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Jim the Fish

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Posts posted by Jim the Fish

  1. Name: Morlok
    Species: Skakdi of Jungle
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Morlok’s armor is primarily bright green and turquoise, with patches of silvery gray. His spine is bright green. His feet end in sharp claws, and his face is set in a permanent grin that even other Skakdi can find disconcerting. His right arm is missing below the elbow.
    Weapon(s): A rapid-fire energy blaster that can be toggled between manual firing and ‘sentry mode’, wherein it will fire as long as it detects a living thing in front of it, not including Morlok himself (it can still be fired manually in sentry mode as well). It can detect targets hiding behind thin barriers, but not Volitak users or invisible beings. The blaster doubles as a prothesis for Morlok’s missing arm, with three large claws that act as fingers. Alternatively, Morlok can detach the blaster and leave it to guard an area, reconfiguring the claws to act as a tripod stand. Though extremely difficult to damage, it can be temporarily disabled if struck with enough force. (Pending approval)
    Abilities: Truth vision- can see partially or fully invisible beings, such as Huna, Volitak, or Iden users, and see through illusions (Pending approval). Morlok also has the elemental power of plantlife, which can only be used in conjunction with another Skakdi. Additionally, his clawed toes are strong and dextrous enough that he can hang upside-down from tree branches and the like.
    Traits: Unlike most Skakdi, Morlok has the personality to match his perpetual grin. Constantly cheerful, he views anything and everything as something to smile about- from pleasant chats with friends, to gruesome acts of violence.
    Biography: If he remembers any of his life prior to arriving on Mata Nui, he’s too deranged to give any coherent account of it.
    Weaknesses: With his blaster detached, Morlok only has one hand. His blaster will not target extremely small lifeforms (i.e. Pehuki users) or plants. Though his blaster detects hidden beings and he can see invisible beings, neither can detect a being who is both invisible and out of sight.




    Name: Vereor
    Species: Dasaka
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Caste: Saihoko
    Clan: Taajar
    Gender: Female
    Kanohi: Mask of Learning*


    Weapon(s): Scythe
    Abilities: Vereor is an accomplished Willhammer, able to enter, read, and influence the minds of others. Her mask also allows her to use the Sighteye discipline to create illusions. Other skills her mask grants her include sailing and an affinity for polearms.
    Traits: Vereor avoids direct confrontation, preferring to resort to diplomacy or cunning. She tends to put her own needs before anyone else’s, but has come to resent this part of herself, and is working to overcome it.
    Biography: A traveling merchant, Vereor would often augment her wares with bits and pieces of treasure (or junk) she retrieved from the bottom of the ocean. One such artifact was an ancient, rusted Kanohi, found in a sunken pile of wreckage off the western fringe of the archipelago, in a casket adorned with strange circular symbols. She later gave this mask to Menti warrior who had lost her own and become seriously injured. Vereor helped her get medical attention, and after recovering and receiving a new Kanohi, the Menti returned the rusted mask to Vereor. When Vereor eventually lost her Kaukau and decided to try on the strange mask herself, she found it granted her a number of useful skills, most notably the Sighteye abilities of the Menti warrior she had helped. Guilty at acquiring a second discipline without training for it, yet unwilling to part with the mask and the power it gave her, Vereor decided to become worthy of this new power by using it, if not for the glory of the empire, then at least to help out wherever she could.
    Weaknesses: Vereor’s psionic powers require a great deal of concentration, greatly limiting her movement while they are in use.

    *A Mask of Learning starts out with no powers of its own, but takes on the procedural memories, i.e. skills, of each successive wearer, and grants them to all future wearers. Though a mask of learning can learn multiple Menti disciplines, such a mask will overload the mind of any Dasaka who wears it (resulting in intense pain, followed by coma if not quickly removed) if it contains more than a single discipline they have not already mastered (also, the mask cannot learn abilities from a wearer whose mind it overloads). After a long enough period of use, a wearer will begin to naturally develop the skills that the mask grants them, retaining them even if the mask is removed. This is simply the natural process of learning through experience, however, and not actually part of the mask’s power. Vereor’s mask was previously worn by a Sighteye Menti, and therefore allows her to use this discipline as well. She has not yet worn it long enough to use Sighteye abilities without it. (Pending approval)

