones of the wave. I wish I had the skill of you reviewers to articulate exactly what I love about him, but I'm not so proficient.  :D


    I guess I can say that while the criticisms are valid, they don't affect my liking of this toy, at all, and hopefully I'll find the words to express why he pops out so much to me.

  2. I read the transcript, and it was quite illuminating. It is clear from the interview that LEGO is putting a lot of effort into trying to find out what works with Bionicle. I especially appreciated that he acknowledged the continuously evolving nature of the 2015 line, it demonstrates that they're willing to continue experimenting and refining the project to see what fits.


    It was a refreshingly honest and eye-opening interview. Can't wait for more from this team! 

  3. Despite being exposed to it as early as the Toa Mata days, I'm definitely one of the newer fans of Bionicle, so my first figure was Kiina 8987. I had wanted a Gali-type figure since the Mata days, and when I could finally afford a figure, Kiina seemed perfect.

  4. Like some of the posters here, I try to divide my pieces, but I'm not nearly as successful. :D I use a 5-compartment tub for the large pieces, and one of those small craft boxes that resemble tackle boxes for the smaller pieces and little Technic bits.


    I'm currently not sure what my plan for Bionicle 2015 is. Unlike my previous constraction figures, I just love these Toa too much to disassemble them yet. 


    I just wish there was more media to enjoy. I know it's the beginning of the first year, but a few side-story episodes would help.


    This is sort of my feeling as well. I've loved what story we've seen; I just wish there were more of it! A lot of the tidbits we've seen in descriptions of the story seem like they'd make a great foundation for new stories. Imagine Pohatu trying to hide his fear of the dark from the other Toa to try and keep up his appearance of fearlessness, and the Toa having to help him overcome that fear. Or Lewa getting mind-controlled by a Skull Spider and the other Toa having to free him. Or the Protector of Stone helping Pohatu to find the Golden Mask of Stone in the vast and treacherous deserts of the Region of Stone.


    Of course, part of the reason for these many story tidbits that haven't been used in the animations (and other details like the personalities of the Protectors that haven't even been addressed) might be to encourage kids to make up their OWN stories in the BIONICLE universe. One frequent criticism of story-driven LEGO themes like BIONICLE and Ninjago is that they are too scripted, having a strict official sequence of events instead of leaving room for fans to come up with their own adventures through imaginative play. So that might be part of what the 2015 BIONICLE story strategy is trying to address.


    Even the 2001 BIONICLE story kept things fairly open-ended compared to later years: we only ever got to see small snippets of the Toa's quest for the masks, which left plenty of room for fans to make up their own adventures to fill in the gaps. The 2015 story may be trying to emulate that more open-ended storytelling style. Certainly it doesn't seem so hung up on establishing a singular "canon", instead showing multiple versions of how the Toa obtain their Golden Masks of Power in the various comics and animations.



    I feel that's an extremely good point. What I enjoyed about Bionicle 2015 so far is that the island of Okoto is so open-ended, allowing anyone to just MOC away a character and imagine them being part of that universe. This really encourages imagination, and I enjoy that aspect immensely.

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  6. One thing I like about the new continuity is that the world is currently quite empty, and allows a lot of room for imagination. I could create random fan-characters and fit them in here and there somehow, without compromising the canon story. I feel this complements the LEGO focus on creating your own adventures and story, and I imagine if I was a kid, I'd be thrilled.

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  7. Hello everyone, my name is ComicGuy89, and it's nice to meet you all!


    I was first exposed to Bionicle way back in 2001 with the Toa Mata Nestlé Promo CD, but I didn't buy any toys back then because I spent more on computer games and things of that sort. My first Bionicle was actually nearly a decade later, with 8987 Kiina. I only really started to get into constraction in earnest with the Chima ultrabuilds and then with Hero Factory. So with G2 Bionicle, it's the perfect time to really dive in and see what it's all about!


    Again, nice to meet you all, and see you around!

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