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Posts posted by Driller666

  1. Another bionicle creation from me! I actually had to rebuild this one because I built it back in 2010 and then took it apart. I was able to rebuild it from a picture I had taken of it from back then. I also decided to add a few updates to it :D


    The 2010 pic I rebuilt from



    The updated model



    Bomber is a former Po-Matoran turned Dark Hunter that was offered to become one after an explosion that nearly killed him. After being brought to Odina he was rebuilt into this form. The breathing apparatus also acts as a Kanohi simulator since he was rendered unable to wear a Kanohi in the explosion. I have written a more detailed backstory if anyone wants it. 

  2. Thank you. I chose the Hordika head because it looked more sinister since Helryx is a cold and ruthless character. I also chose darker pieces to imply some form of corrosion of her armor. As for the simple build, that was unintentional, but Shinken Green's in-story explanation works well I suppose.


    Here are some clearer pics I took yesterday:




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