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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    I'm boooored. And I don't feel like sleeping yet.
    Perfect time to clean the room and set up a display area for my Figuarts, I suppose. Meant to do that days ago to take some pics for a contest... the deadline for which is tomorrow. Gotta love cuttin it close, eh?
  2. Ektris
    You want pranks on this April Fool's Day?
    Well I'm actually liking this one.

    Especially TakanuvaSpike. It's really weird how perfectly the images fit.
  3. Ektris
    So I sorta goofed up on the whole Organization XIII name change thing, didn't I?
    Considering it's supposed to be Roman numerals before our names and not numbers.
  4. Ektris
    I'm experiencing a pretty big storm right now.... Constant lightning and thunder, rapid rainfall making a barrier around my house, strong gusts of wind. And my house is shaking.
    And my dog is scared out of her mind. She keeps trying to hide in the windowless bathrooms as usual, but when she does she locks herself in and tears apart the door.
    And, according to my grandma, a tree's down in my yard for the first time in years... Well, her yard, but we're neighbors so it doesn't really matter. Though, I can't see anythin'.
  5. Ektris
    LEGO Minecraft Micro World: The End
    Star Wars: Knight Errant
    Star Wars: The Last Jedi
    Star Wars: Tales of the Bounty Hunters
    A Song of Ice and Fire: A Clash of Kings
    Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
    S.H. Figuarts Son Goku
    NECA Booker Dewitt
    S.H. Figuarts Mega Blaziken
    S.H. MonsterArts Godzilla 2014
    Transformers Generations Windblade
    Transformers Generations Roadbuster
    McFarlane Assassin's Creed Phantom Blade
    S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Bravo Durian Arms
    I'm nearly finally done with A Game of Thrones (wow is this a long read... and after finishing it I hope to finally start the television show), so figured it time to pick up some books. Actually was pretty disappointed since the Star Wars Legends books I've been wanting for a while weren't in stock there, so I kind of just got what I didn't have... which even includes one I can't read yet (The Last Jedi) because I wasn't able to find those before it. >_<
    Also picked up The End while at Barnes & Noble and just posted my review on it.
    Smash 3DS is awesome. Yes, the WiiU one is going to blow it out of the water and this basically amounts to a limited port... but I can't take my WiiU literally anywhere.
    YES! NECA's Booker is finally out! And I had to resort to Amazon because I just couldn't find it in my TRU at all... Which also tempted me into finally getting a DBZ SHF. Goku's pretty cool. And with SS4 Goku just revealed the other day at Tamashii Nations 2014, I don't think I'll be able to resist him either. Speaking of Tamashii, managed to nab a Bravo off of Mandarake finally. He is glorious and flamboyant and oh so very painful oh goodness why is he so sharp OW!! But uh... I still like him haha! My 2014 Godzilla also came and I couldn't be happier. Mine doesn't seem to suffer from any QC issues a lot of others seem to be complaining about. He's simply awesome. Finally, Mega Blaziken arrived and he's alright. Just alright. I still wish it was regular Blaziken, but the stand they did for him is pretty sick. I do hope we get more Pokémon in the future.
    My WalMart finally put out new Transformers stock in a big way... Island devoted to just the Generations. Only picked up two but very tempted to get more.
    And finally my newest Hidden Blade, as we all saw the other day. It feels weird having this and not taking my haul pic alongside Unity. It's... Well, kind of disappointing. The blade is the tiniest yet. It's really just a sad little thing. And the crossbow gimmick (HA! This time the blade's supposed to launch across the room unlike the defective NECA ones! ) is just bad. The tiiiiniest of bumps will unlock the tiny tab keeping the bolt in place (and only the bolt locks... not the sliding mechanism or big hunk of plastic it slides into). It's just not very well designed in that regard.
  6. Ektris
    Yeah I'm a few days late, but I'm also sitting here unable to sleep when I have to get up in 3.5 hours to go to the airport, so I wanted to find something to do.
    I want to keep this short. It feels like for the first time, I can confidently say that a year was good to me. I graduated college, I got a job, I'm comfortable where I'm at despite living truly alone for the first time, I got engaged... There were still some bumps along the way (still have some anxiety and other episodes), but as a whole package it was pretty good.
    I've walked into 2015 feeling confident, and it's a great feeling.
    So happy belated new year, everybody. May it be good to us all.
  7. Ektris
    So I finally beat BioShock 2 last night, which means I've now gotten through them all. I still have the trials to mess around with and Minerva's Den to do, but the main games are complete (and of course Infinite's DLC, whenever that'll come out).
    And wow. These had long, looooong been on my radar as games to play. And I just didn't. After having played all of them, I just can't explain why.
    Infinite was amazing. It was such a compelling story and that twist at the end... Oh man. Made the second run through so much more interesting as all of those hints are now so obvious and not just the ramblings of perceived mad men.
    The original definitely made me think a lot. Would you kindly agree it was a good game? This dark, dank world was such a contrast to the Columbia that I experienced first, I'd hesitate to think they were in the same universe. But it was a really cool place to explore and experience how fallen such a "great" society could become.
    2's story really just didn't interest me a whole lot. The audio diaries explaining more of Rapture's history were so much more interesting than most of what went on with Delta. But the gameplay as a Big Daddy was loads of fun. I also haven't done a second run of this one yet like the others, but just might for the Big Brass Balls Achievement. But since I can't get all of the achievements in this game thanks to many being multiplayer, I'm not as compelled to complete it like I was the other two.
    So yeah. BioShock. Great series, and one I am very happy to have mostly crossed off my backlog of games. I now understand all of the hype.
  8. Ektris
    What even is New Mauville?!?!
    Seriously that radical change reeeeally threw me off. I also find it kind of confusing to navigate... But hey, at least there's the joy of technically using a bike in a building (since it's a mall). :3
    Took out Wattson for my third badge with a little difficulty. I am really, really feeling the lack of a Fire Pokémon. It is a feeling I am not even remotely used to lol. I caught a Numel, but I'm not really keen on using a Camerupt... Not that there's likely to be any better alternatives. Are there...?? I can only think of Torkoal off of the top of my head and that's not an improvement to me.
    Also got two Mega Stones already. I was not expecting to come across them. And I don't even have my ring or have been told anything about them except Steven briefly mentioning Mega Evolution to himself... Really weird coming off of X and Y.
    Hashirama, Grovyle Lv. 25
    Altair, Swellow Lv. 25
    Biscuit, Masquerain Lv. 24
    Tohsaka, Dustox Lv. 23
    Asuna, Kirlia Lv. 23
    Akamaru, Mightyena Lv. 23
    I did also choose to transfer Glalie today. Once the rest of the team catches up, I'll withdraw him then in Biscuit's place.
  9. Ektris
    Aaaalrighty! Eren came in and I finally bought some more games! Yippee!

