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Posts posted by GunmetalGold

  1. IC: Limon - Raring to Go


    "Yeah!" Limon exclaimed, her smile growing wider still, which was quite unsettling considering how gentle she ordinarily looked. Her spines were quivering and her knuckles were creaking with how tightly she was holding her staff.

  2. IC: Limon


    Limon grinned and hopped up and down quickly. "Yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye!!!" She jabbered, clutching her staff with both hands and holding it close. The prospect of having a single dwelling and getting to make it her own made her ecstatic, and it wasn't exactly hard to tell.

  3. IC: Limon


    "Once a seed sprouts, yeah! I can't manipulate them, but I can make them grow super fast! I can also do the same to existing plants!" Limon hurriedly explained her abilities, bouncing slightly on the spot in a fit of excitement. Then she gasped loudly.


    "Are there paints? Can I paint my room?!" Her small bounces turned into larger ones, and the Rahk's eyes gleamed.

  4. IC: Limon - Excited


    "Are there plant pots I can take??" Limon sounded very excited by the prospect of decorating her room and making it her own, practically vibrating as she imagined what her perfect room looked like. "I wanna have lots and lots of plants!"

  5. IC: Limon


    Limon's stomach rumbled, and the eager and hungry Rahkshi flew over to the dispensers and grabbed a bowl on her way. She looked at the options with some disdain and selected the blander version, and upturned her nose as the gruel ran into the bowl in a chunky mess.


    She sat down at a smaller table, reaching into her pockets and sprinkling a few different kinds of seeds into the mess. She took a hesitant spoonful and found it only slightly better than expected, but continued to eat it regardless.

  6. IC: Limon


    Limon started daydreaming about food. She remembered her first meal with her Makuta, a heaping plate of spiced, roasted vegetables.


    She smiled and started to drool a little before catching herself, hoping the other two didn't notice.

  7. IC: Limon


    "Limon." She replied, starting to walk again in the direction she and Dahl were originally going. "C'mon, we're getting food. Or, as close to food as this place has I guess." She shrugged, slinging her staff over her shoulder.


    IC: Vigilem Diode


    Dagger. Flux warned.


    Diode shifted his weight and spun to avoid Reda, though their leg got more tangled in her whip as he did so. The Rahkshi grunted as more pricks shot up his shin, and he attempted to slash at Reda again.


    I hate dodgers... He complained internally.

  8. IC: Limon


    Limon nodded. "Dodge. Bet that's handy, even at level 2. All I can do is make plants grow strong or wither away." She pouted, but her smile soon returned. "But, when I reach Level 6, I'll have complete control of any plants in a given area!" Her stride was considerably more bouncy than usual.


    IC: Vigilem Diode


    Vigilem was rather averse to being restrained. Nevertheless, the Rahkshi decided to take advantage of the whip's grip on their leg and yanked on it hard, aiming to rip it from Reda's grasp and create an opening.

  9. IC: Limon


    "I was hoping for a bit more variety, but... Well, can't really be picky, I guess." Limon looked up at Dahl, her brow furrowing. "This might be kind of an awkward question, but, what kind of Rahkshi are you? I've never seen another one before."




    IC: Vigilem Diode


    Vigilem skidded across the floor as Reda yanked on her whips, and his legs were taken out from under him. He growled as he fell to the floor and made another swipe at the whips, cutting clean through one of them and freeing a leg.


    Come on, Di. You've got her. Flux encouraged.


    Diode ripped off the remains of the first whip and got up, making a dash towards Reda and thrusting with the sword.

  10.   IC: Limon


    "Nah, my Makuta teleported me here." Limon said, with a look of vague disgust. "Blegh. Always makes me feel queasy."


    Her stomach growled loudly, and the Rahkshi pouted. "So, just. Gruel, huh?" She complained. "No roasted peppers or fruit bowls..."




    IC: Vigilem Diode


    Diode growled as the thorned whips dug into his legs, and he swung his sword at them in order to cut them. But, to his surprise, they were coated in metal and the blade just glanced off them. He'd have to keep chopping if he wanted to be free, but he wouldn't have time.


    All he could do was slash at Reda from where he was.

  11. IC: Vigilem Diode


    "Well then, I hope you're ready."


    Vigilem edged towards Reda, eyes narrowed and keeping an eye on her whips. Then, when he was within her striking range, he leapt forward and brought down the blade with a loud grunt.

  12. IC: Limon


    "Sure. Too hungry to really care what I'm eating." Limon said, leaning on her staff. "Lead the way."




    IC: Vigilem Diode


    "Hmm. No powers, just weapons and skill." Diode said, flexing his fingers and adjusting his grip.

  13. IC: Limon


    "Uhh." Limon wasn't sure what to answer with. But before she could come up with a response, her stomach gave a long and loud growl. "That was- Wow. Okay. Uh, I guess I'm on a quest to get food? Where does a Rahkshi grab a bite around here?"




    IC: Vigilem Diode


    Vigilem chuckled and fully drew his sword. "Before we begin, shall we set some rules, or just brawl like novice Toa?"


    The Rahkshi of Laser Vision circled her and and moved away from the entrance, lest any unaware Rahkshi get caught in the middle of their match. "I'm fine with either option, personally." Diode added, getting into a stance and holding the blade with both hands above his shoulder.

