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Posts posted by thedefeaterdragon

  1. Well I did not just argue in favor of collectibles; variety of models and pieces and to use tactics to give relevancy to previous models are all part of my suggestions to make Bionicle better. I don't see anything wrong with it. Sure I have no studies in marketing but I can still figure out what I want and how I assume it would be better for the other customers. I personally think they should let go of trying to make Bionicle for children only. I mean at this point it is clear adults like them too; without going into mature territory, I think it would be great to see some good character development and epic art of a Rahkshi ripping a Matoran to pieces(they're robots after all) and seek out some cool effects.

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    Um...is this legal?


    How much money does Scholastic ever make from these Bionicle books today?


    Zero dollars? ..... oh.


    Not legal per se but no one is being cheated out of money here. Except for eBay sellers.


    If they want to publish NEW Bionicle books I would gladly pay for them.

  3. Hey there! So I've been lurking on these forums for a while now but never involved myself in them.


    I've been thinking, lately, about what might be holding this franchise down and how to make it better for consumers and fans alike.


    First of all, if the ideas in this post have already been discussed I'm sorry to repeat them; but I think it is most important that, if LEGO ever makes another remake, that they understand why these toys keep on flopping. And here's the thing, I love Bionicle and its story and I hope to Mata Nui that they will give the Toa a chance to save the universe again, but this particular story is only gonna go on as long as they sell the toys related to it.


    So, without further ado, here's how I think they should go about to make their toy as interesting as possible for us all!


    1. Stop giving us six time the same model. It's true, for the longest time we've had six Toa and six villains... then they reduced it to three Toa and three villains. Some of the times we got lucky and the villains didn't look the same and that is fine. In fact, it would be much better if they did this for every model!


    Now, now, I realize that's a lot of time designing things and that's money they can't afford if they think the series is not gonna make money. Here's my solution... or rather, how I would go at it!


    Focus on a single Metru or part of the island, at a time. Simple; that gives us one Toa model and one obvious villain model. Then, for the rest of the cast, you can probably give us a Turaga and a Matoran and... some other villains or just creatures or other races! Let's expand on that idea as I pitch more cool stuff, shall we?


    2. Bring back the element of collection. It's simple really, when you like a series and when its not too costy, it's a pleasure to get more stuff to personalize your characters. It's even better if it allows to rebuild your old model as another one! Masks, limbs or even tools(and not weapons! :P) are a great start. And if you don't like randomness, you can always make what I would call 'partner kits' that you can buy once you have this specific character... tho I am not too much of a fan of that kind of product for the reason that as the story will develop and the universe will grow, some characters could come with weapons or pieces for previous other characters. Let's take for example the first metru explored by the customers: the Ta-Metru. Well maybe the villain for that Toa at the time was a water Rahi with a chain to fight him and try to drag him underwater(where it has the advantage). But when its time for the water Toa to be promoted, that Rahi could come back for a vengeance. But rather than re-sell the toy, LEGO could sell the water Toa with a harpoon for that Rahi!


    3. More diversity! Haha, I bet I just surprised a bunch of you with that. But no worries, all I mean by that is: wouldn't it be cool to be surprised once in a while and rather than have a Toa as protagonist the promoted product is some other species that receives guidance from a Turaga? Maybe a Toa from last years fulfilled its purpose and is now helping a friend or something character(that may be shady or not) to get out of trouble or something? Maybe that character becomes a hero? Maybe its Makuta in disguise, who knows? At this point I'd make the story evolve in many directions. Makuta could still be some big bad guy but I'd keep him in the shadows... maybe enraged at Mata Nui and himself for bringing down his brother more than a conquered seeking to control all. I don't think big bad villains add a lot to a story and makes the story too 'good vs evil'. Beside, if defeated too often they start to get boring-weak and that's never good.


    Anyway, that's all I have for now, I'll leave this discussion open; I'm eager to see what you guys come up with to make the next remake better! Thanks for reading! :D

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