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Awesome Guy

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Posts posted by Awesome Guy

  1. The way that people watch TV has changed a lot in the past ten years because of the rise of streaming services, especially for children. No cartoon is getting over a million views regularly anymore. And Ninjago in particular gets very little advertisement on Cartoon Network when it airs new episodes, which is the only time it airs.

  2. Well, he was physically aged forward by a few years back in season 2. Strictly speaking, he should have already gone through puberty by now, and his voice should be....




    I know why! Hands of Time! Going up against the Time Twins, the Elemental Masters of Time, and their time blades. One of them could use the Speed Up Time Blade on Lloyd, and age him further in a matter of seconds, thus pushing him to the end of puberty and into full adulthood, accounting for his voice finally getting deeper.


    I solved it first. :) I call dibs.

    I can tell you for sure it doesn't happen in Hands of Time. 


    My predictions are:


    1. It's never mentioned, like Garmadon getting a new face.

    2. It's mentioned as a joke once.

    3. Time-skip between seasons, ninja are finally in their twenties, and Lloyd's vocal cords finally decides to catch up to his body.

  3. Ayy been a while since I've last posted here. 


    Recently, Jillian Michaels, whom has voiced Lloyd for the past five years, announced on her Instagram account that she is being replaced as Lloyd for a male voice actor, because the script is going in a "different direction".




    Curious what this "different direction" will be.. puberty?

    • Upvote 1
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Gagmadon?! High School, there are in there 20s, not high school.... PLEASE DONT LEAVE TO BE THIS NINJAGO... STAY A TV SHOW!!!

    Actually we don't know how old they are but the writers have that they're teenagers, and Kirby Morrow (Cole's voice actor) said Cole was 14 in an interview in 2012 (he's probably older now because of the time skip between Season 2 and Rebooted).

  5. Is your source verified?

    This seems inaccurate because below it the website gives a synopsis of seasons 1-2 quickly?

    Also what is the point of this topic to discus the movie?

    I kinda feel like I just completely attacked your topic so please don't take it the wrong way

    No problem, but I think a topic to discuss the new movie is necessary compared to making multiple threads about it or none at all. I think the site's pretty accurate since it says that added by Warner Bros. and that looks like an official poster. The first synopsis (the bottom one) might just an early description. 

  6. http://www.movieinsider.com/m12086/ninjago/production#plot





    Ninjago is the story of six young ninja tasked with defending their island home, called Ninjago. By night, they’re gifted warriors, using their skill and awesome fleet of vehicles to fight villains and monsters. By day, they’re ordinary teens, struggling against their greatest enemy: high school. 



    Looks like it's gonna be in an alternate continuity. I... really don't like the idea of them being in high school.. <_<

    • Upvote 2
  7. Since it looks like this summer we're getting some past enemies, I think it looks like they're closing the story. But on the other hand, since there's that movie (and apparently a sequel?) coming out, we won't be saying bye to the characters just yet. Since the movie's not connected to the show, I guess they're starting from scratch. Do you guys think they're rebooting, or if the show'll still continue alongside the movies?

    • Upvote 1
  8. For a while, I was confused about Lloyd's element(s) worked, because I assumed Green Power was supposed to be his form of Creation, or a less powerful form of Golden Power, his true Creation. But now I think Energy/Power is just a separate, but related, extremely powerful element. Like, the missing fifth element of Creation. Garmadon and Wu have the four elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Earth, and when together in balance, they create Creation. But Lloyd, in addition to the four, also inherited Power, and combined with the other elements, and his True Potential, he unlocked Golden Power, the First Spinjitzu Master's stonger form of Creation.


    So, basically:




    Fire+Ice+Lightning+Earth+Green Power/Energy=Golden Power 




  9. Compared to the other ninja, he doesn't really stick out much. Like, all of their schtics are pretty easy to narrow down. Kai is hot headed and cocky, Jay is funny and inventive, Zane is stoic and intelligent, and Cole is tough and likes food (okay, I had trouble figuring out his thing tbh). Of course, that's not all there is to them though. But Lloyd is... the destined Green Ninja? I can't really describe his personality. The most I could say is he's a nice guy. Most of the focus is on his cool powers and not Lloyd himself. I like him, and I feel like he has some potential to him (a true potential you could say, heh), but I can't help but feel he's a bit of a Gary Stu.


