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Sir Keksalot

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Status Replies posted by Sir Keksalot

  1. the third law in your sig lol

    1. Sir Keksalot

      Sir Keksalot

      *puts on a Kakama* I'M FAST AS ****, BOIIII

  2. Your calm, level-headed posts look strange next to your comically angry avatar.

  3. Your calm, level-headed posts look strange next to your comically angry avatar.

    1. Sir Keksalot

      Sir Keksalot

      If Mythbusters has taught me one thing, that is exactly how you should go about life.


      That was part of the joke--it's so ridiculous, yet it's legit.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, files anyway, because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

  5. Your calm, level-headed posts look strange next to your comically angry avatar.

    1. Sir Keksalot

      Sir Keksalot

      Oh, heck. I didn't know that was a thing on this site. Anyway, the thread was closed because the concept was technically NSFW, being entirely genitalia-based. That and my Sterquilinus concept are how I single-handedly made one of the mods post a thread declaring that you can't make inappropriate god concepts.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Your calm, level-headed posts look strange next to your comically angry avatar.

    1. Sir Keksalot

      Sir Keksalot

      I just need something to sarcastically rant about and title "THE ___ RANT." Of course, if I do make a rant, it's probs just gonna get closed because it wouldn't be an actual topic for discussion; and if that happens, it's not going to be as fun as if it spawns a long discussion and people keep posting their reactions. I am reminded of the time I posted a Priapus concept to the Smite forums. It was hilarious to see everyone's shock expressed in their posts, and it stopp...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Your calm, level-headed posts look strange next to your comically angry avatar.

    1. Sir Keksalot

      Sir Keksalot

      Oh, dear, I didn't even know this part of one's profile was a thing on this forum. I'd have responded sooner if I had.


      To respond to your statement, I actually hadn't even thought about that until you pointed it out. All the better for the sake of being ridiculous, which is what I strive for.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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