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Status Replies posted by THE_DOOR_OPENER

  1. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower.



      Hey, thanks man! Is there a place where I should start to get caught up in the storyline?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower.



      Oh, hey man! I forgot that this wasn't a DM box, though I should've realized it wasn't when Bonkle tagged you.

      Yeah, that story has to be the one I had heard about. I first heard about it from a few years ago on an old discord server. I only remembered it recently because I was trying to think of things I had heard of on here.

      I'll definitely add Cenotaphs to my list though. I was also looking at the RPG forum, it's kinda intidmidating to jump in. I'm definitely interested in seeing if I can do anything there; it looks fun. The League of Six Kingdoms era just allows for so many cool stories to be told in it, since we have enough of a framework to know many of the players and locations in the war, but its far enough in the past to where basically anything can happen.

      And yeah, if you ever want me to explain what I wrote out for the ship in more detail, I'd be happy too. We homebrewed a good number of things for the campaign, and the version of RSG's system we used has been overwritten so many times that the actual mechanics of the ship are pretty incomprehensible rn.

      But yeah, it's nice to meet you, Aderia! Thanks for the recommendation, I'll get around to checking your stuff eventually; I already read your parody of We Didn't Start The Fire, it was one of the first things I saw when I started looking around actually. Are those your stories compiled in your signature?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower.



      Hey, thanks for the advice, man! I'll start looking around and seeing what I can find. See you around, it was nice talking with you. And I'll definitely check out Aderia's stuff.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower.



      Oh, and what are the rules on replying to old threads? I remember that happening a lot when I used to come on here, I don't want to be that guy. Sorry I don't know a lot about forum culture and communication; what actions are frowned upon and all that.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower.



      Hey, glad to see you’re still on, man!

      Nothing much. I was just listening to one of the recent Nak and Jay episodes where they talk about BZP. I used to lurk here a good bit back during the Ignition trilogy years and the beginning of G2, so I wanted to log in and see if anything was still worthwhile around here to look at. I tried creating an account and realized that I‘d already created one under my email, so here I am. On top of that I used to enjoy the more deep communication forums allow for over contemporary social media, so I’d been looking for a forum to jump into recently, figured BZP was as good as any!

      I’m gonna try and post some of my own creations that I’ve made over the years; nothing major, just some RPG maps. Apart from that, I want to see what I can here and document some fan creations, mainly fan fictions to add to my Bionicle headcanon. I’ve atleast heard about a fan fiction centered on the Kingdom (I think?) Universe that’s supposed to be god tier, so I’m gonna try and track that down.

      So, that’s what I’m doing here. It’s been so long since I’ve been on though, would you mind pointing me in the direction of some places you find interesting on the site? Any good fan fictions you know of? I’d be most interested in stuff that tries to expand on the current canon (like idk, maybe a series about Lhikan’s team or the Barraki war if that exists), but anything that you or the community think is good would be a great.

      Oh, and where are you selling your bonks, is there an auction page somewhere on here? Like I said, I don’t remember where anything is.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower.



      Thanks for the warm introduction, brother. Sorry it took me so long to respond. How’s the last five years been?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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