    Also Stormtrooper. Yay! Amazon finally, finally came through and I managed to snag one during the literal minutes they are in stock for. Some of the articulation on the trooper is disappointing, but even so he can do what poses I want.
    Eren oh Eren... I already showed him off and said some words about him, but yeah... He's a solid figure and I'm glad to have him.

    I also finally bought Stick of Truth! It's so hilarious and I've had so much fun playing it.
    Watch_Dogs is my first on-disk game for my Xbox One. I had completely forgotten that the cases were shrunk lol. I'm generally okay with it, but of course that size jump isn't going to look all that great on the shelf. Unfortunately I haven't been able to play for more than an hour due to flying down to Austin for a week the day after it came out [so I'm still here in my hotel writing this heh]. I had been enjoying what little I did, though.
  10. Ektris
    I just realized I was playing on Novice.
    The game really should have made some sort of note at the beginning about difficulty. Or if it did, I never even noticed and it should have been clearer.
    Pushed it up to Adept. Anyone think I should go higher?
  11. Ektris
    Yeah, I know it's not for a few months, but I want to check early.
    Is anyone from here going? As always it's one of hte conventions I'd love to go to most desparately, but know I won't be able to.
    But there's an exclusive Transformers gift set I desparately wantneed from the convention, so was wondering who's going to see if you'd be willing to pick one up for me. XP I'd obviously reimburse you and pay for shipping.
    I feel somewhat ashamed having to ask for help, but while I do really want this I'm not going to pay scalper's prices.
    Oh, and it's this bad boy:

