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Posts posted by Hekabelle

  1. IC: Lureq and Kurakah


    "Neighbourly, hm? How quaint. Fine, fine. I am Lureq." The Onu-Toa introduced herself, hand on her chest. The bartender placed their drinks in front of them. Kurakah took a drink from hers, before being interrupted by a jab in her side. "Don't be rude, darling, introduce yourself."


    "Oh. Kurakah." The Fa-Toa stated, before going back to her drink. She wasn't really interested.


    "... So, Nyhrax. Tell us about yourself, hm? Surely you must have something interesting to say, if you were so intent on speaking with us." Lureq prompted, taking a sip if her own drink through a straw.

  2. IC: Lureq and Kurakah


    "Whilst that is an awfully nice gesture, I'm not entirely certain why I would allow a total stranger to buy my drink? I do believe one should at least know a persons name before buying or recieving beverages from them." Lureq denied the proposal, following on as Kurakah led the way to the bar.


    "Two sodas." The Fa-Toa asked of the bartender, placing down the required amount of widgets.


    "So, won't you tell us your name and whatever it is that you want?" Lureq prodded of the stranger Po-Toa, head tipped.

  3. IC: Lureq and Kurakah


    "Fufufufu, now, isn't that better?" Lureq leered, still holding onto Kurakah's arm. "Now, if you have business with us then won't you accompany us inside? We were going to acquire some refreshments." She tugged on Kurakah's arm, and the pair went in past the stranger.


    "Hm." Kurakah made a vaguely affirmatory sound.

  4. IC: Lureq and Kurakah


    Lureq came to a halt, grabbing Kurakah's elbow. The pair peered up at the newly-appeared Po-Toa, heads tipped to the side.


    "Ohoho? A stranger come to make conversation from the rooftops? Pray tell, dear, why don't you come down to ground level where you can speak to us properly, with no craning of our respective necks, hm?" Lureq grinned as much as her mouthless mask would allow, beckoning. "Or even accompany us into the tavern, if you wish to be truly congenial, for I do not wish to linger here in the doorway."


    Kurakah turned her focus from the stranger to her waifish companion. She wondered if the endless words were a way to discourage people she didn't like from making conversation. Or a way of weeding out those without the stomach for her shenanigans. The Fa-Toa merely contributed a "Hm." To the conversation, deciding, as was usual, to follow her companions lead.

  5. IC: Lureq


    Well, this group was boooring. But, they had successfully made it to Po-Koro without getting lost again, so she didn't need to interact with them any more! She waved a hand vaguely in goodbye, eyes scanning the crowds before she spotted the person she was looking for-- a tall, proud-looking Toa of Magnetism littered with the scratches of a hundred battles.


    "Hello, dearest!" She called in a sing-song tone, bouncing over to the much taller woman. The other Toa inclined her head to the dramatic little waif.


    IC: Kurakah


    "Did you find it?" She rumbled. Lureq shook her head.


    "The sands probably ate it by now. Alas, I was unsuccessful! Woe, I am besides myself with despair!"


    Kurakah put a hand on Lureq's shoulder. "Stop making a scene. It was just a tablet. We'll get you a new one. Come, I'll buy you a drink." The pair wandered off to a tavern, Lureq soliloquising about her assorted woes as they did so.


    OOC: open for interaction!

  6. IC: Lureq


    Lureq refrained from doing her usual anime villain laugh at Ilyen's verbal barbs. True to form, she wasn't going to continue talking to him-- she'd explained herself adequately in her opinion, so why bother?


    Alas, it seemed everyone else had resolved not to share any form of conversation with the spoooooky stranger, because clearly they were on top-secret business that could bring ruin to all of creation if anyone heard what they were doing! Or some such nonsense, anyway.


    She yawned. "Friendly bunch, aren't you? Then again, cautiousness is justified out in this dust heap, so. Can't really object, hm?"


    "Ooo!" She poked at Arvas. "Now there's some critical thinking! Well done, I'd almost given up!"


    "Kukukuku! Don't worry! I won't bother you much longer. I'll vanish once you're in a populated area-- with such a top-notch navigator, you think you'd be glad of the supervision!" Oh, and there was the gate! "Speak of the devil, hm? Now was that truly so unpleasant?"

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  7. IC: Lureq


    Violet eyes alighted upon the Toa of Plasma that now chose to enter the conversation. She nodded congenially.



    "I know nought but your names, thus far-- and I am called Lureq. That places us on equal footing. You may ask anything you wish of me, but know that for whatever you ask I will ask in return! Fair, hm?"


    The Earth Toa looked back to Ilyin, rolling her eyes. "One person having a problem means the group has a problem-- or do you not know what group means? Not a gathering of friends, clearly..." She scoffed, cackling internally at how much information people gave away just but nattering aimlessly.