  14. IC: Limon


    Teleportation made Limon feel queasy. Right now she was throwing up her earlier lunch over a cliff, shuddering as she emptied her guts into the waves below. She took a few minutes to recover, and then slowly made her way to Corpus, making sure not to make any sharp maneuvers as she flew towards the large building.


    She landed and strolled towards the large doors, opening them with some difficulty as she hadn't much in the way of physical strength. She was in a large lobby of sorts, and had a look around for any of her kind.


    "Hello?" She called, hoping someone would answer.




    IC: Thunder


    Thunder grumbled to herself, flicking through the last of the books. These were beneath her. They were full of things she already knew, and other useless twaddle that wasn't relevant to her interests.


    That teleporting creep was obviously keeping the best information for himself. And it was obvious he wasn't going to share.


    Fine. She thought to herself as she released a hiss. I'll surpass you one day anyway. Just wait. Her tail flicked in annoyance as she walked off, heading towards the refectory for more food.




    IC: Vigilem Diode


    Vigilem noted the angry Rahkshi storming their way, and took a few steps towards them.


    "Forgive me, but I couldn't help but notice you banging on the walls of that... thing, and I sense you have some fight left in you." Diode said, drawing his sword ever so slightly as an invite to spar. "Perhaps I could help sate your appetite?"


    She looks pretty angry. I hope you're sure about this. Flux chimed in, slightly worried.


    OOC: Limon and Thunder OFI

  15. Name: Limon


    Variation: Plantlife Control


    Level: 2


    Gender: Female


    Gear: Limon possesses two main tools: First, her Staff of Plantlife Control, the heads of which are shaped like the heads of shovels with a hollow slit near the base. Her second tool is a dagger with two curved blades that form a leaf shape, with a thin divide between the two blades and etches made to look like the veins of a leaf decorating the halves. This dagger cannot channel her power of plantlife control, unlike her staff. She wears a bandolier containing pouches of seeds, and wears a sheath around her left leg to keep her dagger in. The two are both made of a brown leather-like material. She also wears a bright yellow bracelet made of string that features two large yellow feathers.


    Appearance: Limon is a primarily green Rahkshi, with small amounts of brown to differentiate herself from a Levahk. She also has bright, lemon-yellow markings along her carapace, and similarly coloured eyes. Her spines are shaped like falcate, or sickle-shaped, leaves complete with the same intricate etching her dagger has. Her carapace is also slightly longer than most Rahkshi and gives her more of a hunch.


    Personality: Limon, much like her namesake, is bright and zesty. She’s remarkably friendly and easygoing, and loves to make other laugh. She walks with a defined bounce, and always has a smile on her face (as much of a smile as Rahkshi can achieve, anyway). Hoever, when upset or angered, her sour side comes out, and she is much more collected and vengeful.


    Bio: Created by Makuta Dionaeaz, Limon shares her father’s love of plantlife and is eager to create plants of her own. Early on, she began to display signs of enhanced intelligence unbefitting of her power level, and started to give herself a name and decorate her armor. Recognizing Limon’s aptitude and brilliance, Dionaeaz allowed her to accompany him on many of his ventures across the universe.


    However, she was unprepared and underpowered for many of the threats in the universe, and Dionaeaz felt no other choice but to send her to Corpus Rahkshi to learn and develop her skills until she felt ready to join him again. He gave her a bracelet as a keepsake and promised to reunite with her again one day, before teleporting her as close to Corpus as he could get her.

  16. IC: Vigilem Diode - On the move


    "I'd have to think about it. But I appreciate the offer." Vigilem nodded and glanced over at a discussion that was going on a few meters away.


    Wonder what that's all about? Flux mumbled.


    "Best to not get involved." Diode replied under his breath. "Anyway," He faced the pair again, "I should get to the gym. We'll see you around." The Rahkshi of Laser Vision gave them a wave as he walked off, heading in the direction Canvas had told him.


    They were nice. A little odd, wanting peace and all that, but nice.


    "I suppose I'm odd too?" Diode smirked.


    Wouldn't have you any other way.


    Before long Vigilem had arrived at the Gym, and saw a few Rahkshi sparring as well as some kind of construct that sounded full of conflict. Frowning, Diode decided to watch the fight and leaned against a wall.


    OOC: Vigilem OFI

  17. IC: Vigilem Diode


    "Peace?" Diode couldn't wrap his had around why they'd want that considering what they were, and he sincerely doubted a lot of the other Rahkshi would be willing.


    Bit of an odd one, huh? Flux commented. Can't really say I see that working, but I wish them luck.


    Nevertheless, Diode found himself imagining what it would be like to live in a world without conflict. He and his sister could live their lives without being mistreated, and-


    Oh, come on. You're not seriously thinking about that are you?


    "I'm considering it." He replied with a grumble. Then he looked back at the pair and shook his head slightly. "Apologies. Little disagreement."

  18. IC: Vigilem Diode


    "Hm. Well, thank you for pointing me in the right direction-" Vigilem paused. Did we get their name? He asked his sister.


    Don't think so.


    "What is your name? I don't believe you mentioned it." Diode asked, cocking his head a little.

  19. IC: Vigilem Diode


    Diode hummed as he nodded in response to the Rahkshi, then turned as another approached. "Hello." He said.


    Ooooooo, she's cute. Flux teased.


    Diode sighed as he rolled his eyes, and pinched the carapace between them. "Be quiet, sister." He mumbled. "I was asking your friend here for directions to the gym before we both got sidetracked." Diode continued.

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