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Steampunk Tahu

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Posts posted by Steampunk Tahu



    Hahaha when the community thinks about robot wives... Is this really what the bionicle fandom has come to? I get that it's just for fun but I doubt it considering all the want for more female bionicle characters. Why do you want more female robot characters when you're a male? I'll leave that up to your imagination. Goodbye BZP

    I'm actually an advocate of the "Genders don't exist in Bionicle" idea, the pronouns He/She are just used by the author so that new readers are not confused!

    I more support the theory that Bionicle Gender is more of a state of mind for the Matoran.


    My vote's on keetongu, just look at how he took out sidorak so easily. Umarak the Destroyer seems to be on a less than level of power.

    sidorak was weak and umrak wears the mask of control. Keetongu has some healing but I think they are on the same power level. They are the same size.
    I'm pretty sure that the G2 masks are pretty week compared to the G1 masks, and Keetongu is a but larger if your going off of sets.


    The only problem I see is that Artahka was a city, where's Okoto has no cities.

    Okoto did have cities. In the southwest, it had the City of the Mask Makers, which was in ruins during the 2015 story but was repopulated at the beginning of the 2016 story. Then in the northeast, it had the Capital City, which was transported to the Shadow Realm when the Mask of Ultimate Power was first shattered. There were also other ruined cities in some of the other regions, all abandoned after the great cataclysm.


    That said, no, I don't believe there is any canon connection between G1 and G2 that involves them being part of the same reality. On a meta level G2 takes lots of inspiration from G1, including the Mask of Creation and the core conflict between two brothers. And it's not hard to headcanon G1 and G2 as alternate realities. But there are just way too many reasons why it'd contradict the canon of one or both of the two stories for Okoto to be a specific G1 island like Artakha or Mata Nui in the distant past or future.


    On your first thing Artahka had massive beautiful Metru Nui level cities from my memory, unlike Okoto's drab tribal ruins.


    And yes, I support the concept that G2 is an alternate universe.

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