    Ferrichor (Pending approval)
        The Ferrichor originate from deep beneath the island, further underground than even Makuta’s lair or the mines of Onu-Koro. Mata Nui does not feature in their mythology, but Makuta does- though to them, he and his evil are associated with light and the surface world. Ferrichor come in a wide range of colors and shapes, though they are typically short, stocky, and metallic in color. They have increased strength and dexterity when manipulating earth, stone, or metal (similar to how a Toa of stone, for instance, can easily pick up and throw a boulder that would be too heavy to lift normally), and can see in complete darkness. As such, they traditionally make all major political decisions or business dealings in completely dark rooms (to put outsiders seeking to infiltrate them at a disadvantage). Some Ferrichor possess a rare mutation that robs them of their night vision, these ‘light-walkers’ are shunned and may even be killed if discovered. Since their main city was destroyed in a recent cave-in, some of the braver Ferrichor have begun to venture aboveground.
        Though no more mechanical than any other biomechanical species, the Ferrichor are composed of metallic rather than organic elements. As such, their diet consists of precious metals and gems (which in very large quantities, can have a slight intoxicating effect on them). They are cast, rather than born, and as such are typically put off by the idea of biological reproduction. To create a new Ferrichor, a skilled blacksmith forges a metallic endoskeleton and suit of armor, places them in a mold, and pours in a molten, living metal, which cools to a consistency approximating organic tissue. The new body is then brought to life by placing a mask on its face. The masks worn by Ferrichor are not Kanohi, and do not grant any special powers, but are believed to house their soul- a Ferrichor will die almost instantly if their mask is removed. Any dead Ferrichor can be resurrected by placing their mask on a newly-cast body- though this obviously only works if the mask is still intact, and it is against Ferrichor custom to resurrect an individual whose body has not first been melted down and recycled (this is where the living metal used to cast new Ferrichor comes from).


    A Ferrichor can have one piece of foreign technology.

    Name: Orexis

    Species: Ferrichor

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Gender: Female



    Weapon(s): Grapnel Gun (similar to Lohkar’s, but uses a chain instead of a cable, making it fractionally slower to fire and retract).

    Abilities: As a Ferrichor, Orexis has increased strength and dexterity when manipulating earth, stone, or metal; if killed, she can be resurrected as long as her mask remains intact. She is much quicker and more agile than her weight would suggest.

Traits: After spending much of her life hiding and starving, Orexis has no wish to do either ever again. She is loud and boisterous, and her appetite is legendary.

    Biography: Orexis once lived underground in the main Ferrichor city, where her ‘light-walker’ mutation and struggle to conceal it prevented her from being able to earn a living, forcing her to live in a state of near-starvation. When her mutation was finally discovered, she fled to the surface, where she has since carved out a more comfortable life for herself as a pirate.

Weaknesses: Orexis is not at all stealthy, and is afraid of the dark.

    Name: Strenuus

Species: Ferrichor

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Gender: Male



    Weapon(s): Pickaxe

    Abilities: Strenuus is extremely strong, even discounting his increased strength and dexterity when manipulating earth, stone, or metal. He can see in complete darkness, and can be resurrected if he dies, as long as his mask remains intact.

    Traits: Strenuus rarely speaks, leading many to assume he is not very bright. In fact, he is simply very introverted, and prefers to analyze his surroundings in silence, speaking only when he deems it necessary.

    Biography: Before the cave-in, Strenuus was a miner, a highly honored position in Ferrichor society due to his role in providing the city with both food and raw materials for construction. When the city was destroyed, Strenuus had the presence of mind to realize that even if the Ferrichor evacuated, their species could not continue without Caminus and his foundry. Using his immense strength, he helped Caminus carry his vital equipment safely to the surface.

    Weaknesses: Due to his size, Strenuus is not very fast or maneuverable.



    Name: Caminus
    Species: Ferrichor

Alignment: Neutral Good

    Gender: Male



Weapon(s): Sledgehammer.

    Other Equipment: Owns a forge and a vat of living metal, which he can use to create new Ferrichor bodies. These can either be used to resurrect dead Ferrichor, or become entirely new individuals.
 (Pending approval)

    Abilities: As a Ferrichor, Caminus has increased strength and dexterity when manipulating earth, stone, or metal; if killed, he can be resurrected as long as his mask remains intact; he can see in complete darkness. Caminus is also a highly skilled blacksmith.

    Traits: Caminus is old and wise, with a strong moral compass.

    Biography: When Caminus was young, he and his friend were hunting a dangerous rahi. Caminus struck what should have been a killing blow, but his weapon instead shattered on impact, simply enraging the beast. Caminus’s friend was killed, his mask too badly damged to resurrect him. Both Caminus and the blacksmith who had made his weapon blamed themselves for the tragedy, and vowed never to see it repeated. Caminus became the blacksmith’s apprentice, and together they worked to create the best tools and weapons ever seen. Now, many years later, Caminus has inherited the role of blacksmith from his mentor. His friend’s damaged mask hangs on the wall of his foundry to this day, as a constant reminder of the price of carelessness.

Weaknesses: Caminus’s age and lack of combat experience make him a poor fighter.

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