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Posts posted by noelscavers

  1. ic lorshaka

    it dosent seem that ive caught anybodies atention so I walk around until i see a bridge cross it hoping to see villagers panicing about a lava splash but see none so i head in to a bar there allways a drunk skakadi or somthing looking for a fight in side i see two people one a toa who apears drunk both looking like their about to fight the other i stand back and watch "this is going to be interesting"

  2. ic lorshaka 


    i walk up on the shore my primative submarine behind me i turn and look at the sub my transport from zactan to this island of mata nui  several impact vision blasts later it is redused to scrap i leave it to any matoran brave enough to try to salvage the wreck looking across the smoldering plains of black rock i see a city floating on magma "if there is any warriors in this land worthy to battle me that is as good as any to look" as i walki pull my sword out the 8 foot long blade glisten in the light it has saved my life many time in my home land and i hope it will continue to do so as i continue to walk towards the city i practice my sword play by slicing as many boulders in half as i can with one slice my record is 5  i soon aproache the shore of the lava lake and seeing no way across i knock by splashing a large boulder into the lava halfway between me and the city

  3. ic tiedax: having given up talking to villagers as they seem to shy away from him he takes to the jungle trees a couple hours later he hear a sound that seem to be a shout of stop!! or something like that tiedax stops to think it could be a cry for help so he changes dierection to see what is going on as his mask glows and his speed increases tiedax takes a leap to another tree a leap that is too far he relizes but before he falls the wind picks up and pushes him into the tree after picking him self back up he tests the wind by raising his hand it picks up when he lowers his hand it dies down "i can control the air wind" tiedax yells and then he starts running back to where he heard the noise

  4. ic tiedax le-koro


    after trying to grab the atention i notice there are several different races tall beings like me of different colors and masks shorter villager that seem more plentiful and working on tasks i walk up to being who looks less busy and ask "what is this place"



    ooc if you wish to talk say somthing about being aproched by a confused looking toa of air

  5. ic tiedax fau swamp


    as im walking across the jungle floor skirting around the patch of mud i trip again "this is the fith time i tripped" i yell to no one "its these talons why do i have talons , who am i , what am i " these questions are floating through my head ang frankly i dont have a answer all i know is my name is tiedax and im extremely bored. "Time for some fun." i say as i sprint towards a tree hoping to kick of it  but amazingly my talons grip the tree and im running strait up it "amazing" i shreik from my new vantage point i can se what apeeres to be some sort of village in the far distance. i carfuly walk across a tree branch trying not to trip bit it is no worry as aparently my feet are made for thin so i take of running across the branches jumping frum tree to tree as im running my mask glow and i move faster than a nuijaga flies the distance from the village disaperes and i stop jump on a platform and walk up to a villager hoping for answers   


    ooc (open for interaction)

    • Name: tiedax
    • Species: toa of air
    •  description: 6 foot tall ,skinny with light green armor, gold gaunlets at hands, bare blue heartlight ,torso is lightly armored at the shoulders,, and upper arms and legs have very little dark green armor,, feet are taloned to grip tree bark and other surfaces better, blue eyes red kakama lower legs are gold and have decent armor mask has chips in it but still works 
    • Gender: male
    • Powers control over air climbing ability due to talons 
    • Weapons : two air cyclone blades (green tinted katanna like swords) talons (two orange claws on each foot) gold gauntlets (technicly armor but can be used to grab blades made of weak matirials) 
    • Technological items : great kanohi kakama (red)
    • Weakness(es): Fear of under ground locations, dependent on kanohi, clumsy on level ground
    • Alignment : chaotic good
    • History: woke up on le-wai with no memory
    • Personality and traits: reckless and fun loving this toa seeks to enjoy life more than fullfiling his duties but is known to help random strangers wishes to learn about where and who he is 


    • Name: lorshaka
    • Species skakdi of iron
    • description a tall wide female skadki brute size is 10 feet tall arms are covered in dark purple and grey armor that is covered in scrathes hands have three fingers and a thumb that end in short claws legs have heavy grey and dark purple armor covored in scratches chest has a breastplate made of proto steel  spines are long almost like hair and are dark purple in clolor glowing orange eyes smile is warped up in a sadastic grin
    • Gender female
    • Powers and/or weapons control over iron (in conjunction with other skadki), impact vision, uses 8 foot black protosteel broad sword in battle, has brass knukles implanted in her fists imensly strong
    • Technological items
    • Weakness(es) due to size and armor she can't move very fast and her armor has spots where weapons can get through, over coffident
    • Alignment chaotic neutral
    • History born on zataz lorshaka was always bigger than the other young skakdi when she grew up she was still a foot or so above average height and was bored of fighting her own kind so when she got the chance she went to mata nui to chalenge its warriors to battles and see if there are any warriors worthy of her teaming up with her
    • Personality and traits feirce and very hot tempered any thing considered an insult could set her off typicly she ridicules her opponets but if she has trouble defeating them she will give them some respect follows a loose honor code but will allways fight dirty, tends to use strenth and a little trickery in battle more than other skills
  6. my idea mixes all of your ideas a little bit imagine this what if the mask controls molecular structure so makuta can alter the fundamental aspect of objects hes touching including himself and since energy and mass are able to turn into each other he can change elemental propertys of creations while the one drawback it only works on basic mask shapes and elemental beings such as umerack 

  7. i think that the masks didnt alow control but were more for subtle changes in the natural abilitys of the toa lewa's alowed hem to be more agile thau's alowed him to be more resitant to heat And so on it afected their afinity with their element subtley to help them find their masks. also have you noticed that the toas weapons stayed in their "secondary" form until they got their masks.

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