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Posts posted by Xilux

  1. I'm presuming this is where you put the profiles, yeah?

    Ok, cool.

    Name: Scorch

    Variation: Plasma

    Level: 2

    Gender: Male

    Gear: Scorch owns a shortsword that he keeps strapped on a sheath which is attached flat to his lower back. He also owns a hardback copy of "To catch a gukko bird.".

    Appearance: Scorch is predominantly cloudy grey, with bright mustard yellow eyes, and rust colored spines, hands, and feet. His plasma is a reddish tint. He is just short enough to be made fun of, but just tall enough to be taken somewhat seriously. He has a nasty looking scratch on his left shoulder, that he could not be asked to clean up.

    Personality: Nice enough. Kind of a nerd, but will fight if pushed far enough. Enjoys board games.

    Bio: After being all but ignored by his makuta, Scorch was very willing to join Corpus Rahkshi, anything to actually socialize and make friends outside of his very small batch. He packed his shortsword as a safety measure, and set off, on his way to social freedom.

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