    What do you guys think about Lloyd?

  10. Jaya forever, yo. Cole and Nya came out of nowhere, and was kind of dumb. The whole thing was dumb. Nya is probably the dumbest part of the whole thing for letting a machine tell her who she should be with :P.

    • Upvote 2
  11. Part 3

    Before the end of Lloyd’s first year, Garmadon finally snaps, and attempts to take the weapons. A battle between brothers ends with Garmadon being struck by divine lightning summoned by the protection spell on Wu's gi. Garmadon's true corrupted form is revealed, and he then falls down to the Underworld. Misako stays at the monastery for about a year, and one night while carrying Lloyd she walks past the Golden Weapons, and they glow green. She saw this, and then realized that her son is the destined Green Ninja. Days later, she decides to leave to find a way to stop the final battle, and leaves the monastery with Lloyd. All that she told Wu was that she was going to find a way to "fix things". She kept in contact with Wu briefly, and visited him a few times with Lloyd. When Lloyd is 4, after debating it with Wu, she makes a very difficult decision: to enroll him at Darkley's Boarding School. After this, she pretty much disappears, dedicating herself to preventing a battle between father and son. There Lloyd stayed, until he was kicked out at 10 years old. [Lloyd is an immortal like his father and uncle, but aged at normal pace at first because of Misako being mortal. From 4, he would’ve started aging slower, but because of being in school, around normal kids, he aged like them, and never really knew any other way. This is why Misako isn't too surprised when she meets him in teen form. She figured he just matured quick. This is the same assumption that Garmadon made when he first saw his older form in "Wrong Time, Wrong Place".]

    Meanwhile, Wu, now having lost his family, falls into a depression, and his self-blame and emotional scars all come together and he ages into a middle aged man in only 4 years. After having his time to grieve, he resolves to hide the Golden Weapons. He leaves the map with an old friend, the Master of Fire, whom was now a blacksmith. He trained himself alone for some time to regain his inner harmony. A decade after Garmadon’s turn, Wu, now a wizened elder, decides it is time to gather together the four destined ninja, and train them to fight his brother, the dark lord.


    And to end this, a quick timeline of how I think the history goes:


    So, here's a timeline (BSW=years Before Serpentine War) (ASW=years After Serpentine War):

    10,000 BSW- The First Spinjitzu Master creates Ninjago. The Overlord forms and fights with the FSM, and Ninjago is split.

    6000 BSW- Garmadon and Wu are created/born.

    *between*- FSM finds worthy people to hold the elemental powers.

    4000 BSW- Garmadon is bitten by the Great Devourer, a snake that goes on to be worshipped by the Serpentine.

    *between*- The grown Great Devourer is defeated by the humans of Ninjago. It is then sealed underneath the

    Ourobouros. Tensions between man and snake rise.

    More than 200 BSW- Masters of Lightning and Wind leave the Alliance, and have a family.

    Less than 200 BSW- Captain Soto and his crew perish at sea when the Destiny's Bounty crashes.

    *between*- A sea on Ninjago dries up and becomes known as the Sea of Sand.

    33 BSW- The FSM, sensing his time must come to end soon, gives up his immortality.

    18 BSW- Misako is born.

    *between*- Zane is built.

    12 BSW: Morro is born.

    3 BSW- The FSM declares his sons Sensei and leaves to his final resting place. He passes in peace.

    *between*- The bros meet Misako and fall in love with her. Garmadon decides to train with Chen. Wu meets Morro.

    1 BSW: Morro leaves Wu to find the FSM's tomb.

    0 BSW: The Serpentine War happens. Chen and Clouse are banished to an island, and Anacondrai Generals are cast into the Cursed Realm.

    4 ASW: Garmadon and Misako marry.

    *between*- Chen founds Master Chen's Noodles.

    8 ASW: Morro dies in the Caves of Despair.

    22 ASW: Cole is born. Dr. Julien dies, and Zane's memory is erased.

    23 ASW: Kai and Jay are born.

    24 ASW: Nya is born. Master of Water dies.. somehow.

    28 ASW: Lloyd is born. Garmadon turns and is banished.

    29 ASW: Misako finds out Lloyd is the Green Ninja. She and Lloyd leave the monastery.

    32 ASW: Misako leaves Lloyd at Darkley's.

    *between*- Wu hides the Golden Weapons.

