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Posts posted by jaeanime

  1. Even though I am very aware that the movie was not made in any way to favor the show (other than give a story about the general cast and general plot line), this is just a fun way of underlining the mistakes that the writers made when pitching the movies plot. Even if the movie wasn’t made to fit the show, the changing of the shows overall theme after the movies release is humorous, especially since it creates a HUGE bump in the road for the show timeline. Changing character designs beyond recognition, adding elements that are unexplainable (Ie, Nya having a beauty mark, Jay losing his eyebrow slit) and trying to rewrite the show as minimally as possible to account for huge additions in the movies timeline. All mistakes that were made during the revival of the show after the grossing of the movie. 


     The development of lloyds character is very different than what the movie portrays. As we all know, Lloyd starts off as a troubled kid who seeks to be as powerful and as evil as his father. However, through the shows length, he turns to have a much better character. The timeline of Lloyd's green ninja journey is extremely important and entertaining to watch, and I'm of course a bit saddened that they went away from that. 

    To add to lloyds random change in character for the purpose of the movie, the other ninjas seem to have almost no character to them. I'm sure we can all agree that in the show, Jay is quite a character. He's loud, often extremely energetic, and has a lot of sass to him. Though his movie character seems to have absolutely no correlation to that. And while Nya still has her feminist kick quips, she doesn’t work as the same center-piece for the movie ninjas as she does in the show. Zane is just a train wreck. With almost no amount of sophistication and intent that he has in the show, Zane is a hollow shell of the roll he once played in the shows cannon. 

    Garmadon was entertaining as far as his character. He often served as comic relief in spots and was altered to be more of a villain and a plot point for Lloyd to overcome. The shows post movie seasons ended up accounting for this personality change in a pretty decent way, even if it was abrupt. 

    Timeline errors that can’t be explained

    The ninjas in the show are all over the place as far as timeline goes. While Lloyd is still a very young teenager, some of the ninjas are well up into their older teen years by the hands of time. While this isn't that big of a deal when it comes to the movies timeline, there are some random additions that are very interesting. This includes the ninjas all being in the same high school class, yet Lloyd just turning sixteen. 

    Speaking of the hands of time, arguably one of the best seasons, the movie obviously shows no connection. This isn't an issue at all, but the way they tried to work the movie in with the postseason just didn't make a lot of sense. Especially after a season like the hands of time. 

    Extremely confusing and random additions 

    While the idea of the movie is to create an easy to follow plot that slightly feels like the show so many were familiar with prior, it's nothing but a slight aftertaste to the original basis of legos most popular series. 

    Changing the character designs; one of the most unexplainable and unnecessary moves. When making a movie and revamping characters, a few tidy ups of their design isn’t too much of an issue. However, when you make a character almost completely unrecognizable to their tv counterpart, there's a little bit of an issue at hand. Kai is one of the most argued characters on the list of design mess ups, and it isn’t hard to see why. His design has almost no parallel with the show, you wouldn’t even know it was supposed to be him.  

    Misako is another huge change that was really confusing as well. Especially since in season nine, she continued to wear her show design while the other ninjas changed completely. 

    Character dynamics and interactions 

    Now I know i've just been complaining this whole time, and it may seem like I didn't enjoy the movie at all. This just isn't true! I loved the movie a lot due to its character dynamics. I really enjoyed the amount of depth that they added to Lloyd and Garmadon's relationship. Where you don't get to really see it much in the show, the movie's rendition on their relationship was such a comforting touch. Even if the other ninjas suffered huge character changes, Jay and Nya still had little moments together, and at times the ninja seemed very connected with each other. All around, the movie was so adorable and enjoyable to watch due to the amount of dynamics they added. 


    Thank you so much for reading this super long discussion post! I realize that the movie came out 4 years ago and this has been talked through already. I just really wanted to share this! I know it's a lot, but feel free to counteract my statements or add things. Thanks!

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