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Posts posted by SephHaley


    IC: Fate - Courtyard

    I didn't want to damage the armor, so from this point on I dug without the aid of my molecular disruption. Digging just a bit farther, I exposed the face of the corpse.

    Cold, empty eye-slots stared up at me. The void was in this rahk's eyes, that lifeless place that the souls of rahkshi and makuta go to when our time is done in this life. Whoever this rahk was, I wondered if they still had any form of consciousness, on some plane of existence beyond ours. And I wondered, if that were the case, were they aware of me digging up their body?

    My hand stilled when another Rahk had entered the courtyard, apparently to pay their respects, but they started to leave rather quickly. I continued exhuming the body.







    This is what I get for being gone for so long, and not really paying attention. Fate, you better watch out. Shock has nothing 

     Thats enough time on the forums.  You're losing your sassyness.

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