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Posts posted by CobaltGale

  1. So I'm sure this has been mentioned here. Unfortunately, my internet seems to be very much against me getting the Search function to work, so...if not, here we go.

    Apparently some folks have been making a Bionicle video game. Got the okay from LEGO and everything. Called Masks of Power. Looks pretty neat. And it gets even better. It'll be on Steam, for free! Figured I'd share this, though like I said, it's probably been mentioned a bunch of times.

  2. IC: Kodran- New Atero Soup Kitchen

    Kodran was beginning to get up. There was work to be done, orders to fill. As he did, he noticed the Onu-Matoran. He had heard bits and pieces. Of an Onu-Matoran who was good at crafting things. Mentions here and there from the occasional customer. And she seemed to be fitting the bill. Unfortunately...he wasn't sure how to really communicate with her. So the most he did was give a slight wave. Crafting was so much easier than trying to talk.

  3. IC:Kodran- New Atero, Soup Kitchen

    It felt strange to Kodran. It felt like so much time had passed, and yet simultaneously, only a few seconds had gone by. Taking a bowl of soup for himself, he placed a couple widgets down upon the counter and began to consume his meal. A shudder ran through the Glatorian as his body was overwhelmed by the intoxicating flavor...Before realizing that perhaps he was overreacting a bit, given that it was just soup. "Hrmm...Might have to head off soon. I think I may have gotten some orders...Possibly from Cliffside or Tesara or somewhere..."

  4. IC:Kodran- New Atero, Soup Kitchen.

    "True...I just figured I'd want to pay at some point to thank you for what smells like amazing soup." 

    It smelled amazing, definitely. And the person who was currently nursing a burnt mouth seemed to enjoy it..For now, he simply stood behind Rakin, waiting his turn.

  5. IC:Kodran-New Atero, Soup Kitchen.

    The mechanic looked over at the person who just...consumed practically an entire bowl of soup in one gulp. She seemed.....pained? Slowly, he turned to look at the owner of the soup stall.

    "Are we allowed to pay you if we want to?"

  6. IC: Kodran- Soup Kitchen

    The scent of the soup was making the mechanic drool a little bit. Wiping it away, he stood in place, simply prepared to wait his turn. As he did, he went through a small mental checklist. There hadn't been too many orders today...Come to think of it, aside from Rakim's request for a tool, he really hadn't gotten anything. Maybe he'd find some orders when he got back.

  7. IC:Kodran- New Atero

    The Glatorian followed, expression unreadable as he followed the military mechanic. A glance up to the sky allowed him to be lost in thought. Perhaps he should go out for a ride after their meal. Check and see if there's any repairs that would need him to travel....Hopefully not. He'd rather just have some smooth sailing...flying..whatever they call it.

  8. 2 hours ago, Smudge8 said:

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Rakin took the tube and pulled it open and close, "That's it, thanks man!" He poured the apropriate amount of widgets on the table. "You know, I saw a soup place down the street, want to go?"

    IC: Kodran- New Atero, Blood Forge

    "I don't see why not. Would do this body of mine some good to get out and deal with the fresh air and not have it be for a house call." Picking up the widgets, Kodran placed them into a small bag on his toolbelt before walking to the door. With a flick of his wrist, the sign was turned to say 'CLOSED', a small part pulled down to say 'OUT FOR LUNCH'.

    "Shall we, sir?"

  9. 6 hours ago, Smudge8 said:

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Rakin picked up the tube and tried to fit it into the tool. It fit, but it clearly wasn't designed to. "Not quite," He shouted, "It should be able to extend and retract!"


    IC:Kodran- New Atero, Blood Forge

    Grumbling noises could be heard from the back as he threw a few more rods out of the back room, before finding one. Seemed to extend....and retract....He threw it onto the desk. "Try that one!" He turned back, before a grumbling could be heard. "....Alright, I think I might need to grab some grub."

  10. 1 hour ago, Smudge8 said:

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Rakin thought for just a moment. "I've been lookin for this for a while. If you've got the extender," He guestered to the socket on the tool's handle. "I'll give ya 30."

    IC:Kodran-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Now that was a deal if the Fire Tribe Glatorian had ever heard one. Holding up a finger, he ducked into the back. A cacophany of crashing and rustling around could be heard before a metal stick was tossed out, landing on the desk. "That work? If not, I can keep searching!"

  11. 1 hour ago, Smudge8 said:

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood forge

    Rakin Shrugged, "Sure, I'll take a look." He began shuffling through a the box once or twice he pulled out a tool and examined it only to put it back. Then he fished up a pair of pliers with string joining the handle and a socket on one handle. "OOO, how much for this?"

    IC:Kodran- New Atero, Blood Forge

    "Hrmm....20 widgets should be fine, I think." Kodran scratched the back of his helmet, unsure of a good price. That seemed reasonable enough to him, though.

  12. 4 hours ago, Smudge8 said:


    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood forge

    Rakin smiled. "No problem man, sometimes all a machine needs is a good wack. But be careful, it usually works better with larger stuff."

    Suddenly there was the sound of a fist pounding on glass. A Brakas monkey was at the window of the shop, face pressed against the glass.

