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Posts posted by tophat+hordika=hatdika


    i think if a villager wears a mask the mask become corrupt like with the skeleton guys and starts making them become more and more evil

    Welcome back.




    I like the fwoom theory, but elementally aligned. The Mask of Fire makes them go *fwoosh*, but the Mask of Ice freezes them from the inside, and the Mask of Stone petrifies them.


    nice to be back

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    my head canon is that some random villager will find the mask of ultimate power and of course become a toa

    i like it but if that did happen since the mask of ultimate power has a mind and probably will make it just as evil as mukuta was
    Maybe the MoUP read Makuta's mind and became evil as a result.

    Perhaps makuta's jealousy permanently tainted the MoUP's intelligence

    you have a point but maybe there’s a way to cleanse it




    sorry when i said mask makers I ment the type of gold mask maker makuta and ekimus are and btw i think the okoto inhabits are like the agori since the protector of fire has a SON in the animations

    Sorry, I don't understand.
    makuta and eikumu have gold armor and gold mask i think only mask makers of the highest order can make gold mask


    Please, punctuation! This isn't 2008 anymore. We can type properly from mobile devices now.


    That still doesn't prove or dispove anything.


    i hate punctutation and ok fine but this is a theory board



    Umarak is a living descendant of Kulta.

    i like the idea and it would be cool but there’s just no evidence but then again they do appear to be the same species

    Headcanon thread. It doesn't matter, like how Two-kua's idolizing Tahu is mostly headcanon. Though I do like the idea that there's a Gavla-2 in the village. Perhaps PoW's daughter, destined to be married to Two-kua to seal an alliance between the Fire and Water tribes?






    Also, the GSR crashed because of Teridax' actions, not a Matoran rebellion. BS01 is your friend.

    It got weakened and sick because of a Matoran rebellion, though. :shrugs: It's something easily confused.
    im talking about what if g2 is an alternate past to g1

    Could be a nice headcanon; Okoto is on Spherus Magna pre-Core War, and was governed by the Mask Makers in place of the great beings. Doesn't fit into canon, though.


    thats why i said alternate past and i like it


    Okay, you have a valid point about the shape-shifting thing, but I think it's obvious that only mask makers can make golden masks or everyone would have one. I believe the mask of control can control rahi and other lower form of bio-mechanical life.

    Mask Makers are the only villagers who make masks, yes. But who said that Kulta or Umarak's kin are bound by the same rules? Nothing stopping Kulta from making a mask, especially if he's receiving instructions from Makuta.


    You 'believe'? Unfortunately, belief does not prove. The Mask of Skull Spiders might very well be the only way to directly control skull spiders and turn them into a horde.


    Can someone point out to me if we've had a solid yes or no on whether the Okoto creatures are biomechanical or organic with armour?


    sorry when i said mask makers I ment the type of gold mask maker makuta and ekimus are and btw i think the okoto inhabits  are like the agori since the protector of fire  has a SON in the animations


    Witch Doctor, a Hero Factory set from the CCBS's debut year, had 331 pieces, more than the vast majority of Bionicle titans and certainly more than any at or below its price point. Evo XL Machine from 2014, Hero Factory's last year, had 193 parts, just as many as Brutaka and more than Tuma, Umbra, Gadunka, Nidhiki, Hydraxon, or Icarax. Maybe you're not giving Hero Factory enough credit?

    Also, while the 2015 and 2016 Bionicle sets have fewer pieces than a lot of older Bionicle titans, they have way more pieces than a typical Bionicle villager or Toa set. The most pieces a canister Toa ever had was 74 (Toa Mahri Kongu), while the 2015 Toa had 89 pieces average and the 2016 Toa have 106 pieces average (not counting Kopaka, since I don't know how many of his set's parts are used for him and how many are used for his creature). I certainly think that's impressive!



    You took that far too literal .


    i know right

    • Upvote 1
  8. Wait, how can someone be both wise and naïve at the same time?


    This isn't related to G1, oh He of Little Punctuation. Also, the GSR crashed because of Teridax' actions, not a Matoran rebellion. BS01 is your friend.

    they can be very knowable about the world yet be naive because they have been loved thought their interior life by everyone and they can Imagen any one not being treated like a god so they think everyone else is treated like that to


    Personally, I think the Mask of Ultimate Power is doing all of this, but they blame it on Makuta because they don’t know that the mask is sentient. Also, I think the Lord of Skull Spiders is Makuta, because he has a gold mask that only a professional mask maker like Makuta could make. Plus it allows him to control the skull spiders, like Makuta's Mask of Control. I wouldn’t be surprised if the golden skull spider mask is a prototype of the Mask of Control.

    Edited for legibility.


    Firstly, we have no evidence anyone can shapeshift in G2, let alone Makuta.


    Who said only a Mask Maker could make golden masks? Mask Making seems to be a ceremonial or specialized task, but it's possible Ekimu or a past Mask Maker created the MoSS. Even then, Kulta had access to the Mask Makers' Forge for centuries. He could've made the MoSS for LoSS.


    We actually have no clue what the Mask of Control does. It could be mind control, it could be metal control, it could be telekinesis or shaping. The specific utility of the MoSS is to control the scuttly little things. Perhaps Tue Mask of Control couldn't even affect the spiders...


    okay you have a vaili point about the shape shifting thing but i think its obvious that only mask makers can make golden mask or everyone would have one and i belive the mask of control can control rahi and other lower form of bio-mechanical life

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