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BronzeJet (I can FLY)

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Posts posted by BronzeJet (I can FLY)

  1. i just finished reading chapter three and i just felt like saying this


    I knew that bronze was going to die but when i was almost finished reading chapter two i almost cried because of it i am literally holding back tears as i am typing this.

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  2. i never said it would happen i just said that it would be cool something else that would be cool is if it was an actual self defence thing that he has but he calls it a shield of optimism

  3. Chapter Seven


    “I sea why you might think that” the stranger said “Eh eh sea what I did there?” “Why do you have to make puns?” Asked Scott “It would have been funnier if you had said I ocean why you might think that.” Said Carole. “Alright alright that's enough puns you two.” Said the stranger. “What's your name anyways?” Scott asked the stranger. “Quetzalcoatl.” Said the stranger. “I mean it’s not my real name but it is the end of the world isn’t it so who cares?”


    “I’ll call you Kukulcan instead” said Scott. “Oh my a history nerd.” Says Kukulcan while making jazz hands. “I’m going to call you Xolotl instead.” Says Carole. “Well let's go beat some zombie butt.” “Okay Okay but you do know Xolotl was Kukulcan”s brother right.” Said Scott. “Just like I said history nerd.” Says Kukulcan while they run down the hall to fight there way down the stairs.


    They were almost to the first floor when Scott stopped everyone. “Hey stop we need to stop.” “Oh and why is that.” Replied Kukulcan. “How did you get in here I mean I know this isn’t the best time but it has been bugging me for a while so just tell us plus the stairs are blocked by a door from here and we should take a break before charging them.” Asked Scott. “Yes well I guess you're right.” Said Kukulcan. “I just go around and fight as many of these darn things as I can. So, naturally I saw a horde and I tried to sneak up on them. I used the fire escape and then destroyed it so that I couldn’t back down and run away. I didn’t see any then I saw a door shut and found you guys. There you happy?” “Yes well I guess so I mean that is also the sanist that I have ever heard you so far.” Said Scott

    “Oh ya well screw you too man.” Said Kukulcan while he ran through the doors suddenly holding a shotgun and shooting at anything that moved. Scott looked over at Carole and handed her a pistol while he pulled out two pistols for himself and they ran through the doors shooting and filling the walkers with led instead of blood.



  4. Hello this is my second story so far if you want to see the first there is a link to it in my sig. This story is about a futuristic civil war and the parts the main character has to play in it. make sure to give me a character idea in the review topic. and by the way the last paragraph might be confusing so if you want me to explain it then just ask in the review topic.




    Chapter One: Pilot.


    The Soldier stared intently at his screen watching his radar. As he was about to check to main power grid something popped up. He quickly looked back at the radar. “I could’a sworn.” he said. The general noticing this walked over “What is it private?” He asked. “I thought I saw something pop up, but only for a second.” He responded. “It was probably a bird said.” the general “That or a glitch, get back to work private.” “Yes, sir.”


    Meanwhile in an unknown location. “Darn it. SCOTT WHAT WAS THAT!” Said Carole angrily. “Sorry” replied Scott. “I spilled some chow mein.” “Are you working from home again Scott?” Asked Carole. “Yes yes I am and it is quite relaxing might you ever want to try.” Scott responded maybe a little too calmly. “Well, just pay attention to the mission first then you can worry about your chow mein.” Replied Carole “Okay okay.” Said Scott.


    Above the base two drones were flying one at a safe height the other way to low. “I got eyes on Lavoshka” Said Scott. “Alright lets finish this mission and get home.” Responded Carole. “Okay I have a shot. Singling home base to be granted permission to fire.” Said Scott “Alright just make it quick okay.” Said Carole. “Okay” Replied Scott. “Base this is the All Seeing Eye Asking for permission to take out target?” Said Scott. “Permission…….Granted.” Replied a robotic voice from an unknown location.


    “Alright permission has been granted Scott…..Take the shot.” Said Carole. “Okay aiming aiming and target in my sights…” Scott said. There was the faint sound of a Laser Cannon and. “Mission accomplished. All Seeing Eye and Mrs. Cipher your have permission to eerh erhm return home.” Said the commander of the United States Of The Controlling Countries also known as the U.S.O.T.C.C.


    That was my favorite mission or at least it was, until I learned that everything I was doing for them was to control not only the north hemisphere but the earth as a whole. That was almost 13 years ago. In 3 years I would learn the truth. 5 Years after that I was 30 and not only was nicknamed the All Seeing Eye I was All Seeing. I could read the minds of the most important people in history. I learned to intervene when it was needed and when not to. That mission was 13 years ago. From that point in time it took my 12 years to learn everything needed and to stay in the shadows. It took my another year to learn that the world needed someone like me and I needed to make a choice. Of not only which side of an oncoming war would need me but which side deserved me. For I am Scott Williams and I am the leader of the All Seeing Eyes. Tomorrow I will need to make a choice. A choice that will change anything and everything.

  5. Chapter Six


    But did I? I thought to myself. I knew I could easily leave here by myself using the fire escape on the back of the building. I know I can’t trust a stranger but can I really just leave her to die here. “No” I said out loud and then I grabbed a knife and cut away the duct tape. It is better to have a friend than a foe in this world. I decided to not tape her hands she was going to need them to climb down the ladder. I quickly grabbed a few duffle bags and stuffed them with food and weapons. I slung a few assault rifles around my shoulders and then grabbed a sword and a machete. I tossed a pistol and a sword to the girl. “Come on this way.” I said quickly. As we ran up the stairs from the second floor to the sixth I asked her. “Hey before we die in this building I would like to know your name.” She responded saying. “How would we die? Oh… and my name is Carole.” “Well Carole.” I said. “We are going to die from having to run up four flights of stairs.” “Oh” She said. Clearly not noticing the sarcasm.

    “I need to stop.” Said Carole. “We need to keep moving though.” Replied Scott. “we need. TO! STOP!” She yelled. “Okay okay just be a little quieter hm.” *Five minutes later* “uuuuggghh” “What was that?” Said Carole as she glanced down the corridor that led to the next flight of stairs. “Sounds like a walker” Said Scott. Looking in the same direction. As he was speaking they caught the smell of rotting meat. “Yep that's definitely the walker horde.” Said Scott. They quikly ran into a room and shut the door. “Wait do you hear that?” Asked Carole after a moment of silence. “Yeah is...is that a person?” Said Scott “I think so” Responded Carole. Then someone came over and knocked on our window. Then slammed the butt of a shotgun against it shattering it on impact. They then stuck their head through where the window had been previously. “Helloooooo” They called out then they spotted us and said. “Well come on don’t be shy there are enough of these stinking things for everyone. We walked over to the door and opened it. We looked around to see the corpses of what looked like almost all of the walkers that were by the doors earlier. “Who are you?” Asked Carole. “Why that is no way to thank someone for saving their behinds. Oh wait what's that?” They asked starting to jump up and down very quickly. “Ross has been cured!” They exclaimed excitedly. Turning around I leaned over and whispered something to Carole. “I don’t think this guy is right in his head.”




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