    34 ASW- The Master of Fire dies..somehow.

    38 ASW- The series begins. Season 1-2.

    40 ASW- Season 3-4.

    41 ASW- Season 5.


    And.. done. What do you guys think?

    ...Glorious, glorious theory.


    This makes sense of just about everything...



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  12. Since this section seems kinda inactive, I decided to post this new theory I made, which I first posted on the LEGO Messageboards. tumblr_inline_nn1s4kTM8C1tr1fnr_500.png  


    Part 1

    So, Garmadon and Wu are the sons of the First Spinjitzu Master. Considering the First Spinjitzu Master was essentially nigh omnipotent, considering he created an entire world, it's very likely that he was not just extremely long lived, but immortal. But, he clearly seems to have "aged" as he not only looks old during the time when Garmadon and Wu are children, but he eventually meets his end sometime before the First Serpentine War. So, how about instead of the Master and his family just simply aging slowly..... they age based on their mental maturity and/or necessity? Basically what this means is that the brothers and their father do not age because of natural biological reasons, but because of their own maturity. Thus, they become the age that they feel they are. When the First Spinjitzu Master made Ninjago he appeared to be a young man. After some millennia, the weight of being responsible for a whole world caused him to become older, given him a more wizened appearance. But, becoming older doesn’t mean weaker, he and those like him could remain as physically capable as in youth.


    Garmadon and Wu inherited his immortality, and thus have probably been around for...either more than half of or most of Ninjago's history. The First Spinjitzu Master, wanting his own family, he chose to make two sons with his own power. Thus, with his Golden Power, he made two baby boys, both having the power of Creation within them. The aged from baby to toddler and toddler to child at very slow rates, because the only people they were around much were their father and each other at the monastery. They were probably already over a millennium (a thousand years) or two when Garmadon was bitten. After that, they slowly aged from children to preteens, then preteens to teenagers, so they could start protecting the land as their father did.


    While Garmadon and Wu were growing up, the FSM decided that he and his sons would not be able to protect Ninjago alone, and decided to give elemental powers to the most worthy people. He chose four people to bear the elements of creation: Fire, Earth, Ice, and Lightning. Deciding that perhaps it would be best to have more, he gave the secondary elements, each derived from the original four in some way, to more people he deemed as worthy. He gave them immortality like his own, and they assembled to become: The First Elemental Masters!


    Part 2

    While the First Spinjitzu Master, his sons, and the Elemental Masters were immortal and immune to old age, they could still fall victim to things such as mortal wounds or disease. They were also able to, if they wish, revert to mortals and live the rest of their lives. After thousands of years, and about two centuries before the series, the first Elemental Masters to do this were the Wind and Lightning Masters. They decided to settle down with each other and have a family. Their children inherited their elements (only the First Master’s family could inherit immortality) but each could only have one dominant element, with the other parent’s becoming a recessive trait. [This is why Jay was able to use Wind once, and why Chen didn’t need Nya and Morro for the spell: Kai and Jay had Water and Wind, respectively, deep within them]


    Many, many years later, and before the Serpentine War, some things happen. The First Spinjitzu Master, sensing that his time on Ninjago must soon come to the end, gives up his immortality. He spends his last 30 years training Garmadon and Wu into Sensei and entrusts them with guarding the four weapons, then leaves to create his final resting place and then pass away peacefully. Around this time, about 43 years before Season 5, they meet Misako, and being physically and mentally in their late teens, they both fall for her. Garmadon, wanting a darker guidance, goes to train with Master Chen, a friend who was involved with the Master of Amber. There, he trades in his Sensei title and becomes a Lord. Meanwhile, Wu decides to teach children the way of the ninja and discovers the descendant of the Master of Wind, Morro. After Morro leaves to find his father’s tomb (and never returns), Wu writes a letter to Misako declaring his love, which is intercepted by Chen, and Garmadon writes his signature on it. After receiving the letter, Misako, whom was so moved by the incredible words that surely came straight from the heart of the writer, chooses Garmadon over Wu.