    "Aw darn," Rakin said sarcastically. "One sec." He went to the door of the shop and made sure it was open. The monkey came scampering up to him. "That was the longest you've ever been gone," He scolded the creature. "You were gettin my hopes up!"

    IC: Kodran- New Atero, Blood Forge
    A Brakas? Interesting. "A friend of yours, I assume?" Scratching his head, the Glatorian took the launcher, placing it in it's special spot under the register. Walking into the back room, he came out with a small tool box.

    "Not much, but you did want some tools for sale, right? Got some spares."

  13. 3 hours ago, Smudge8 said:

    IC: Rakin-New Atero-Blood Forge

    Rakin picked up the tool and examined it, turning it over. He held it up to his ear and shook it. There was a faint rattling sound. He thought for a moment and then picked up  a wrench and smacked the launcher. He held it up to his ear and shook it again, he didn't hear any noise. "Here," He said, holding the launcher out. "Give that a try."

    IC: Kodran-New Atero, Blood Forge

    At first, Kodran was sure that this mechanic knew what he was doing....Then he smacked the gun with a wrench, causing the Glatorian to twitch. If this customer broke the thing he'd cram a Thornax fruit so far up their-

    "....." Grabbing the Launcher, he gave it a quick test fire, nodding in approval. Everything seemed to be in order. "Warn a guy next time ya try slappin' 'is launcher, would ya? But..thank you."

  14. IC: Kodran - Blood Forge.

    The work ground to a halt as Kodran looked over at his fellow mechanic, blinking. On one hand, he was rather protective of his gun, and there was a strange sense of irritation that this random individual could somehow find and solve the problem. That being said, he had been working on a military airship. That was not a job one was simply handed. With a sigh, Kodran backed off.

    "Just..be careful. I have a lot of good memories with that Launcher."

  15. 4 hours ago, Smudge8 said:

    IC: Rakin-Blood Forge

    Rakin casually walked over and watched over Kodran's shoulder. "Good luck, it's pretty high securiety. Whacha workin on?"

    IC: Kodran-Blood Forge

    "Ah, this? My old launcher....Been using it as a way to defend my shop from intruders or unwanted guests...That being said....I think it needs a bit of fine tuning."

    Lifting it up once more, he fired the empty Launcher, before setting it back down, an annoyed groan erupting from the Glatorian. "It's close, and yet..."

  16. 1 hour ago, Smudge8 said:

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    "Yeah." Rakin replied nonchalantly, leaning against a table. "Got me a nice job repairin 'craft for the military. I just got re-assigned tho the big one that's been floatin up in the sky all day."

    IC: Kodran- New Atero, Blood Forge

    "Huh...Ya don't say. Sounds like a nice time. I wouldn't mind checking out the engine of one of those big ships. See what makes it tick."

    Lifting the Thornax Launcher, he pulled the trigger, watching the empty weapon work it's magic before putting it back down and going back to it. Maybe if he tightened that....

  17. IC:Kodran- New Atero, Blood Forge

    "Hrmm.......For sale, eh? Not going to lie, I've never considered selling my tools. I'm just a simple repairman...Not like I had much else to do after the war."

    A chuckle erupted from the Glatorian as he walked over to a table, picking up his Thornax Launcher and setting it down. Maybe it was the firing mechanism that was causing problems....He'd have to give it a few tests before he could discern the problem.

    "That being said....You a mechanic yourself, or...?"

  18. IC:Kodran - New Atero, his shop.

    Kodran's head perked up as he heard the door open. What timing! He just got done with inventory. Walking out, he took note of the customer. A fellow Glatorian? Fire Tribe, from the looks of him. Didn't seem to be looking at anything specific. Ah well, time for business.


    "Hail! How are ya today? Welcome to the Blood Forge. Got anything in particular you need fixed up?"

  19. 55 minutes ago, Nato the Traveler said:

    On mobile at work ATM, so can't link your profile to front page or get fancy with formatting right now, but Kodran and the Daedalus are approved.

    Thank you. Doubly so for letting me know what to fix. Made it a lot easier. :D

  20. IC: Kodran - New Atero

    "Alright..We are now open for business!"

    A content nod escaped a Glatorian as he stared at the sign hanging off of a door, just now turned to display OPEN! in big, welcoming letters. Pushing the door open, he silently took inventory. The store felt a bit cramped at times, though that was more due to all the tools and scraps strewn about. Some were pieces of spare scrap Kodran would find while walking about, while others were attempts at inventions. In the back sat a workbench, and some ways away, a small furnace for smelting metal, just in case he needed to heat something up in order to twist and turn it to get a fit.

    As he continued his inventory, his gaze fell upon an old Thornax Launcher, lingering as it brought to mind memories of a time best left forgotten...There were no more arenas to fight in, after all. With any luck, he would be able to hang it up for good some day. As it stood, it at least served as a good deterrent for anyone crazy enough to try barging in. Might have to give it a tune up in case it starts misfiring, though....

    "Alright....Well, doubt people are going to be knocking down my door the second I open, so...let's see what's on the agenda today!"

    OOC: Hope that works. Didn't really know how to introduce the guy, so...Kodran is Open For Interaction.

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