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Posts posted by Tarix819

  1. For me, a successful G3 would probably be a continuation of the G1 Bionicle storyline from 2010, as one thing G2 failed to do was to attract both older and newer fans since the reboot was pretty dull story-wise, so there was no foundation storyline for newer fans to endulge themselves in and older fans still loved G1 more. 


    It would need to feature a new Toa team with different characters that are still as memorable and unique as the Toa Mata, without copying them. There also needs to be a new villain, or possibly even better an older villain who did not play as huge a role in G1 as Teridax did, so for example, The Shadowed One or Karzahni.


    But most certainly the Toa Mata should not make another return. We saw them as the main 'good guys' in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008, 2010 (At least Tahu), 2015 and 2016. Time for a refreshing new team.

  2. I've never been very good at introductory paragraphs, so...




    Wall of History is a web archive of the entire BIONICLE story — in an accessible, easy-to-read format. When completed, Wall of History will host all the BIONICLE novels, comics, animations, web serials, and podcasts (plus a bit more), compiled into a single interwoven narrative.


    Not all of this is on the website yet, however — I'm publishing this alpha version of the website, which includes the first six chapters of Tale of the Toa, in order to open a dialogue with the BIONICLE community regarding Wall of History's design. I want to turn Wall of History into the definitive BIONICLE story experience, and I'm hoping that any comments or criticisms you all may have will help me achieve that.


    So... what next?


    I've already finished transcribing the first five BIONICLE novels, through the Mask of Light adaptation. They should be added to Wall of History over the next few days. I've also finished making and editing high-quality scans of the first two years of comics, which will also be added soon. You can expect all of the 2001 content — Tale of the Toa, the first three comics (along with Challenge of the Rahi), and Templar's MNOG walkthrough (plus a few excerpts from the BIONICLE style guide) — to be on Wall of History by the beginning of next week.


    After that, the remaining content will be added over the next couple of months, in (roughly) original release order.


    In the meantime, I invite you to check out this alpha build of the website, enjoy the first six chapters of Tale of the Toa, and post any comments or ideas you have in this thread.


    Thanks for reading!


    This is really cool!


    The website is designed really nicely. It definitely adds a bit of flavour to what would otherwise be a white wall of text on a PDF.


    Much appreciated. +1

  3. From my experience, Bricklink is the better option for specific sets and parts, however financially, Ebay is definitely the way to go. Unlike Bricklinkers, Ebayers are generally not AFOLs and are not sure how to price Bionicle sets, so you can grab some brilliant bargains if you're patient. Of course everything on Bricklink is 'Buy it Now' as well, whereas Ebay auctions offer chances to buy sets at stupidly low prices (I bagged a sealed Vezon and Kardas for £50 on Ebay).


    Don't forget there is a buy/sell/trade section right here on BZPower, so be sure to check that from time to time. There are plenty of Bionicle collectors on here with cool stuff they're willing to part with.


    As for actually displaying, I have my sets in cabinets with glass doors and lights, which makes them look nice and keeps the dust off of them. You do need quite a bit of space, and it generally looks best if you separate sets out into different years, for example, have one shelf dedicated to 2001, another 2002, etc. If you don't have much space, it's a good idea to just display your favourite/most beloved sets. Try not to overcrowd your shelves though as it will start to look like storage not display. And of course, displaying sets preserves them much better, so they will not break down like they would in a bin/box.


    Of course its all well and good advising you on the best possible display, but if you're not willing to spend ludicrous amounts, you could be better off investing in some basic shelving units, perhaps with a light strip running along the back, to display your favourites, whether it be the Toa Mata or Rahkshi or whatever.


    Hope this helps  :)

  4. Ok so, poking around bricklink it looks like these two (ish ?) posters were probably included in some run of some Bionicle product or another (based on the smaller size and the Universal and Gameboy logos on some of them). I got a poster like the Tahu + Muaka one with my copy of Quest for the Toa, though mine had a different back.


    I did see this and there is also this poster: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?G=4329462#T=S&O={%22iconly%22:0}


    Which is similar but doesn't have the mask chart on the back and unfortunately Bricklink doesn't let us know how they were released as far as i'm aware.


    Perhaps those posters you mentioned were only released in France and the Netherlands? That still doesn't tell us how they were released and I still have no idea about the version I mentioned.