    3 years later, the Serpentine War happens. Because of Chen’s deception and Clouse’s magic, the Alliance is fractured beyond repair. In the aftermath of the war, the Masters go their separate ways, and choose to become mortals with families. Garmadon and Wu remain as the last of the alliance. A few years later, Garmadon and Misako marry, and at this point he and Wu have grown into young adults because of their experiences in the war. Around 30 years after the Serpentine War, and 10 before the series, Garmadon and Misako give birth to child: the boy is named Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. "Lloyd" as in "grey", in honor of his grandfather, whose hair was grey in his later years. "Montgomery" as in "the wealthy man's mountain", for he was born in the First Spinjitzu Master's monastery on the Mountain of Impossible Height. And "Garmadon", for the ancient ways where a child's surname was their father's first.


    • Upvote 2

    If you look closely, Zane's reflection clearly didn't have wrinkles like the other ninja's, so he probably meant more... mature?As for Garmadon and being a ghost in the Cursed Realm, maybe it has something to do with consent. Like, you have to agree to become a ghost and just being sent there doesn't do it automatically. So, Garmadon, Chen, and Clouse must have said no to becoming the Preeminent's ghost slaves, and they were locked up for eternity. Morro probably made a "deal with the devil" and upon his demise he went there and became a ghost. The Anacondrai Generals might have agreed to become ghosts too.So... ways to go ghost:1. Sell your soul while alive. (Morro)2. If banished there, agree to become the Preeminent's slave. (Anacondrai Generals)3. Be in Yang's temple at sunrise. (Cole, Yang's students, Yang(?))4. However Yang died (?)

     Alternatively, it's possible that if you're sent to the cursed realm you remain alive but age and die just like you would in Ninjago, and become a ghost afterward. That would explain the difference between the Anacondrai generals (who were ghosts by the time we next saw them outside the Cursed Realm) and Lloyd, Garmadon, Chen, and Clouse — the duration they were in the Cursed Realm.

    But, shouldn't Garmadon, Clouse, and Chen have starved to death by the time of Season 5?

  14. If you look closely, Zane's reflection clearly didn't have wrinkles like the other ninja's, so he probably meant more... mature?


    As for Garmadon and being a ghost in the Cursed Realm, maybe it has something to do with consent. Like, you have to agree to become a ghost and just being sent there doesn't do it automatically. So, Garmadon, Chen, and Clouse must have said no to becoming the Preeminent's ghost slaves, and they were locked up for eternity. Morro probably made a "deal with the devil" and upon his demise he went there and became a ghost. The Anacondrai Generals might have agreed to become ghosts too.


    So... ways to go ghost:


    1. Sell your soul while alive. (Morro)

    2. If banished there, agree to become the Preeminent's slave. (Anacondrai Generals)

    3. Be in Yang's temple at sunrise. (Cole, Yang's students, Yang(?))

    4. However Yang died (?)

    • Upvote 1
  15. When you first started out, I was assuming you were just going to repeat the same theory that I've seen two or three times on here, the one that suggests Lloyd carries that same long lifespan, and so his "childhood" lasts longer than it should for a normal being. That would explain why the age acceleration in one of the episodes only seemed to age him to his mid/late-teens, rather than a young adult, like the other Ninja.


    Even so, your theory still seems rather plausible, and it hereby receives the Shadow Proclamation of Approval. :P Well-done.

    Thanks! But actually I think the ninja are also in their mid/late teens. I think it'd make more sense that if the Tea turned the ninja to their original ages, that it would turn Lloyd into an average of all their ages combined.


    I'd say the ages of the ninjas are (from the pilot to Season 2):


    Kai: 15

    Jay: 15

    Cole: 16

    Zane: (forever 16-18)

    Lloyd: 10 (physically 15.75)


    And then everyone is two years older from Rebooted and onwards.

    • Upvote 1

    I have a theory about Garmadon and Wu's age:[/size]



     In the beginning of the series, things were pretty simple. Garmadon and Wu are, like, really old, because they're the sons of the creator of the world, and a long time ago they fought and bla bla bla, Garmadon was cast down to the underworld. But the theme continued (yay!), and things started becoming confusing when Lloyd was introduced. Lloyd is clearly a young boy when he's introduced. Maybe around 10 or so. THEN, we find out about Garmadon's origin. As a child he was bitten by a seemingly very young and small Great Devourer, a snake that was worshipped by the Serpentine in the days of old. Which supports the idea that the brothers are still pretty old. [/size]


