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Posts posted by BlackboltJohnson

  1. You know what, that's ridiculous. I've posted this on other sites and received nothing but good feedback on the backstory. How was it a "gorilla joke?" It wasn't a joke at all.


    But whatever. I won't be posting here anymore. Clearly you're getting so many new posts here you don't need someone like me bringing in new content.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Edit: The title of this post is supposed to be Fírthan, the Last of the Bloodwing Clan.  But I can't figure out how to edit the title of a post.


    As the last living member of his clan, Fírthan devoted his life to following in the footsteps of their greatest warriors. His skills in the martial arts are second to none. He spent his whole life wandering the galaxy challenging the best fighters he could find.













    But unfortunately the opponents he challenged do not always adhere to his philosophy of unarmed combat. And in one such case, Fírthan bit off more than could chew. He challenged an enormous, 4-armed creature with 2 plasma axes that are bigger than he is. He was soundly defeated and permanently maimed - his wings were cleaved from his limp body.




    But he did not die. And like his forefathers before him, he used this defeat as motivation to rise from the ashes. Like a phoenix. . . a phoenix of blades! He replaced his wings with metal alloy prosthetics. But instead of feathers, they are covered with razor sharp blades. These blades can be flung out as projectiles or carve flesh directly from the bone.


    Now more lethal than ever, Fírthan continues to roam the cosmos looking for that next challenging opponent to test his fighting skills.










    Stare down



    • Upvote 17
  3. Frozen King of the icy tundra. Siberian's powers are derived from an everlasting cold fusion reaction in his heart. Providing him with unlimited nuclear-fueled ice powers. Also at his command is the entire legion of ice warriors and beasts native to his kingdom.


    Few have ever dared to stand up to the might of Siberian. But none have ever survived to tell their tale.















    • Upvote 5
  4. Long time no see, BBJ!


    Those mistika claws finally look good. Using protectors feet as base for clawed hands/gauntlets is a seriously genius idea. The sheer amount of parts originating from different years is as impressive as the final outcome. My only gripe would be the head...a bare silver Avohkii.


    It's a great MOC though, on par with your others.


    Thanks Brother!  I have a total of 3 MOCs to post today that I made over the last few weeks.  This one is definitely my favorite of the bunch.  Also just another fun tidbit about this guy, is that I chose those huge Kordak blasters so he would look almost cartoonishly violent.  Kind of like this scene from The Mask:


    "Are you feelin' lucky, punk!?"



  5. Built this MOC for reddit's current Post Apocolyptic themed contest. . .


    This cyborg unit was originally a security bot, assigned to protect a construction site. But that site was one of the first ones hit when the bombs dropped.


    The unit was very heavily damaged. But due to its self-repair protocols it pieced itself back together using parts and tech salvaged from the destroyed construction site. It became sort of a Frankenstein's monster, with parts of all different types of heavy machinery melding together into one powerful body. Hence the tag of being a "mutant". It turns out that after this mutation, it is far more dangerous than its original form.


    Without a site or any workers to protect, it's operating aimlessly.  It's not a fully sentient organism as it relied very heavily on a prime directive (site security) in order to operate.  Those directives are now void, so left to it's own devices it's become an unpredictable and violent to anything it deems a threat (even when something clearly isn't a threat).  Now it's just wandering the wastelands, and shredding whatever living things that cross its path, especially humans.  It's legend as a harbinger of death has spread across most of the human settlements, and it's basically the most feared thing in their lives.  The name Warmask was given to it by those who told the first tales of it's unspeakable horrors.














    Back shot. . .



    • Upvote 6
  6. Why indeed?  Well, because you can.  I like this guy alot, and those bulky shoulders almost look like they are part of a whole carapace for the scuba apparatus.  I assume that was intentional, no?  It works great.


    If Mattel can release 55 different versions of 'Nightglow' Batman, then of course there should be a 'Scuba' Tahu!

    • Upvote 1


    You managed to make an all gold and trans orange Tahu look good. Though why no Pheonix wings?


    Thanks!  But he's too large to make decent wings.  Specifically gold wings.  Silver wings, or any other color for that matter, just wouldn't look right.  But they don't make the right kind of gold parts I would need to make wings big enough for a MOC this size.


    What about the fire wing pieces from CHI Fluminox? http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?S=70211-1#T=S&O={}



    That's a great suggestion.  I hadn't considered those.

