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Status Updates posted by TakuaTheChronicler

  1. Hello world! Looks like this is my first post. I can't express how happy I am that I've finally mustered the courage to create an account on here. I have been a fan of Bionicle since, well, I was able to do stuff, enjoy toys, amazing stories and characters.

    Thank you for accepting me onto your platform, I cannot wait to finally interact with people that understand the same things I do. I finally don't feel like the odd one out. I feel welcome.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bambi


      Welcome! I don't know if you know, but you also have a blog you can use here. We desperately need some activity in that section, so feel free to blog away! ^^

    3. TakuaTheChronicler


      @Bambi I wasn't aware of the blog! Now that's just cool, I'll be sure to check out the blog and breathe life into it as well as the galleries. :D Thank you very much for being it to my attention.

      Edit: Just checked out that section and I was blown away. I'm curious, how do I start a blog of my own on BZ Power? I tried finding a dedicated button.Thanks!

    4. Bambi


      Is there a button on the top right of your screen that says "Create"? I think if you click that it should give you the option to start your blog.

  2. Party like it's 2006!

    It's been what, 15 years since I had Hahli? This is so cool, I was amazed that they had the zamor spheres and light up sword intact.

    Inika was underrated imo, they were a cool Toa team wave. Haters 'gon hate.



    Cheers everyone! And move along move along.

    1. Bambi


      Blog this stuff! :P

    2. Bioniclefan7782


      I loved these sets.

  3. TakuaStickyNotes.thumb.jpg.963675b16c70ec2e52c776c5ffb38e94.jpg

    Takua guards my sticky notes these days, he even has a Pakari bamboo disk!

    One of the oldest MOCs I own. I didn't put him in a gallery because he is just a slight MOC with the mask there. I have many more MOCs, so once I get those out of storage, I can properly showcase 'em in the galleries. :)

    Here's a Tohunga Matoran to bless your feed. Cheers!

  4. Rebuilding My Collection: The Journey Begins!

    Hey all, hope you've had a great weekend.

    So I decided that I'm going re-build my Bionicle collection from the ground up. Many sets are in pieces in my upper closet, I'm in the process of cleaning them one by one and rebuilding what I have on me. I'm going to have to buy new pieces for many of the sets due to their parts vanishing into the void.

    Another thing is repairing broken pieces to my existing sets or ordering entirely new parts for those. Glatorian Mata Nui, poor guy fell off my TV I don't know how many times and his arms be wiggly!

    Some sets that I owned vanished completely with the exception of a few parts. So, hunting for an entire set(s) is the third duty.

    So, how do I start this giant journey? I had so many, so there's gotta be some prioritization.

    I'm gonna start this journey by following my number one rule I've gone by when I was younger:



        "Blue = my favorite color = good = I want the blue ones".
        - TakuaTheChronicler, many years ago.


    So before I start off with any other sets that were in my collection, I'm gonna make the Ga-Toa/Matoran,  and other "Blue character" sets I owned a priority first lol.

    Nokama, Kahgarak, Gaaki, etc.

    I started off with Toa Inika Hahli because she was the first one (that I can recall)  that vanished off the face of the Earth completely (with an exception of her one armor piece I used for my MOC, I'll have to put that on the new one I suppose). I recall many other Bionicle sets of mine have either vanished in Public Storage or in a hotel I stayed at for a while.

    After I take care of Step One: "Blue"... (da ba dee)

    .. then I'll gonna restore the entire Barraki (After Takadox). They were the only villains that I ever had a complete collection of (and also my favorites!). I know for sure I had like, two Mantax as a kid, so I should have spare parts haha.

    I'll update again soon. :)


    I'm gonna need this back, old MOC 'o mine....





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