  12. Ektris
    Well, it took a little bit to get things fixed, but I now have access to my blog again, thanks to BZP's anniversary.
    Of course, this is a horrible week for it.
    I've got band camp all week - that means from 8 (really 7:30...) AM to 4 PM, I'll be offline. Joy... But it's even more complicated because of my new braces (more on that later).
    But, yeah... I'm back to blogging.
  13. Ektris
    I knew I had to do it eventually, and as I can't think of anything else to write about at the moment, I figured I might as well do it now.
    The BIONICLEsector01 Wiki, commonly known as the BS01 Wiki, has recently ran into some trouble. We were kicked off of our old host most ungraciously. But the worst part about it is that Swert didn't have enough time to save everything in the Database.
    But, what does this mean? The Wiki is now back up, so what's the problem? Well, we've pretty much lost everything. Yes, since it was put back up, we have made great strides in this new Rebuilding. But much, much more can be done. That is why I am asking you, the readers of this blog (Gravitan, you can stop reading already, this isn't for you. ), to come on over to the Wiki and help us. Even if it's just some little things like a few grammar changes. It all helps in the end.
    And I gotta tell ya, bein' the only (unofficial) Moderator on there half the time gets pretty tiring. Boy, will this be fun when school starts.
  14. Ektris
    So... Yeah. Star Wars Black Series. Wave 2 came out and I got the two I wanted most. I was a bit worried for a while about Boba, though - I had preordered both he and Han on Amazon within the first few hours after they went up, and although I actually got Han a week earlier than his expected release date, I was told I wouldn't get Boba until December 30th. Now that didn't sit very well with me... So when he randomly shipped just a week after being told that, I was pretty darn happy.
    Unfortunately he does illustrate my biggest gripe with this line rather well: the overuse of ratchet joints. The shoulders in particular just bug me because of where they lock in does not feel natural. Sure they're really soft ratchets and you can stop in-between, but they'll easily pop back into "proper" position.
    And his overly gummy rifle is annoying (gummy weapons in general are). I can't for the life of me get him to hold it in a way where it doesn't just bend in half except for pointed straight down.
    But he still looks good and Han is perfect in my opinion. He's exactly what I wanted.
    I also got R2-D2 (and Transformers Generations Blitzwing) in this week... to my dorm room. But I'm at home for Thanksgiving soooo those'll have to wait until next month. I even picked standard shipping instead of Prime 2-day so they'd get there when I got back and they still arrived in 2 days haha.
    Oh, and Samus! She's perfect, but man did I underestimate how tall she was. She towers over the other Nintendo figures (D-Arts & Figma) that I have. (Speaking of, when packing up Venusaur to take home, the ball joint on one of his vine whips just twisted clean off. ) I only wish she came with charge shot effect parts. Still, for my purposes, I'm done with Nintendo Figmas for now, so I'm happy. Now if only some of the older anime ones (*coughSAObecauseIwasstupidanddidn'tpreorderthemwhenIhadthechancecough*) weren't so darn expensive on the aftermarket...
  15. Ektris
    I wanted to take a break from episode point-and-clicks to get the stink of Game of Thrones out of my mind before talking about the last one I played this year. So let's go to another Games With Gold title.
    Rayman is a twenty year old series and this is only the second game I played in it. There was this GBC title I had that I can't even remember the title of, but I know I was never very good at it and thus never had interest in trying it out again.
    Then a few years ago I saw some friends in college playing Rayman Origins and thought it looked really fun and the owner insisted it was. Only played a level a few times myself, so didn't get much of an impression though. When Rayman Legends was put up for free for Xbox Gold members, I figured it was finally time I tried it out again. Plus I hadn't played a platformer in a while.
    My friend was right - it was really fun. Some of the later levels were a little challenging, as was collecting every single Teensie (better believe I did though). It was a colorful platformer with some pretty wacky characters to spice things up. My favorite levels were by far the music ones. Those were really creative and tons of fun to replay.
    That's about all I have to say on this title. Rayman Legends is pretty straithfroward as far as platformers go, but it was a fun one. If you like them, give it a shot.
  16. Ektris
    I'm sure a lot of you have heard by now about the upcoming Transformers video game Fall of Cybertron. If not, go look up the teaser trailer - it's full of buckets of hype.
    Well. It's Transformers. There's going to be toys, of course. With its prequel, we only ever got 5 figures - all of which were great, but there were still so many more that would've made great toys...
    FoC is not going to disappoint here.