  8. You managed to make an all gold and trans orange Tahu look good. Though why no Pheonix wings?


    Thanks!  But he's too large to make decent wings.  Specifically gold wings.  Silver wings, or any other color for that matter, just wouldn't look right.  But they don't make the right kind of gold parts I would need to make wings big enough for a MOC this size.

  9. Agree to disagree.  I like the way the all blue contrasts strongly with the silver on the rest of the body.  It makes it look more like a true mask, and not just a part of a "robotic suit".  I also don't like the rounded head shape and oversized eyes on the 2016 masks.

  10. Mega evolution Tahu!


    Good build all around. Next time if you have a gray mat or posterboard, I think it my tone down the brightness, but allow Tahu to pop. The bright white background makes it too light.


    Thanks for the tip.  The bright white looks great on my laptop and mobile screens though, and it's the same background I use for almost all my MOCs.  I love the strong contrast against the white, and in fact I often turn up the exposure to make it even brighter!

  11. So here's Pohatu to go along with my Lewa and Gali. Of the 3 of them, this is my least favorite. I think the shield was a neat idea (it splits and stows on his back). But Pohatu's color scheme in general just isn't my favorite. What do you guys think?













    • Upvote 5
  12. I think the new mask would work better.

    Besides that it looks perfect.


    I actually took some pics with the new mask.  I don't think it looks nearly as good.  Take a look:




    Whats with these older hands?!!?! they don't look good on Toa!


    Because the new hands don't come in all those glorious colors!  I think they look great.  What are your concerns with them?  Is it the fact that they only have 4 fingers instead of five?  

  13. As a revamp it looks nice, though I'm a little unsure about the amount of Keetorange used, feels a little distracting from the overall silver/green theme Uniter Lewa got given, which alone took me a bit to get used to.


    Thanks man.  I thought the dual-tone green and silver was too boring.  He was just begging for an accent color.  I appreciate your feedback though.

  14. Lewa's Uniter set is pretty awesome.  But I loved the yellow mix from the 2015 set, so I decided to try bringing that brightness to this re-vamp.  Also felt like I could make a cooler weapon.


    On the ttvpodcast board, many felt like there is too much armor for a Lewa MOC.  What do you guys think?

















    • Upvote 3
  15. I bought the Uniter Gali last week, and while I liked it, I hate the asymmetrical color scheme and armor.  So I decided to re-vamp it. It would be nice to stick with only the azure shade of blue.  But unfortunately Lego doesn't make enough shells in that shade, so I had to mix in some regular blue.  The uniter function is still intact, but I don't like having open pegs sticking out, so I put a piece of armor over the back.


    How about dem' harpoon launchers tho?

















    • Upvote 5
  16. I dunno, this one doesn't seem as... finished as the others.  The armor looks gappy and bare from the front.  Maybe if you just used bone pieces for the front it'd look better, I don't know.  The harpoon pistol looks sweet, though.


    Appreciate your input.  The most common feedback I'm getting is about the torso armor.  So I am going to have to re-vamp that.  Luckily I didn't disassemble this guy yet, like I usually do with all my other MOCs.

  17. I'm loving the trident. I may try and build my own. If I may make one suggestion. The feet look too floppy. I know you are going for scuba diving fins, but maybe the webbed feet of Inika Hahli or Kiina. As a suggestion.

    Thanks for the feedback man. I'll have to look in my parts collection to see if I have either of those feet. If so, I'll try em out and post pics.

  18. So what's the general feeling of the fanbase for Malum? I wasn't paying attention to Bionicle back then. But I saw a pic somewhere recently and loved those claws. Decided I needed to get him, and found a complete set on BL for like $8.00.


    He's one of the best old-gen sets IMO. But I couldn't resist re-vamping him with various color swaps, additional armor, and claw mods. What do you guys think, improvement over the original?












    • Upvote 8
  19. Up next in this series is the Lord of the Water Protectors.  This guy watches over the ocean depths, leading the tribe of Water Protectors in their mission to guard their elemental masks of power.  I posted this on ttvpodcast and originally called it the "Queen of the Water Protectors".  But after stewing on it awhile, the design doesn't really give off a royal or female vibe.  I think being a male character and having the title of Lord is more fitting.


    I took a similar approach here as with the Jungle Queen in that I tried to incorporate every shade of blue that I have into the design. And of course I had to mix in that lemon yellow, since I think those two colors give a great aquatic vibe. The flipper feet do stand a bit awkwardly. But that's the case for anyone trying to walk around wearing scuba flippers, isn't it?














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