  5. It came with sets in the EU, not sure about the US. I have several of these, but unfortunately most are a bit torn or worn.




    Do you know exactly which sets it came in? From what I have seen the only item other than the pieces and instruction booklet that came with the 2001 Rahi was an advertisement slip, but no poster. The Toa came with their own posters as far as i'm aware, but not sure which set this individual poster would have come in.

  6. Hi,


    I have recently come across a particular Bionicle poster originally released in 2001. Most of the people on here will have seen it before or perhaps even own it but my question is: How was it obtained? Did it come with a comic? Did it come packaged in a set from 2001 like some of the other posters? I would really like to know.


    I did notice SuddenlyOranges (Creator of Reviving Bionicle) has a copy framed in his house so i'm guessing it's not super-rare but I could be wrong.





    I am aware there is an alternate version with a blue Krana-Xa buried in the ground instead of the Miru, as well as a Turaga version featuring the 6 Turaga instead of the Toa but for this 2001 Toa Mata variant, I am not sure of the origin. If someone could let me know it would be greatly appreciated.



  7. eBay and BrickLink are the only effective sites for getting bonkles. I use BrickLink for specific sets and eBay for bargains since Bricklinkers know the worth of what they sell a lot better than eBayers.


    But before you worry about eBay and BrickLink, you will need a lot of space to display them. My collection has eaten up three 6 foot bookshelves and some other shelves along my wall, and I still have about 1/3 of all the sets to go. Displaying sets by year and wave looks a lot nicer than having a bunch of random figures jumbled on a shelf.


    I also recommend bookshelves with glass doors to prevent dust building up and cabinet lights is a nice touch, but keep your budget in mind. Even with the bookshelves, 1/3 of my collection is gathering dust as I haven't got the room to install any more bookshelves with glass doors.


    But once you get it set up, it is oh so satisfying to look at.

  8. It could happen but I very much doubt it would be successful. G3 Would need the support of it's older fans to succeed (Something G2 didn't get because it used CCBS) and transforming Bionicle into a system theme would leave a bad taste in the mouths of most of its older fans, so they wouldn't buy it. I certainly wouldn't.

  9. All of 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010


    Missing the Turaga and Tohunga from 2001


    Missing the Boxor and 5 Toa Nuva from 2002


    Missing 3 Metru Nui Matoran from 2004 and 2 Toa Metru


    Missing Rahaga and Toa Hagah from 2005


    Missing all sets from 2006

  10. I don't know about any full recoloring, it could just be a color filter they put them through. I know when they were very first advertised in the LEGO catalog Cahdok was depicted as having red eyes instead of both having green:




    This happened a lot in Bionicle.


    Pridak's eyes were depicted as red on his instruction manual, I remember seeing it happen to Ehlek as well somewhere.




    The Visorak instructions also had a lot of misprints too.

  11. One of the reasons I loved 2002 so much (Still do, and this also applies kind of to 2001) is because all the sets meshed together really well, functionality wise. Krana could be fired from a Bohrok and attached to a Toa, alternatively, a Toa could knock the Krana out of a Bohrok. A Bohrok-Va could fire a dormant Krana into an empty Bohrok suit of armour to activate it again, whilst a Boxor could knock the Krana out of the Bohrok. There are so many ways the sets from both 2002 and 2001 interact with each other that 2002 was a fantastic runner-up year to Bionicle.


    Collectibles were also great. Collecting the Krana made you feel like one of the Toa Mata, collecting the Krana before entering the Bohrok nest/hive.

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  12. 2007 was my favourite year of Bionicle:


    -It saw a return to the Metru-Hordika style of sets and story

    -It ditched the cringey 2006 theme

    -It was underwater which was freaking awesome

    -Story was on par with that of The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars 

    -Commercials were some of the best in Bionicle 

    -All sets released in 2007 were awesome, even the playsets which I am not normally a fan of

    -Box art for the sets was brilliant

    -We got the first Makuta Teridax set in 4 years and the last as well in the form of Maxilos & Spinax

    -The Toa Mahri were the same characters fans grew up with back in the 2001-2003 saga

    -We got 2 new launchers; Squid Launcher and Cordak Blaster, even if they worked terribly for most people. Normally a year only introduces one new type of launcher


    I could go on....

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