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The Editor

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Posts posted by The Editor

  1. There's been enough griping over plot points that I feel I have no contributions to make in that area - I just want to agree that I am now annoyed at how few element-wielding scenes actually appeared over the original trilogy (can't say a thing about TLR because oop I still haven't watched it).


    Also, the masks.


    I thought most of them were pretty ugly, and that they were hardly faithful to the sets sometimes. I understand they needed them to look a little more facelike, yes, but did they have to make Gali/Nokama/Matau/Turaga Lhikan/Turaga Dume/Makuta look like that?

    • Upvote 1


    My personal theory is that Makuta's masks tended to be more like the G1 Makuta masks and the Skull Villain masks—having unsettling or macabre appearances or powers. His masks therefore might not have necessarily been less popular because of their quality or power level being any lesser than Ekimu's masks, but rather because they pushed the limits of good taste.

    Does that mean he made all those burial masks seen on the skull villains?


    I mean, that's my theory. Heck, he might have even created the Skull Spiders (assuming that they're not just indigenous wildlife).


    Do we know for sure that the Skull Villain masks represent burial masks? I mean, it's a plausible theory, but I don't remember ever getting anything that really confirmed it.



    BS01 doesn't say anything, and the animations are silent on it. Anything in the books support it? I think it's a really cool theory; it makes the Okotoans seem like a really human culture. And the idea that Makuta made creepy masks is pretty awesome.


    If he made the skull spiders, though, that'd be a nice callback to his Rahi-making origins in G1.


    Let's think about it this way; What if the whole MU, up to the OoMN, didn't know about the MoCr's failsafe mechanism? They simply saw it as a unique and powerful mask. Hence why Karzahni and Artakha fought over it. Artakha isn't even aware that the tool he uses above all else could render everyone in the MU an automaton. Or perhaps Velika made the MoCr as part of the process that raised the MU to sapience. The brothers found it afterwards, when the recorded history of the mask begins.

    Exactly. :) Not sure about the Velika bit. But it's true we don't know who within the Great Beings made the MoC... Perhaps Velika made it ahead of time, having already planned out his tampering mission, and the mask was his backup plan. Interesting thought.



    Oh. From reading BS01, I thought the GBs gave Artakha the mask after watching him and Karzahni slug it out. But the wording there allows for what you guys said too, so... my bad :^P I guess I back this theory now.

  4. Didn't know people had a problem with them. Visually, the movies are probably one of the more accurate portrayals of the characters, no?


    I don't know, the comics had more set-accurate depictions of them. Nokama's and Gali's masks changed quite a bit between their set and movie appearances, in my opinion. But I don't wanna complain about that - it's kind of a minor point.




    Legend Reborn was serious cut below the others, finally saw it on Netflix the other day. :/



    *sighs* So, should I not watch The Legend? Or is it worth my time?


    It's your personal opinion he's wrong, but he was the primary source of canon for G1 Bionicle. I think you're making too big a deal out of this, because so far what Bones and the rest have been saying do make sense. If it doesn't to you, it doesn't matter, because it's canon. For instance, Nuparu conducting electricity through one of Thok's ice (not a conductor of electricity) blasts to electrocute him in Power Play makes no sense at all. Does it bother me? Yes. Do I need to accept it? Yeah, it's canon. No amount of arguing about how wrong Greg may be on something doesn't change how canonical it is, and that's a fact you need to accept.


    I appreciate the recognition, but you might be surprised to hear I actually disagree with this. At least, "a fact you need to accept" is... how to put it? It can come across the wrong way, you know?


    I believe you simply mean recognize that it is canon, but I don't think the critics of perceived mistakes are usually focusing on that. 



    ... Okay, whoops. Re-reading that shows me how it might look a little weird.



    I think The Editor should have stated "not a good conductor." Both pure water and ice are very poor conductors of electricity, but that doesn't mean you can't force something through. Also, the common perception is that water is actually a good conductor, so from a story standpoint Greg can be forgiven for sending Lightning through Ice. The science of the ostensibly science-fiction/fantasy of BIONICLE has always required a large dose of salt for those who know science.



    Also, ice isn't a conductor of electricity, last I checked, and I just did some googling to make sure I'm right. That's impure water you're thinking of. And I totally agree with your second point - when I first read it, I thought the physics checked out. Anyway, I guess it's odd to nitpick about proper science when we're talking about a saga based around the activities of superpowered biomechanical beings inside a giant space robot. That has an island for a face.

    • Upvote 1





    This just means Artakha's even more lazy than before, as he could have reset the universe to stop Makuta



    Never said he KNEW about it. ;)



    I agree with everything here, but... This got me thinking. Why would the GBs give a failsafe to somebody who could potentially gain sentience and prevent you from using the failsafe? I mean, think about it. Let's say the inhabitants of the MU gained sentience - oh wait, they did. Artakha, wearing the mask that could end all that, could potentially be anywhere other than where you left him. He gained sentience, and that means he could just waltz off to another place in the MU, and you'd have to hunt him down to get him and break it. Basically, it'd be harder to get to the failsafe and kill all your drones' personalities.


