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Posts posted by ChaosMarin

  1. This is awesome man! The only thing I would do differently is add another thin layer of metal over the muscle tissues so as to make it more set-like and practical as it's not very convenient to have the soft muscle hidden by just the exterior armor, a little bit of additional plating would be cool. 


    That's a nit-pick however and overall this thread is brilliant, can we have Makutas next? :D

    • Upvote 1
  2. The concept of this game is amazing and your characters & level design are very creative, although adding attacking and blocking animations would make the combat a little easier for the player. Also if you need any rough sketches, graphic design, level design, character design, etc. I would be more than happy to help! :D


    If you like sketching it'd help a lot if you could send in a few sketches of some areas you'd like to see. (Doesn't have to be canon just some random original enviroments.) The more people design the game the more diverse it will be. :) 


    Glad to hear this project is still happening! I'm still disappointed that the MNOG-3D project fell through about 2 years ago. I was a part of that team, and I really feel as if it had a lot of potential. Hopefully you keep on with this one! Are you planning on incorporating a story into it at some point?


    Yes, there will be story in a full-fledged main quest which the player will be able to start at any point in the game or (if they choose to) not start it at all and go about their own business exploring and doing side quests.


    Hmm, yeah, I'm really tempted to volunteer, but I'd hate to be part of something to only watch it crash and burn again like MNOG3D.




    In case you're wondering, I was one of the asset modellers for that project and the first one to join up (I believe).

    I can do almost anything in 3D, especially now that I'm also doing a bit of sculpting. I can also animate. But I need to know what level of dedication this project has.



    Dedication? Well, I've been working on this for quite some time (and spent twice that much dreaming about it) so I'm pretty dedicated though I will ofcourse pause it when more pressing issues occur (such as exams or various other obligations). If you have some spare time and feel like making a model or two I'd be glad if you helped. 


    So I downloaded the demo but now my computer's asking me what I want to open it with, HELP!


    Did you follow the instructions? 

  3. How have I not seen this before? This looks epic.

    I'm beginning to think people don't like the idea. :v


    - the version -



    Welp, it's been a while and, no, I'm still not done with the Wastelands demo BUT I found an old build I forgot I had and thought I'd share it with you. It's just a dumb deathmatch which pits you against a lot of Vorox at once and you have to click yourself out of the nasty situation or... get stuck in an infinite loop because I didn't bother to put any death menus.


    Basically, it's just a showcase of Vorox and nothing else. It is challenging though. Rules:

    - Vorox take 3/4 hits to kill you, it takes a lot more to kill them

    - If you fall from the terrain you lose

    - If you get killed you lose (duh)

    - You use the same system as in the previous demo



    If you fall off terrain or get killed the game will freeze so just ALT+F4 it or close it with X cuz at the time this was built I didn't add any menus. 


    Here's the link for download (PC only): link

    • Upvote 1
  4. An isolated villaige in the dark outskirts. Second demo is in development and will take place in the wastelands of Spherus Magna. 


    Confirmed enemies:

    - Vorox

    - Skrall

    - Bone Hunters


    The demo will also introduce a primitive inventory system as well as long range weapons. :)

  5. What program do I open it on?

    You need to extract the Spherus Magna folder (MacDemo if ur on Mac). You do this with WinRar, WinZip or any other program of the sort.


    After u extract it just open the game folder and click the exe file.

  6. Yay, that worked! And wow, the demo is great! [ :D] It really brought me back to playing MN3D when I first started game development.

    Now, I know a lot of people will give criticism, and I also know that it can be quite draining for a dev to have nothing but negative feedback, however well meaning. So I'm going to ignore the bugs/tweaks, and instead focus on what I enjoyed:


    The SFX. They were simple, yet very effective. I really felt like there was a strong wind blowing against me as I walked across the snowdrifts.

    The enemies. I actually ran away from Surel and his Iron Wolves, as they were so scary. [:P] I especially liked the glamorgan fight, with the music and all.

    The background. The mountains rising up all around really made the world feel huge and expansive, and I love the slight DOF effect that blurs them.

    The openness. I enjoyed just walking around and taking in the views. Ican imagine that secrets/collectibles dotted around the scenes would double the fun.


    Overall, an excellent demo, especially if this is your first time making a game! [:D] I really look forward to playing the full version! [;)]


    Phew! Am glad it works. Guess Mac version is official now. 


    And don't worry. I accept any input so long as its actually meaningful and not of malicious intent. I know the bugs and short comings better than anyone but even so I may have missed some things that other people may see clearly from their perspective which is why I openly encourage all comments.


    Also, lol at you running from Surel. xD He's not aggresive. Glad you enjoyed the demo.

    • Upvote 1
  7. The application wasn't openable when I decompressed it. I'm not sure if that's a fault my side (My computer's known to be really prissy when it comes to zipped applications), or if it's because you need to put the .app in a folder, and then zip the folder. We'd best wait until Aho can download it before we can assume it's a problem with my comp.


    Mind telling me what you do? Do you add any plugins for Mac development or do you just hit build after choosing Mac in the settings?


    Try this: https://mega.nz/#!SgIDjLLL!vqL-fACEEzVUOd2RxBbc7tuMdEqHvduXrv-ev_LRfn8

    • Upvote 1
  8. Oh, you don't need to play it to build it. I build applications for PC, Linux, and even Android, all from my Mac. I can't play those builds on the Mac, of course, but they still work perfectly when I send them over to their respective devices. [ ;)]


    Well, I'll try. 

  9. This looks fantastic so far. Any chance for a Mac build? [ :P] It's super easy to switch platforms (and back again) on Unity.


    Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac and have never made anything with Mac in mind so idk how that'd go. My only chance would be to use a Virtual Machine with MacOS on it but idk if my PC could handle it. 


    Same question as above :) Unfortunately, all I have is a Mac :)


    Well that's a shame. I'll have to check some things out, but idk how that'd turn out. Do you have any way to play it without Mac?


    I'm really liking the demo! Here's some C+C fer ya.




    Too long walks. The valleys we walk through aren't interesting enough to warrant a minute of walking time IMHO.

    The combat system is... interesting. The mouse controls both the camera and the combat, resulting in some interesting battles.

    The controls, while intuitive, are not explained in-game.


    Besides those, it's great for a demo! Bang-up job!


    Appreciate the input. The long walks I completely agree with. I did make them that big tho in order to leave some space for the later development as I plan on adding a bunch of hidden things to the scenes so that the player will want to take a peek at every corner. 


    To be fair, I was gonna put a combat explanation but since the only ones who know about the game are people here I thought it wasn't necessary as I can explain a lot better here. Glad you liked the demo. 

  10. Hello, could you please add my game to the list? 


    Spherus Magna: The Game by SM_Team

    Genre: Adventure, open-world, explorer

    Platform: Windows, Linux, MacOS

    Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/21551-spherus-magna-the-game/

    Download: https://mega.nz/#!S4IU3a6T!cR_SC6iHD4vMKN7KbdQV0NzVN8a88vxcY6pGarhYC_k

    Stage: In development (first demo available, more to come)

    Description: Explore the entire world of the reformed Spherus Magna, fight all fearsome enemies, hang out with Toa, Matoran, Glatorian and Agori, hunt Rahi, find rare items - Live Bionicle!

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