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Posts posted by Alligaytorrr

  1. They are inconsistencies in one way or another, and even BS01 has no idea where or what that building is supposed to be. They are simply speculating, leading to the contradicting information. In truth, we have no idea if the creators of the animations intended for the building to be the Great Temple or not in the first place. Since the location of the temple is so ambiguous, it doesn't really affect the rest of the story though, meaning that the Hordika refusing to enter the Great Temple later is not at odds with the animations if we just assume the buildings to be different, as it would canonically make sense.

    That's fair. I guess Bionicle isn't really a series where you'd want to be expecting consistency across all its different kinds of media.


    As for the placement of Tentacles, I never found it that confusing, but I suppose putting Tentacles before The Dweller Report might make a bit more sense.

    Not so much that I think it's confusing, it just felt to me like a pretty unimportant short story was a dull note to end on, I guess? Book 4 began with Vakama starting his tales as preparations to leave Mata Nui were made, it seems fitting that the last chapter of Book 5 would be finally arriving on Metru Nui (with The Dweller Report feeling like a fine epilogue because it gives hints at what the Dark Hunters are up to). Maybe Tentacles could be placed before Time Trap, since it was told by Vakama while already on the way to Metru Nui?

  2. Actually, the temple in the animations isn't the Great Temple. This one is clearly situated in Ta-Metru, and doesn't resemble the Great Temple at all, aside from the spires.

    Are you sure? I assumed the appearance (both of the temple and the surrounding area) were just inconsistencies. BS01 says it is the Great Temple on the page for the animations, though it also says on the Avohkii's page that it was in the Archives, so idk.


    Also, finished Book 5 and I feel like there could be a better place to put Tentacles? The fact that Time Trap ends with the matoran's return to Metru Nui and then the book ends with an inconsequential story from before they left Mata Nui feels out of place. The Dweller Report works as an epilogue, but I feel like Tentacles would be better if it were earlier.

  3. Don't know if this was mentiomed yet, but I'm reading through Book 5 and the Mask of Light animations don't quite fit the timeline. They end with the toa going into the Great Temple to get the mask, but shortly thereafter (in chapters 44 and 45) the Great Temple is talked about again as if the toa haven't been in it since their transformation (they even refuse to go in because of it). Not sure where the Mask of Light animations would fit better, I haven't even read any further than this, but I wanted to bring it up before I forgot.

  4. Well I did say I was interested in putting together something for Quest for the Toa but I've been disgustingly busy with class for the past few weeks, so I'm glad to see others picked up the task! All I had in mind was just a very condensed, one chapter summary for the sake of having the story in there, anyway. ArchAngelleofJustice's walkthrough is looking pretty good to me, I think it fits really well with the style of MNOG's walkthrough, and I'm excited to see what TuragaNuva and Toatapio Nuva have too!


    Firstly, the short story Protection... I get that the story is canon, but honestly, it adds absolutely nothing to the overall story, since the slug-controlled Bohrok are not even seen in the book version of Maze of Shadows. The only reason Protection exists is to explain the wild Bohrok in the game version, so I think the story could be omitted entirely from this collection, since it has no added value. I understand if you wanna keep it for the sake of completeness, but that short story really serves no purpose, and may even confuse the reader.


    If you do decide to keep the story, there are numerous points where paragraphs should be separated with an empty line, I think. Also, on page 3, the point "but Makuta had been right about them, except for the exciting..." - These two sentences should be separated, or the comma replaced with a ; (you'll see why when you read the full sentence).


    Mostly popping in to comment on this because man do I agree. Protection is so cryptic and nonspecific, it's super difficult to understand what's happening and how it relates to anything else (and as pointed out, it doesn't relate to anything the books). I'd normally be entirely for keeping it just in the interest of completion, but it genuinely baffled me until I checked BS01 to remind me what in the world it was about and if this collection is supposed to be the most streamlined and clear way to consume the story, I'm a little inclined to say Protection does more harm than good, especially for new readers.

