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Posts posted by Gzstg

  1. 2 hours ago, Aderia said:

    Question: if the MU had an eclipse, would fire benders be double-weak because the MU technically has two suns/moons? 

    That being said, I'm not even sure the fire nation could put a dent in Ta-Metru, let alone the MU as a whole. I think it would generally be difficult for human forces to do much damage in the MU - aging, general durability or lackthereof, need for food/water/sleep, presumably inferior armor, etc. Perhaps if the Fire Nation brings Sozin's comet with them? But there's just so much in the MU that could counter firebenders, and not just Toa. There are a few fire-based Rahi that either absorb or are immune to fire attacks. Zyglak have resistance (maybe immunity?) to elemental attacks, etc. etc. 

    With how waterbenders can control water within a being and also their water powers extend to ice, I'd say the water tribe(s) may have a better shot. I think the Fire Nation's only hope would be to make allies in the MU. 

    I would think they would be weak anyway since aren't the suns artificial and not actual suns? I agree with the general assessment though. While the technological and industrial power of the  Fire nation is great they don't stand a chance. but I could see them successfully raiding some Matoran villages that aren't well protected for things they think they need. But lose to anything with proper defenses and beings that can control water to sink their fleet. 

  2. first the fire nation don't get very far. they only get powered up when the eclipse is ongoing. they lose it when the eclipse ends. and being transported to another world they would certainly  lose the power up from the eclipse. second the Fire nation is very industrious building a fleet of battle zeppelins from reverse engineering a hot air balloon along with their tanks and metal steam ships. though they will not have the tech advantage and will be at a disadvantage. A toa of water would wipe there ships out in much the same way the avatar did at the end of season 1. (though the fire nation wasn't very concerned about the loss of ships and still had enough to from a 24 hour constant blockade of their home islands. A toa of fire could send their fire back at them. though by that same measure fire benders would be able to bend any fire the Matoran Universe can throw at them.  it doesn't change much at all the Makuta and Order notice the new fleshy intruders and do nothing viewing them as little more than vermin. the fire nation gets annihilated by one or the other if they get far enough.  

  3. I would advise caution while the people above me are right its also worth briefly considering if he got them under less than legal conditions. I never heard of this seller before so I cant say for certain but I wouldn't buy from them but thats just me. If you feel comfortable with this seller get things from him. if you don't then don't buy things from him. 

  4. I would say some anniversary sets like star wars got. but most of the molds from both G1 and G2 have probably been destroyed. a entirely system based set seems likely if it is being celebrated. perhaps letting Greg or Faber say more story stuff in a book or something. any of the system based projects currently on ideas would make good anniversary sets. I hope it is celebrated in some way. 

  5. oh then the Makuta probably win most of them. as there's not a lot the assassins' can do to rakshi as they are just normal humans albeit slightly to near perfection level humans but still humans. though if the bh assassins have access to Isu weapons then they can probably hold on for a while but still fall as they are still mortal humans except for Alexios/Kasandra when they have the magic make me immortal staff (which is Isu weaponry.) its the same for the bh of steel as well though they hold out longer since they have power suits and are the remnants of the US military and tech departments. if they can capture a Rakshi or Makuta and make new weapons from it before they get over run they stand a better chance. as for the mutants that's trickier. as they are above human and have some insane powers of their own though I don't know much about them perhaps someone who is a bigger marvel fan then me can answer that. overall I give the odds to the Makuta these are more even match ups then some of your other ones. (Also bh stands for brotherhood didn't feel like typing it a bunch of times.) 