    If it really was a failsafe, I'd say the most logical thing to do would be to plonk it somewhere else on the robot that nobody else can get to, so it's always accessible to you (the GB) even in the event that all those nanobots you made gained independent thought and all.


    I considered that. In a later post, I suggested that it might work like the Ignika's countdown.


    For example, we saw the Ignika start to turn silver and later to have touches of black, meaning the "Universal danger threat" was at X%.


    The MoC could be the same. If the MU inhabitants stray too close to chaos (90-100%), the Mask would activate the failsafe, resetting everyone to the factory settings.


    Again, The GBs would have put that in as a precaution. The Ignika doesn't need someone to activate the countdown, so why would the MoC? We've seen that breaking the Ignika would have the same result as its countdown, so if there is a failsafe function to the MoC, it could work the same way (activates at a point, or is broken).


    The point of giving it to Artakha would be in that he'd keep it safe and put it to use. Because that kind of power is extremely useful, sapient or not, he'd understand that. And he was stationed on that one island, much like the Ignika was kept in a single portion of land. 



    Ah, sorry I didn't notice the initial part. That makes more sense. But not giving it to Artakha.


    That makes sense if we assume Artakha remains... well, the Artakha we know, when the glitch affecting the MU inhabitants hits the Mata Nui robot's systems. The thing is, a glitch that'd make everyone gain sapience wouldn't necessarily make Artakha gain a well-adjusted personality. What if he developed one resembling Vezon's? I'm pretty sure the GBs would've realised that putting the failsafe on a part of the robot that could glitch out like the other components the failsafe is supposed to protect.



    This all makes far too much sense. Not sure I wanna play devil's advocate here, but I wonder what GregF's thoughts on the matter are?


    ... Also, do we really want to bother him with this?

  7. ... I don't really think this discussion is going anywhere, by the way. Everyone's just hurling the same points back and forth right now.


    Can we all just, like, take a collective step back from our computers and chill?


    I mean, this is a minor point, and you don't really need to argue about it. I think most of the points listed for how the mask could be used in a practical situation by someone who's dying are valid. At the same time, it is pretty valid to say that there are situations where a mask that protects you from a killing blow (say a mask of shielding or something) could be more useful. Additionally, it is true to say that sometimes, the person or thing that killed you is still going to be around - and heck, that does render your use of the mask useless most of the time, because they might be able to kill you again. But there are other scenarios where it may be useful, like in the case of poisoning or illness.


    Basically, we've pointed out that the mask is useful in certain situations. That pretty much applies to any other mask. Is the mask of water breathing useless? Only if you're going to battle in areas that are landlocked and have no bodies of water around. Is the mask of night vision useless? Only if you're in an area that's well-lit 24/7. Is the mask of stealth useless? Only if you're fighting Lariska. There are pros and cons for many (if not all) masks, and that includes usefulness in certain scenarios.


    The answer to the main question of this thread is basically: No. And that's because no mask is useless. They only have scenarios in which they are effective and ineffective, and it's been seen multiple times in this thread that there are scenarios where the use of this mask is viable.

    • Upvote 3



    This just means Artakha's even more lazy than before, as he could have reset the universe to stop Makuta



    Never said he KNEW about it. ;)



    I agree with everything here, but... This got me thinking. Why would the GBs give a failsafe to somebody who could potentially gain sentience and prevent you from using the failsafe? I mean, think about it. Let's say the inhabitants of the MU gained sentience - oh wait, they did. Artakha, wearing the mask that could end all that, could potentially be anywhere other than where you left him. He gained sentience, and that means he could just waltz off to another place in the MU, and you'd have to hunt him down to get him and break it. Basically, it'd be harder to get to the failsafe and kill all your drones' personalities.


    If it really was a failsafe, I'd say the most logical thing to do would be to plonk it somewhere else on the robot that nobody else can get to, so it's always accessible to you (the GB) even in the event that all those nanobots you made gained independent thought and all.

  9. For me, personally, it's just the over-arching mystique of its atmosphere in practically all story mediums. When playing MNOG you had a sense that there was way more to the island of Mata Nui than meets the eye. While reading about the Bohrok you felt that there had to be more to them than just mindless destruction. When reading the books by Greg, especially ones like Maze of Shadows and Time Trap, you could tell that Makuta wasn't a villain to be simply trifled with. And then in 2008 when we all had that revelation about the entire story... it's just the best payoff to a build-up over eight years I could ask for.


    Basically it for me, combined with the depth of the story.

  10. I haven't managed to watch The Legend Reborn, but I did watch the three older films. I think I liked Web of Shadows best, because spiders. And I thought Roodaka was cool.


    To be honest, I don't exactly see why anyone feels the movie portrayals of the characters in those films are deficient. I don't mind the muscles, those kind of were what cemented the idea that bionicles were biomechanical beings in my seven-year-old mind.