       In addition to the Lloyd problem, another problem arose in the middle of Season 2. That problem's name is....Misako. Misako seems to be close to the age of what Wu and Garmadon [/size]look[/size] like they are, and since she is a normal human, she's probably around..56 when she's introduced. While she's kind of old it isn't anywhere near impossible for her to have a son Lloyd's age. She could have had him in her mid 40s. So, she isn't much of a problem, and neither is Lloyd, if we assume this.[/size]


    So, let's go back to the Sensei Bros and look at their appearances. Garmadon and Wu look pretty old right? Of course, not TOO old, or they wouldn't be able to do as much cool stuff as they do. So.. let's say the current age of their [/size]BODIES [/size]is around 58-60. Even people as long lived as them get old eventually, as their deceased father would show. Now, let's get to REAL problem. In the mini episode, "Battle Between Brothers" we see a young Garmadon and Wu. At this time, they look like they're in their twenties or late teens at this point. This was the big moment where Garmadon was banished, and he would not be seen again till the series started. Lloyd HAD to be born before this, no ifs, ands or buts. So, in 10 years time, Garmadon and Wu went from young men, to old dudes. Odd, right? Well, it gets odder. [/size]


    The two both fought in the First Serpentine War. Given the presence of a brown haired young Misako, it couldn’t have happened a very long time ago, so it’s safe to say that the war happened about...40 years before the Tournament of Elements. Misako would be about 18 at this time. Garmadon and Wu both look pretty much exactly the same as they would later during their battle, except that Garmadon isn’t pale or permanently red eyed. So, we know for sure that Garmadon and Wu had looked young for a long time before turning old in a very short time. In the old picture we see of the bros and Misako in “The Day Ninjago Stood Still”, Garmadon has gone pale and red eyed already, Wu is exactly the same still, and Misako is wearing glasses and her hair is lighter, so she was the only one aging at that point. So, the time this picture was taken is very close to the time he was banished. So, the two became a lot older in 10 years, which wouldn't be a lot in their long lives right? Why, you might be asking? Well, the ANSWER (theory) that I've thought of IS........[/size]


    Let’s talk about their father. The First Spinjitzu Master lived for, like, practically forever! He was around since the beginning of the world of Ninjago, and even before that, and if Ninjago is thousands of years old, he is even older. But, as we know, even he eventually grew old, and passed. He possessed the Golden Power, which made him practically omnipotent. So, because of it his aging was super slowed down. When Garmadon and Wu are kids (let’s say they’re 8-10), he’s already pretty old. He looked similar to the brothers’ appearances now, so a few thousand years had passed since he created Ninjago already by the time he made them since he looked young when he made it. I theorize that to create two beings that were like him, his power was divided between them. Thus even though they have the element of Creation, they can’t make something from nothings , but they can summon an elemental dragon. This also had the effect of making their natural lifespan not as long as his but still pretty long. [/size]


    But, the Golden Weapons, present in the monastery they lived in, reacted to relatives of the Master in a special way. They lengthened the bros lifespan! It slowed down their aging to be more like their father’s! Thus little Garmadon and Wu aged up to young adults, and they remained as such for thousands of years. Alongside their father (and maybe even ancient Elemental Masters (ancestors of the ones we see during the First Serpentine War), they fought many great enemies, including the Skulkin! But eventually their father passed away in the tomb he made for himself, and 10 years before the show, Garmadon would finally lose his long battle with the venom of the Great Devourer and be struck down by his brother. Knowing he would return some day, Wu took the weapons and hid them. But without the weapons close to them, the brothers aged to older forms. Don’t worry though, they live extremely long naturally. Wu will be around for a good long while.[/size]


    I first posted this on the Lego message boards, and I decided to post this here since this looks like a cool place for LEGO fans. So, what did you guys think of it? How much sense does it not make? Too farfetched?[/size]

    First of all, welcome to BZPower! You seem like an awesome guy. ;)


    Anyway, this theory is pretty decent. I don't know if it's all that accurate, considering I don't know if the actual writers of the story ever put quite that much thought into it. But in any case, this theory does a decent job of patching up the plot holes.


    Thanks! Yeah, I don't think that the writers thought that much about it either, I just think it's fun to try to piece things together.

