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Posts posted by Icarax16

  1. On 1/17/2020 at 7:41 PM, Onvermel said:

    Love Icarax as and this just makes him so much more cool. This is how I imagined him in the books looking. Great job.

    Thank you so much for saying so! I agree with you there haha, I also updated his body and added a personalized shapeshifted Great Mask Of Scavenging that I designed and did 2D artwork for and had a 3D modeler help with the rest to bring it to life. It took nearly a year to accomplish but it's finally done and worked out just like I hoped!

  2. Good work! The only critique I have about this MOC is the head zamor spheres don't seem like a solid connection and despite creativity it looks like a separate thing from the MOC and not a part of the whole. But this is just one opinion, the body is great though and so is the head even without the spheres!

  3. Agreed, it will take longer than building him sadly, but I will try to get it done in a reasonable time frame. No thank you for liking my work! Also I uploaded every image of this Icarax into my gallery, images I did not upload here (for space concerns) so there are two files in my gallery anyone can view any time from here on out. Also you can check out my brickshelf gallery for extra photos http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=powers666

  4. Also the claw can act as wrist blades if you only turn and bring one tri blade claw down instead of both, as you can now see in the last photos I uploaded.There was also a built in attachment so the shield can stored on the back. None of this is "new" but I did fail to show it before.

  5. UPDATE: 09/2021 Hey again everyone! It's been a long time, but I wanted to share with you something I have been working on for over a year now and it is finally complete and all done and that is and was creating a Great Mask of Scavenging that not only looked better to me but also could make use in a story sense, as you are all aware Makuta can change at will their respective Kanohi as we have seen with Antroz and vamprah and others, so I did the design and 2D artwork and a great mask maker did the 3D modeling and created a shapeshifted Great Mask Of Scavenging/Vulture for Icarax! And i also updated my Icarax a little bit, that I will share with you all very soon and will post a "how to" for the updates and the parts you will need, the point of the update was actually to save on extremely expensive and rare parts for a more economical build in certain places in case you ever encounter a broken part down the road and due to the high cost of some of the parts I built Icarax with I thought it would be a good idea as well as some of the updates allow for better articulation particularly in the hands and head/neck region, so anyway I will share that all with you guys soon, until then I put up some photos in a cinematic lighting but will reveal the full thing and in detail very soon I promise, I just need to get a new light and background.To start, this is my version of Makuta Icarax, This character has been completely redesigned to encompass what I wanted to see in him, he has a shield,sword,claw and interchangeable wings, a collapsed pair and a full pair in both red and black, I have the collapsed pair on the red one right now, there is also an all-new black armored version in this showcase, based on the description in the book Bionicle Legends 9 on page 96 "Instead, the powerful, black-armored warrior was sitting on the ebony throne normally reserved for Teridax, Makuta of Metru Nui-and he was wearing Teridax's Mask of Shadows!" He is the exact height as the original and made up of 518 parts without weapons and 579 parts with them. He comes with joints that are unhindered and can achieve every pose allowed with ball joints, the original had a rotating blade, now his shield, it has a hinge and rotation. The claw which used to be his left hand and now an attachment is able to unfold, open and close and collapse back on itself and you can bring just one half of the claw down to use as a wrist blade. The wings have full range articulation. I wanted to keep him close to the original . Please let me know what you think! More photos in my gallery! IMG-20210911-004114.jpgIMG-20210911-020527-2.jpg IMG-20210911-012406-2.jpg




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  6. Looks outstanding! Great work! just curious though, much of the build looks as though parts would get in the way from moving joints. I am not sure but is this piece able to move it's shoulders and knees?

  7. I appreciate your opinion on this moc. I also see that it is cluttered but trust me when I say it was intentional as I wanted him to look more dare I say this.. Transformers movie-ish because I could have made him akin to the way you suggested but i honestly prefer this over the smoothed out two tone builds with Bionicle movie looks to them that it seems everyone else likes to do. But hey! You like what you like! Thanks for your


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  8. Ok I for the last couple of weeks have fixed up my teridax in areas that needed changing and improving as well as making him much more stable, now anything slightly flimsey is now not. Also I ithad to remove the rubber tubes on his chest because they were deteriorating, the only reason he has tubes is to signify that his antidermis is flowing throughout his body, anyway he is also less bulky in areas with slight color changes, My shadow titan Teridax with staff of darkness, shadow blade and new hammer called LIGHTS BANE, Teridax stands 14 inches tall with no hindrance of articulation. I recently added the weapons holster connection which can hold the sword, staff and hammer. I also designed my Takanuva with new limbs and body so he is exactly 7" tall to so Teridax is exactly twice the size of him as is stated in his bio, info I was not aware of til recently.[LAST 5 PHOTOS ARE VERSION "1.0" TERIDAX] IMG_20180613_145555_2340x3120.jpgIMG_20180601_052147_1319x1924_2.jpgIMG_20180114_184548_1560x2080.jpgIMG_20180611_151447_2_1824x2300.jpgIMG_20180601_052321_1319x1818.jpgIMG_20180601_054615_1319x1888.jpgIMG_20180601_052755_1319x1877.jpg IMG_20180601_062455_2_1560x2048.jpgIMG_20180114_183650_1560x2080.jpg IMG_20180114_184727_1560x2080.jpg IMG_20180114_183904_1560x2080.jpg

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  9. The stats are definitely arbitrary (for example, Carapar and Dekar have the same Mind score, an 8), but I'd say Makuta would be at least an 18 in all of these ratings. He has 42 different powers, plus masterminded the takeover of the universe. Even if the numbers weren't chosen as arbitrarily, it's difficult to quantify numerically how powerful someone is in a world like BIONICLE's. It's why Greg never answered "who would win in a fight between X and Y" questions, because there were so many variables he couldn't know for sure.

    I agree after taking a second look that they are definitely arbitrary as you stated, it was merely an if they were relevant then what you choose. I think an 18 in every aspect is fair for the main villain of Bionicle.
  10. I posted something similar some time ago without the desired effect. As most sets in later seasons of Bionicle have had stats from Barraki and on and the only stats for Teridax are from Maxilos, though i have been told by others he is not at full strength in a body not his own. Maxilos had statistic like so, strength: 15 agility: 10 toughness: 13 mind: 16 so, what are your thoughts on his stats while in shadow titan form? I am not positive but I believe the bionicle.com stats went from 0 to a possible 20, If i were to make a guess it would be this..Strength:18 Agility:12 Toughness:19 Mind:16 I only ask because the 2003 makuta set never had statistics, some will think that the stats are arbitrary, but for those of you that follow those stats as guidance, please let me know your thoughts. I just want to know if we pretend that those stats are relevant..would the numbers I think for his stats in his Titan form sit well with everyone or if not what numbers make sense for you?



    Well this is just fantastic moc.

    Love the hammer design and all that beautiful articulation!

    It screams Teridax but in a new creative form.

    Well done.

    hahaha Thank you Friend! I kind of surprised myself with that hammer.
    I'm a little confused on how you got the nuva chest to connect to the Rahkshi shoulders. Care to explain?
    i hope these pictures help, just click on them to see the larger version, as you probably figured..


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