  11. I got Gali first. :^) Water's one of my favorite elements, so I got her. Her mask also looks really cool, so I'd say the set made waves. :^D


    I have to say, though, I didn't really like the yellow pieces in her staff. I thought they made it look a little off. Anyone feel that way?


    Sorry if I'm being a

                                                   wet blanket!


    *runs away with bag of puns*

  12. Yes. Y is the 25th letter of the alphabet, E is the 5th, and S is the 19th. N is the 14th letter and O is the 15th letter. The woodchuck would chuck 25519 tonnes of wood, not 1415 tonnes.


    Have you seen hail or other weird precipitation before?

  13. Because the tense is pretty weird in that sentence, the wish is misconstrued. A metal band called "Out With Takanuva" is formed and you are the only person with the permission to hang every single member of the group.


    (To be honest I think that name sounds awesome despite how anti-Takanuva it is)


    I wish I could have a do-over of today starting from six pm, with me remembering everything I did wrong today.

  14. I had the idea of calling him "Dark-" whatever because the character is essentially an anti-Dark Hunter in that he has set out to destroy them. I like the sound of "Dark Nemesis" or "Dark Venator".

    Well, I kind of get that, but the Dark Hunters have "Dark" in their organisation name, and him having "Dark" before his own name is a little odd because it'd make it seem like he was with them. Kind of like how any phone or tablet or device with the letter "i" or word "Apple" in front of it definitely isn't from Microsoft.


    On the contrary, those questions are still on the table - along with your new question: Does Okoto have life support technology? They are either immortal or they had some exterior force keeping them alive.


    And, if you'll look at the next response:


    There didn't seem to be a whole bunch of life-support systems connected to Ekimu's body when he was in that coffin. I think it would have to be some force, or maybe just standard Bionicle stasis. Like in the G1 archives.


    That's exactly what I meant.


    Never said what form the tech could have taken. "Life-support" takes many forms: Darth Vader's suit, which is fully technical and is fixed to his body; stasis fields in BIONICLE G1, which take on a mostly energy-based form; and a variety of other life-support systems from dozens of sci-fi shows and movies.

    Seeing how the tone of G2 been all mystical and whatnot, I'd lean against the argument for advanced tech life support - or even weird energy life support. Given how Ekimu can talk to the Toa through their masks in an almost mystical fashion, I kind of got the vibe that he's at least a little supernatural - more divine than anything else.


    ... But then again, G1's Mata Nui was more or less depicted as a mystical, non-scifi God, and look what he turned out to be.

    • Upvote 2
  16. i'm probably never going to allow Greg to get away with saying sand/silt/microscopic rocks are outside pohatu's stone abilities.


    becaus honestly: A. Greg is so wrong there, what the heck.


    It's your personal opinion he's wrong, but he was the primary source of canon for G1 Bionicle. I think you're making too big a deal out of this, because so far what Bones and the rest have been saying do make sense. If it doesn't to you, it doesn't matter, because it's canon. For instance, Nuparu conducting electricity through one of Thok's ice (not a conductor of electricity) blasts to electrocute him in Power Play makes no sense at all. Does it bother me? Yes. Do I need to accept it? Yeah, it's canon. No amount of arguing about how wrong Greg may be on something doesn't change how canonical it is, and that's a fact you need to accept.




    Fishers, while Greg is saying Sand would technically be in Pohatu's domain, due what he perceives as the demands of the story it is not and falls into it's own Category... so it isn't under Pohatu's domain.


    Fisher, I think Bones made a little linguistic fumble here (not to insult bones), and I think I have a correction that might clear it up for you. I'd say he meant: "while Greg is saying that Pohatu should logically control Sand, he was forced by the demands of the story and target audience to make Pohatu only control rock and stone that is not granular or in any way considered sand." It isn't that Pohatu can control sand but was never shown to due to it being possibly confusing to the target demographic.



    Sorry, Greg's "dirt is dirt" argument extends to sand for me. Sand is sand. Soil is soil. Rocks are rocks. Note, too, that most soils aren't just ground stone, but also decomposed organic matter.
    This seems to imply that "sand is soil and thus controlled by Earth". Am I reading this right? Otherwise, not sure what you mean.


    Note that he mentions humus (decomposed organic matter) as a defining component of soil. Sand lacks humus, and is in no way considered soil.


    Edit: I'm working on mobile, so excuse the response that's accidentally placed under a quote. I can't seem to edit it out.


    You get pizza, alright - unfortunately, it's soggy pizza from the trash and is crawling with enough maggots to make a buzzard throw up.


    I wish I had a Pohatu G2 set right now.


    I asked for books XD





    Armstrong, your wish is granted. Due to the grammatical error in your sentence, the wish is processed incorrectly and multiple Takanuvas (Takanuvae?) pop up in the G2verse, spawning at such a rapid rate that they destroy the universe because their combined mass creates a supermassive black hole.


    I wish that I could get a good camera for myself.

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