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Posts posted by VenueLex

  1. It's disappointing that the Hero Factory online games have disappeared, but don't lose hope just yet! The Webpage Archive and BioMedia Project could be valuable resources in your quest to find and play these games again. It's worth exploring their archives to see if you can uncover any hidden gems.
    In the meantime, if you're seeking some entertainment to fill the void, why not try your hand at euchre? It's a timeless card game that's easy to learn but offers plenty of depth and strategy to keep you engaged. Gather some friends or play online, and you'll soon be immersed in a whole new gaming experience.

  2. In the Bionicle storyline, the concept of characters eating or consuming food was not explicitly addressed. The focus of the story was primarily on their adventures, battles, and the intricate lore of their world.
    Since the Bionicle characters were biomechanical beings, their biology and needs might have been different from humans. Their energy source and sustenance were not a prominent part of the narrative. So, whether they ate or not remains a bit of a mystery within the Bionicle universe.
    If you yourself wanna explore more good foods, check out powdered whole milk. It's one of the best foods you can add to your menu to become healthier.

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