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Posts posted by PokamuTheChexGuy


    I love me some Mata hands

    The two-fingered ones that Tahu, Lewa and Pohatu have that they also opted to give Kopaka in The Game?


    Don't forget that all of the Toa ended up having them after their transformations. Stylistically speaking, these are actually my favorite. I think if these were done more recently, they'd have some kind of articulation in at least the fingers and the "palm" bit would be smaller, not unlike the way they are in The Game. Pipe cleaners might be a bit of a ghetto solution lol.


    Practically speaking (and probably no small thanks to nostalgia) I'm definitely a fan of y-joints.

  2. After all these years, I'm still tilted over how Lewa was the first Toa shown in the teaser and ended up being cut. I still dig the music in that trailer. Really makes me wonder what else the dev team had planned that didn't make the cut. I feel like there was going to be more to Pohatu Nuva's level than the mine cart considering the really short walking section, and there's also the cancelled Metru Nui-era sequel.


    I actually picked up a used copy of the GBA version a while back, complete with an instruction manual and (very squashed) box. It mentions a cheat menu that enables infinite lives, which would be a godsend considering the horrendous perspective in that game. Quasi-3D isometric views can be done properly and...that game definitely didn't do it lol.


    I only ever managed to beat Kopaka's level proper, and any time I tried Lewa's level I was really tempted to throw my SP across the room.

  3. Yes/About the same


    I strongly dislike the set designs from 2005 and after save for a select few. I feel like the story could have had a few things done differently/better and I still feel that the visual atmosphere from 2001-2002 from various posters/commercials and whatnot was the absolute best.


    Bionicle was a good chunk of my childhood, I can't dislike that.

  4. I'm honestly in the same club, the new set designs just aren't doing it for me. I was already pretty "ehhhh" towards the Hordika and everything afterwards.


    But if I'm following the story, I'll need comics! Are the monthly LEGO Mag comics going to see a return? I cancelled my sub ages ago, I'd like a reason to sign up again.

  5. It's still not defiitely absolutely a reboot, but at least there is some actual evidence now.

    Actually, it is. I'm sure it was confirmed at the panel and the backstory video on the Facebook page is the final indicator.


    Also, does anyone remember those Chinese knockoff sets from that company, "Blocko," from about...I dunno, 8 or so years ago? It really irks me that the new Gali bears a small resemblance to the "Nokama" knockoff:







    On a side note, look at the clouds on the left at 0:51. Don't they look like the mask of time?

    You're right!

    (Ekimu on the left, Makuta on the right for those who don't know)


    That's most definitely a Vahi. Now, does it have any significance or is it just an easter egg?

  6. Facebook page now has a trailer explaining the backstory. It's a new spin on the classic Mata-Nui legend.


    I'll always be interested in the story, but I REALLY don't like the new set designs and I'm not too big a fan on the characterization changes.




    A long time ago, on the mythical island of Okoto, all lived in harmony. It was a place of wonders and beautiful landscapes.

    From the island's elemental forces, two brothers known as the Mask Makers created masks of power. Each brother had a special mask.


    Makuta owned the Mask of Control.

    And Ekimu, the Mask of Creation.


    The brothers provided the islanders with many masks, but Ekimu's were the most treasured. His brother became envious and forged an evil plan...


    It was a sacred law that a mask could not contain the power of more than one element. Otherwise, it would become too strong and dangerous. But Makuta wanted to create the strongest mask of all time: the Mask of Ultimate Power!


    When Makuta put it on, it took control over him and the island began to shake and crumble. Realizing what his brother had done, Ekimu managed to knock the mask from Makuta's face. A shockwave rolled across the land and sent both brothers into and endless sleep. The masks were scattered all over the island, waiting for a time when someone would come looking for them...

  7. I don't know how to feel about this. BIONICLE composed the majority of my childhood entertainment ten years ago. Now that I'm graduating from high school, it's like everything is trying to tell me my childhood is over.


    I'll be honest. I didn't like the direction the story took after 2004, but I could live with it. Then they had the end comic with the incredibly open ending and the continuing serials on BIONICLEStory. How many of those actually finished? I feel like we're missing out on a lot of closure, story-wise. Sure, GregF's Q&A reveals of story secrets that bug everyone for years on end is nice and all, but it really isn't the same as reading the actual events play out in the story.


    I'll never be able to let BIONICLE go, no matter how much it changed over its run, because I think it still hasn't finished. None of LEGO's other products had such fleshed-out stories or characters, and I don't think they ever will in the future. Maybe that's just me being pessimistic, but hey.

  8. 9 years ago I woulda said the server loads. Now, it's gotta be all of the people that have up and left that made my BZP experience so enjoyable. Admittedly, I'm not entirely active either, since I understand that some simply outgrow Bionicle.Thread revival was also my absolute least favorite rule. I HATED it, and I still do. I saw too many good MOC threads locked because of a revival. I also feel like there are many larger threads that die off by themselves, and don't warrant a second thread. Granted, most of the smaller threads are the ones that die off and are revived, but it made much more sense years ago when BZP had more activity.

  9. Ugh. Those camera angles. I know this was an unrealeased version of the game, but it looks annoying to play.
    well, it IS a sequel to the 2003 game, hehehe....too soon?On-topic, surprised to see that this was even started, I guess they really expected the 2003 game to do well. I don't think the management was handled too well for these games, considering how much was cut from the release.
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