  6. the assassin brotherhood has access to ancient alien god level tech if I remember correctly. which would turn the tide in their favor as the aliens that make that tech are also the villains and run simulations in simulations and are a danger to reality itself. so their artifacts would be pretty powerful. otherwise its a bunch of humans in fancy robes fighting super human machines. though all of the protags together...might come out victorious, but probably not. it depends on whether or not they use those artifacts that would affect the outcome I think. 

    as for the brotherhood of steel they are techno religious people so might have a decent understanding of their enemy. and I believe they are the most tech advanced faction in the game so they have range on their side which the makuta lack. though they are a small group so the makuta probably win unless steel gets their hands on one of their number and makes new weapons from them. though a fallout fan would have a better grip. 

    the mutants I have no idea a marvel fan would have a better idea. 

    bonus round: the non mechanicals win, larger force, more range weaponry, more tech (especially if steel gets their hands on Isu tech), and the mutant powers would likely overwhelm the Makuta. are all these rounds including the respective armies and is it just the brotherhood of Makuta or do they get their armies as well. lastly you should also post these on the space battles vs forums so you get more opinions, other than the 3 or 4 people here that comment on them. 

  7. On 7/12/2020 at 3:35 PM, Daler99 said:

    Oh yeah, I’ve seen this before somewhere.  I didn’t realize it was actually printed and shipped in a German catalog , though. :P  If I remember correctly, speculation at the time was that this was concept art for the actual combo model.  If you look closely, you can see that the combo uses two of the trans-purple skull villain torso armors despite Quake Beast only including one.  It kinda looks like they took Umarak and slapped parts of the beasts onto him.  Quake Beast’s arm as a stinger, Storm Beast’s tail as a tail, Storm Beast’s hands as knee-guards, Lava Beast’s mask as a crown, Lava Beast’s blades as wings, etc. 

    the beast masks must have been bigger then as it cant fit over Umarak's head like that. I wonder how they would've accomplished that if it was made official.

  8. don't know if its in the wrong place but it looks more interesting than the official one. for instance how does that head work. is it Umarak head with a best mask on it? and which one is it? as it looks like lava beasts mask but I am not quite sure. and that tail. 

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  9. On 7/4/2020 at 10:05 PM, Iron_Man5 said:

    To be fair, it was a very nice blaster for the large vehicles that came out that same year, I'd say that'd be a great use for it. As a handheld gun though? Very heavy indeed.

    that would explain it. I don't build vehicles very often. it fires great but for my purposes it was a bad launcher. 

  10. the entire zeon army? well then giant robots with machine guns (that use either regular or beam ammo) will win the day. Also the Zabis are not the nicest people they will have no problem with wiping Spherues Magna off the map. elemental powers will  only do so much in the face of flying giant robots fighter planes tanks several ace pilots (Char, Ramba Ral, the Black tri stars, Johnny Ridden ect), and both poison gas and nukes. Zeon and the Feds signed a pact to not use nuclear and bio weapons against each other in the Antarctica treaty after millions upon millions died in the opening weeks of the war due to those weapons... a treaty which doesn't cover aliens on a different planet. Also factor in the shock factor for most of the residents of Shperus Magna would feel when seeing flying machines shooting big bullets at them. 

  11. 16 hours ago, Lenny7092 said:

    If I could think about it, Bionicle characters have much more advanced weapons and powers than the characters from the Middle-Earth stories, so they would win, despite Sauron being super-powerful and all other stuff that the guy above mentioned.

    the first round maybe but it will be a tough fight still. the second round no they cant defeat melkor, the source of all evil in middle earth powerful as the rest of the primordial beings that were made before the world and even imprisoned and having lost a lot of power Melkor is still far more powerful than anything the Matoran universe has ever seen. also Sauron isn't the only powerful one there. as Saruman, Gandalf, and the rest of the wizards are re incarnated primordial spirits. so the matoran universe will have a tough fight in the first scenario and a near impossible fight in the second as even if they win Melkor's evil will still infest the land and will never be gone. 

  12. Also in the unlikely event that Melkor is defeated he will never be killed. as long as evil and the world exist so will he. if he spreads his evil in the MU then he will persist there forever until the end of creation when he will be killed after destroying everything. even after his imprisonment and exile his influence was still felt in middle earth even after the last war of the ring. 

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