    "And suuuure they do! And honestly, how can you judge me for being on my way from yonder dune--" Here, she gestured at a peak some distance away, "--When you associate was in trouble? I have no powers of speed or flight-- unless, of course, you've not been as aware of my location as you say, and you mearly bluster? Fufufufu... but I'm done talking to you, you're all steam. Judge judge judge, bluster bluster bluster! Boring. I will talk to the polite one. You will need to break out your manners if you're to get any more from me!" And with that she twirled away from Ilyin, turning her focus back to Arvas.


    "A funny group, all snapping and snarking! Are your lot always like this?" She teased lightly.

  8. IC: Lureq


    "Ufufufufu... Any group that has a member pass out from heat and dehydration is, by definition, unprepared! Perrrrhaps you personally are prepared for this eventuality... But your group sure isn't." Lureq tapped at her mouth, head tipping back and forth once again. "And maybe I was deciding whether or not to allow you to alight your gaze upon me, hm? I do not afford everyone that privilege!" The Toa placed her hand upon her chest.


    "Kukukuku... I kid, of course. I'm just skittish! I like to keep as hidden as is possible until I work up my courage... Even if the shadow is unavoidable!" She chuckled behind her hand. "You'd be surprised how many people don't notice it!"


    "But sun-baked? How rude! Goodness gracious, what a thing to say! I am but a friendly passer-by, keeping a watchful eye out! But I understand suspicion-- I will not hold it against you. If you trust not my words, then my actions will prove I mean no harm!"

  9. IC: Lureq


    "Ufufufufu... Me oh my, what a predicament! Well, best put a spring in your step before the juice runs out, hm? Heehee! That's some mistake, winding up out here on your way to Ta-Wahi! I think I'd best stay close by, lest you get lost again!" Lureq clapped her hands together as though the matter was settled.


    "I am called Lureq. Who are you and your group?" She asked the Fe-Toa with a slow blink.

  10. IC: Lureq


    The Fe-Toa nearly dropped his guitar in his surprise, and Lureq chuckled. She flipped her hand dismissively at his question, glancing away as though to demonstrate her total lack of interest in that line of enquiry.


    "I asked first, dearie! I mean, a gaggle of people, out in the desert, but obviously as unprepared as can be! How could such an event have transpired, hm? What are you hoping to accomplish out here?"

  11. OOC: interacting with Rahkshi Hunters (first post, here we go!)


    IC: Lureq


    It wasn't often that you found groups just wandering around in the desert, but a woefully unprepared gathering appeared to be doing just that. Lureq watched, hidden by the power of her Volitak. She scampered around behind them for a time, sizing them up, before sidling up so she was a small way in front of them-- close enough for a conversation but not close enough to risk herself should things turn out less than congenial. Lureq liked to account for every possibility.


    She switched off the power of her mask, appearing before the group, arms folded.


    "My, my, my... Now what are you all doing way out here?" She purred, head tipped.

  12. #1

    Name: Lureq


    Species: Toa of Earth


    Gender: Female


    Description: Short and lithe, Lureq is "petite" in every sense of the word. Her armor is a deep inky black, with dusky purple peeking out betwen the plates. Her eyes are sharp and violet.



    Powers and/or weapons: Moderate "earthbending" ability, the powers granted by her Kanohi Volitak, a natural talent for acrobatics, and retractable Claw-Guantlets. Being an Earth Toa she is moderately strong, but not to the standard common to others of her kind.


    Technological items: None


    Weakness(es): Lureq relies on stealth and dirty tactics-- she doesn't do so well when challenged head-on.


    Alignment: TBA


    History: TBA


    Personality and traits:

    * An opportunist-- Lureq loves ambush tactics and easy marks.

    * Foul-tempered.

    * Nasty sense of humor.

    * Quick to flee or turn-coat at the first sign of trouble.

    * Sees herself as a noble and practical ambush predator.

    * Greedy.

    * Massively dramatic-- behaves almost like a caricature (because people don't take such characters seriously.)



    Name: Kurakah


    Species: Toa of Magnetism


    Gender: Female


    Description: Kurakah is tall and strongly built, with a large amount of gunmetal armor plating covering most of her form. What little of her that isn't armored is charcoal, and her eyes are red. She wears a Kanohi Pakari, and there are little scratches and scars scattered across her body.


    Powers and Weapons: Kurakah wields a tremendous protosteel warhammer. Her power over magnetism grants her some ability to manipulate metal, and she can fly by lifting her own armor. Her mask grants her great strength.


    Weaknesses: Kurakah is not particularly flexible, and she is often outmatched when it comes to speed. She also takes things at face value, often missing subtle clues or hints.


    Alignment: TBA


    History: TBA


    Personality and Traits:

    * Blunt and straightforward.

    * Has a tendency to just barrel through things without looking for more subtle options.

    * Overly-logical; assumes others come to the same conclusions as herself, and doesn't account for emotional reactions or motivations.

    * Long-suffering when it comes to Lureq's particular brand of drama.

    * Efficient.

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