    We're getting a fully combinable Bruticus! Of individual bots we've only seen Swindle and Brawl (and I guess you can count Onslaught for the Bruticus torso/head), and they look great. If they're any indication, this is gonna be one huge bot. And I love that.
    My wallet won't, but I sure will.
  17. Ektris
    Up next, all my Figuart purchases:

    Please ignore the other random things in the background (and that it's a little too bright; took this one in a hurry).
    Also related would be the pictures I took for that contest I mentioned yesterday.

    I want to do BIONICLE next, because I've made quite a lot purchases of those this year, but I do have to leave (in a hurry and all), but expect that one later tonight. It just miiiight be 2012 already in my timezone by the time I get to it haha.
  18. Ektris
    These guys are too awesome to save for an end-of-the-month haul entry. (Even though I've not bought much else anyways.)

    Two of the best Digimon of all time in super articulated, highly detailed form. They just look so awesome.
  19. Ektris
    More from the backlog first. Here we have Kamen Rider Blade, who is easily one of the best Figuarts Riders to be released.

    And some new stuff:

    The first of the fruit Riders have arrived! These guys simply look phenomenal and I love them. I only have Ryugen preordered so am kicking myself for not getting in on some of the exclusives already... [but that was mostly because I didn't have an address to ship them to and didn't want to be annoying with a middleman trying to change that.] There's so many of them and if they're all as great as the first two, I'll have to track them down eventually.
    Didn't really get good shots for either Gaim or Baron for the second pic of their respective sets, but hadn't noticed until I packed them away. Oh well. Still haven't decide how I want to eventually leave them posed once I get set up properly in my apartment in a few weeks either. Hmm...
  20. Ektris
    Continued my slow crawl through this game today by grinding. Lots and lots of slow grinding. I snagged myself a fancy Feather Badge in-between all of that though. So at least there was some progress made.
    Really not that much interesting happened. I did scan a friend's QR code to enter my first secret base (and was most disappointed when I learned I couldn't battle him yet lol). Haven't bothered doing anything to mine yet... I know I'll find a nice place and kit it out eventually though.
    It occurred to me today that I have done zero research on where to get the new Mega Stones. Besides the two you're handed as part of the storyline, I haven't found any since those two the other day. And I would reeeeally like to find Sharpedo's.
    Speaking of, surfing on a Sharpedo is awesome!
    So yeah... since there's really not much else to say, here's the team:
    Glalie, Lv. 41
    Vibrava, Lv. 41 (Still no nickname inspiration...)
    Hashirama, Sceptile Lv. 39
    Altair, Swellow Lv. 39
    Abyss, Sharpedo Lv. 39
    Latios, Lv. 37
  21. Ektris
    As annoying as it may be to type the BBCode, here I am on my phone trying to get this one up lol.
    I really, really tried to flesh out and complete my BIONICLE collection this year. And while I definitely did a toooon of looking around, my actual purchases weren't that many. But two of them were at the same time pretty substantial... Regardless, I'm pretty happy with everything I've gotten.

  22. Ektris
    And here's the stuff I got pre-Christmas!

    I'm very, very happy to finally have both Blitzwing and Shockwave. Even if both were impulse buys and nothing's really been holding me back in the past from getting them. The former I actually do rather like but I desperately need to open him up and get in there with an emery board (as well as find an emery board) to fix that dang shoulder issue... Shockwave, while I enjoy as a big Shockwave fan, does actually disappoint me. That vehicle mode is just plain bad and posing in robot mode seems too limited. Still, he's an imposing mono-eyed maniacal genius and I appreciate that.
    R2 kinda steals the show though. I got him half off and he's definitely worth it at that price, but so not the original $20 price. Just too dang small, but it's the right size. The only problem I have, and this was probably just with mine, is that the front-most compartment on his dome is nearly impossible to pop off and led to some minor damage of the figure as I tried to do so... So I'll never be doing that again.
    There's some other cool stuff I really thought about getting but just held off on for now... Generations Waspinator and Rhinox are hitting shelves now too so I'm looking forward to getting them. At least I hope I"ll be able to.
    So... I'll see you guys in a few days!
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