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  5. As far as Quest for the Toa is concerned, I think it would work well as a one chapter prologue in Book 1, if someone is up to the task. I think it'd be best to just skip the dialogue, which was pretty dull and basic, and just write a short, few paragraph long summary. I -maybe- could put something together sometime this weekend if TuragaNuva is behind the idea. I don't have much experience with writing fiction but I write well in general and just replayed the game a couple weeks ago, so I could give it a shot.

  6. G2 honestly had excellent masks. I'm partial to the gold uniter masks, I'm not generally the biggest fan of dual injection but they really look fantastic and the nuva symbols is a very nice touch. The Mask of Creation is also a really successful design with how ancient and regal it looks.

  7. I just finished going through Book 3. There are a lot of things to comment on in that book, but this is mainly because the MNOG II walkthrough is a part of it, and... well, it's practically filled with typos and other mistakes. They're all part of the original text itself.


    The first issue I took note of though, is that the main parts of the MNOG II walkthrough really should come before Tales of the Masks in terms of chronology. The ending of Tales of the Masks leads directly into Mask of Light, and the meeting of the Turaga portrayed in that book happens right before the Kolhii championship.


    I've just gotten to the Mask of Light part of Book 3 and I'm gonna echo this. It was kind of jarring to have Tales of the Masks end immediately before Mask of Light and then go backwards to MNOG2. I really liked the way MNOG was interspersed throughout Book 1 so might that be something that could be done with MNOG2 as well? I think it'd also alleviate the fact that the walkthrough is kinda relatively dry and personally I found it a chore to get through in one big chunk.




    I also think Ignition is not a bad title for either 7 or 8.



    I also agree with this tbh, even though I'm the one who suggested Rising as a replacement - I was taking at face value that it was supposed to refer to 2007 but apparently it's not so clear cut  :P I think Ignition just sounds really cool and even though what precisely it refers to is murky, I think it definitely could refer to the Ignika reawakening Mata Nui (switching on the ignition, if you will)


    Last thought, dividing the books into parts based on the three virtues is genius and I can't believe how well they actually fit.

  8. Not really being a fan of the launchers in general, I dunno that I have much to offer the discussion; I usually found that they made the sets look awkward, so I tended to take them off and have the characters rely solely on their unique weapons. Still, I grant that some of them were fun to play around with, so...


    I felt the same most of the time. Especially as they got bulkier and heavier, which made them really get in the way of posing. Vakama's disc launcher is probably my favorite just because it's unique and relatively easy to hold a pose with. The squid launchers are easily the worst (even just the concept is...weird) but it's hard to pick a second worst because they all had some kind of issue. Rhotuka spinner ripcords looked terrible, the Inika's zamor launchers were always losing their ammo, cordak and nynrah ghost blasters were unreliable, skyblasters weighed a ton. 

  9. Seconding Barraki canisters as my favorite. The blue is really pretty, the lopsided look is unique, they were just so aesthetically pleasing. But of course the Toa Mata canisters are a close second. To design toy packaging to have an in-universe function was ingenious and I think reflects the kind of effort that went into world-building to make the early years of Bionicle so magical. 

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  10. I skipped them as a kid because I could hardly convince my parents to buy six clone sets, let alone twelve, but I was pretty jealous of kids who had them. The silver with the primary colors is a really nice color scheme, they're sleek and look elite, and the patterns on the faceplates were very cool. Would definitely love to get my hands on them sometime. And even if their story was filler, it still felt like the biggest challenge for the toa yet and for that I loved it anyway, and still really appreciate it today. 

  11. So I considered joining the forum before but honestly I finally did it largely just to say thank you for all your work. I'd never gotten through the entire series because of how jumbled it gets in the later years with being spread across so much different media, and I was just about to try and make sense of the order of things myself when I found this so, thanks for saving me the trouble! I can't imagine how much time and effort you must have put into this, but it's really helped make the series accessible and I'm loving reading it again in an even more complete form.


    I'll also throw in my thoughts on the titles, they were actually one of my favorite things when I first saw this. I think they sound really nice, they're perfectly succinct, and I personally feel like it's more fitting to use one word that covers and summarizes the entire year than to use an official title and apply it to all the other stories from that year. So I'd vote for the one-word titles, although I do agree that Hordika is out of place; something like Venom could be an easy fix, and if Ignition is being used for 07, perhaps Rising for 08?

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