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Toa Silio

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Posts posted by Toa Silio

  1. Bionicle G2 didn't sell well. Retailers will be hesitant to buy any more Bionicle sets because of how badly G2 did. This means that the only way that Bionicle would get a continuation is in written form. But LEGO is a toy company, and the main reason they even do books and shows is to sell their toys. If they can't do that, what would be the point to making books? It's just extra resources they could be using on a theme that is actually still being sold. I'm not saying Bionicle will never return, I'm just saying it's probably not going to return in the near future. Like, LEGO had the perfect opportunity to celebrate Bionicle's 20th anniversary with the LEGO Ideas project, and they rejected it for a typewriter, a sitcom set, and the Home Alone house. 

    In the end though, I hope I'm wrong about LEGO refusing to do anything for Bionicle's 20th. I saw someone on Reddit calculate that LEGO normally reveals sets ~2 months away from release, so we have until mid-April for anything to be announced. Even if nothing is, I'd be ok with that. Because with the sheer amount of Bionicle fan projects out there, the fans are keeping Bionicle alive.

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  2. 1. Looking at your suggestion, I wouldn't mind them being in the same universe but on different planets (even if I disagree with Hero Factory taking place on earth). One of the major problems with this is Bionicle G1, and how LEGO doesn't want to come back to that story. G1's popularity declined because kids couldn't get into the over complicated story, so I'm not sure if LEGO would come back to that story. As for Greg, I'm not sure if he'd do it. If you look at his track record of defining what's canon, he has a very "me first!" mentality, making decisions that contradict previous things before he was story lead, and straight up decanonizing entire books by other writers. Since he already stated that HF and Bionicle are separate, I'm not sure if he'd go back on his decision.

    2. I also want more canonization contests. I'm just saying the current ones over on TTV are probably not going to be ending this year. And as for Phantom, I don't want a canonization contest for Phantom. If you look up Phantom on TTV, the actual creator of Phantom has resurfaced with evidence that they actually won the OG Dark Hunter contest for Phantom, but there was a problem with sending the pictures. So now they're trying to write a letter to Greg about it and see if they can get him canonized like it was supposed to be. The reason I think Greg could agree to this unlike in the point above is that Greg actually based Phantom's description on the photos.

    3. I'm not sure how receptive the Bionicle community would be to it. If you look at the system Bionicle sets that existed, they didn't really like them. They also didn't really like CCBS (an amazing system they really missed out on). I'm all for new building systems for Bionicle, but I'm not sure if it will be popular among the community.

  3. Out of this list, the ones I believe could happen are 1, 4 and 9. Unfortunately, constraction probably isn't coming back due to LEGO throwing out the old molds. As for 10, I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but Faber said he believes that 2021 is the big Biovival year, even if he doesn't get support from LEGO (probably just means he's going the 3d printing route, as he put out a post asking for 3d print designers in the community). Also, while I'm not big on Hero Factory and Bionicle sharing the same universe, I'm not gonna be actively mad if that happened (even if I don't think I will). As for more canon contests, the current ones definitely won't be finished by year's end, so technically that one already came true! ;) 

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