  17. I have a theory about Garmadon and Wu's age:


     In the beginning of the series, things were pretty simple. Garmadon and Wu are, like, really old, because they're the sons of the creator of the world, and a long time ago they fought and bla bla bla, Garmadon was cast down to the underworld. But the theme continued (yay!), and things started becoming confusing when Lloyd was introduced. Lloyd is clearly a young boy when he's introduced. Maybe around 10 or so. THEN, we find out about Garmadon's origin. As a child he was bitten by a seemingly very young and small Great Devourer, a snake that was worshipped by the Serpentine in the days of old. Which supports the idea that the brothers are still pretty old.


       In addition to the Lloyd problem, another problem arose in the middle of Season 2. That problem's name is....Misako. Misako seems to be close to the age of what Wu and Garmadon look like they are, and since she is a normal human, she's probably around..56 when she's introduced. While she's kind of old it isn't anywhere near impossible for her to have a son Lloyd's age. She could have had him in her mid 40s. So, she isn't much of a problem, and neither is Lloyd, if we assume this.


    So, let's go back to the Sensei Bros and look at their appearances. Garmadon and Wu look pretty old right? Of course, not TOO old, or they wouldn't be able to do as much cool stuff as they do. So.. let's say the current age of their BODIES is around 58-60. Even people as long lived as them get old eventually, as their deceased father would show. Now, let's get to REAL problem. In the mini episode, "Battle Between Brothers" we see a young Garmadon and Wu. At this time, they look like they're in their twenties or late teens at this point. This was the big moment where Garmadon was banished, and he would not be seen again till the series started. Lloyd HAD to be born before this, no ifs, ands or buts. So, in 10 years time, Garmadon and Wu went from young men, to old dudes. Odd, right? Well, it gets odder.


    The two both fought in the First Serpentine War. Given the presence of a brown haired young Misako, it couldn’t have happened a very long time ago, so it’s safe to say that the war happened about...40 years before the Tournament of Elements. Misako would be about 18 at this time. Garmadon and Wu both look pretty much exactly the same as they would later during their battle, except that Garmadon isn’t pale or permanently red eyed. So, we know for sure that Garmadon and Wu had looked young for a long time before turning old in a very short time. In the old picture we see of the bros and Misako in “The Day Ninjago Stood Still”, Garmadon has gone pale and red eyed already, Wu is exactly the same still, and Misako is wearing glasses and her hair is lighter, so she was the only one aging at that point. So, the time this picture was taken is very close to the time he was banished. So, the two became a lot older in 10 years, which wouldn't be a lot in their long lives right? Why, you might be asking? Well, the ANSWER (theory) that I've thought of IS........


    Let’s talk about their father. The First Spinjitzu Master lived for, like, practically forever! He was around since the beginning of the world of Ninjago, and even before that, and if Ninjago is thousands of years old, he is even older. But, as we know, even he eventually grew old, and passed. He possessed the Golden Power, which made him practically omnipotent. So, because of it his aging was super slowed down. When Garmadon and Wu are kids (let’s say they’re 8-10), he’s already pretty old. He looked similar to the brothers’ appearances now, so a few thousand years had passed since he created Ninjago already by the time he made them since he looked young when he made it. I theorize that to create two beings that were like him, his power was divided between them. Thus even though they have the element of Creation, they can’t make something from nothings , but they can summon an elemental dragon. This also had the effect of making their natural lifespan not as long as his but still pretty long.


    But, the Golden Weapons, present in the monastery they lived in, reacted to relatives of the Master in a special way. They lengthened the bros lifespan! It slowed down their aging to be more like their father’s! Thus little Garmadon and Wu aged up to young adults, and they remained as such for thousands of years. Alongside their father (and maybe even ancient Elemental Masters (ancestors of the ones we see during the First Serpentine War), they fought many great enemies, including the Skulkin! But eventually their father passed away in the tomb he made for himself, and 10 years before the show, Garmadon would finally lose his long battle with the venom of the Great Devourer and be struck down by his brother. Knowing he would return some day, Wu took the weapons and hid them. But without the weapons close to them, the brothers aged to older forms. Don’t worry though, they live extremely long naturally. Wu will be around for a good long while.


    I first posted this on the Lego message boards, and I decided to post this here since this looks like a cool place for LEGO fans. So, what did you guys think of it? How much sense does it not make? Too farfetched?



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