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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    Man, there sure have been an awful lot of blog entries about it lately... It's almost as if it were coming up soon or something.
    Well, I hope you guys that go have a lot of fun.
    I was supposed to go this year. When my uncle visited last month he mentioned how he and my cousin went last year (gee, wish they had mentioned that while I was staying with them a few days last summer. I'd have totally come back then) and were going again this year. I told him how long I'd wanted to go and he (I believe haha) made a genuine offer for me to come down and go with them.
    Now, granted, I'd have to find my own way down from PA, which probably would've meant long bus rides. But I had seriously considered doing it. Then my mom got her knee replacement surgery scheduled. And it's August 3rd. So I tossed all Brickfair plans out the window, because I knew I would just be worrying about her the entire time down there. My parents also thought he and I were joking when discussing it and probably wouldn't have liked me going down. It's not like I'm 20 or anything and should be given t he opportunity to start doing things on my own... Anywayyyys...
    But I can - and hope to - always try again next year. But I have been saying that for years...
    Oh, and my cousin said he loved it last year. And he's a huuuge Hero Factory fan. So I hope you guys have quite a nice display for him to tell me all about.
  2. Ektris
    Watching a person go into diabetic shock is some scary stuff.
    Even after I've seen it before. But I've never seen it last as long as it did tonight.
    Probably didn't help that it was my dad.
    Made me realize that I really have to learn how to handle these things. If my mom weren't versed in it, I don't know what I could have done short of giving him some of his sugar pills and then calling 911.
    Tonight wasn't too fun...
    Oh and we also didn't have power, which is what basically led to this. So looks like I'm not going to work tomorrow. Yay 3 day weekend?
  3. Ektris
    So I sorta goofed up on the whole Organization XIII name change thing, didn't I?
    Considering it's supposed to be Roman numerals before our names and not numbers.
  4. Ektris
    Wow, haven't voluntarily changed my display name in a loooooooong time!
    Also, new avatar already. :3 Once this is over I'll change it back to Iroh though haha.
    Soooo yeah. I'm excited for KH3D in a little over a week. As are 13 of us, enough to all change our names. I didn't manage to preorder Mark of Mastery though... Oh well.
  5. Ektris
    Congratulations Cholie!
    I really wish I had managed to see the final kill.
    I still don't know what was up with my computer... It seemed anything requiring an internet connection stopped working or went obnoviously slow. It happened right when you guys were saying in the livestream you were going to end it too (soa fter we blew up the BZPC sign on the wall). I hope the problem doens't persist...
    But hey, it was stlil a lot of fun. I'm glad we've managed to keep them going this long.
  6. Ektris
    Managed to be online at the right moment this morning during the restock of HTS to order a SDCC Bruticus! (With out paying ludicrous eBay prices!)
    So glad I got this. I still think the figure looks cool and this is the only version for me.
    He stayed in stock for about 15 minutes too, which is surprisingly long lol. Probably because most weren't expecting it so soon, what with no guarantee of there even going to be one. Yesterday during the initial stock (which was also unannounced... seriously, Hasbro, other toy companies can announce their exclusive stock dates, why can't you?) it took 3 minutes. That 3 minutes being during the 5 minutes I took to eat my sandwich during my lunch break.
    But oh well. I got one and I'm happy.
  7. Ektris
    So when I bought my 3DS the other day (Yayyyyy!), I also preordered KH3D.
    The problem is that Gamestop is completely out of the Mark of Mastery Edition. :'( Both online and in all stores. So I just preordered the regular version...
    But it's already starting to bother me lol.
    Does anyone think it'd be worth it to cancel that preorder and get it through, say, Best Buy instead? It's a pretty cheap upgrade and actually has something useful in the form of a case for the 3DS, so I've actually really wanted this one... But I don't know if the other bonuses are worth it.
    What are you guys - if you're buying the game - planning on getting?
  8. Ektris
    So. There's this collectors toy line called S.H. Figuarts. That's the line all my weird bug-eyed figures in my hauls come from. They mainly do them but have also started focusing on things like Super Sentai. So it's a Japanese line.
    But they realize there's a market here in America. And that market really, really, REALLY likes Dragonball Z. Apprently. Because Bluefin, the guys responsible for importing them here to the States, just revealed five new figures at SDCC already! (Technically six if you count Cell, but they showed him off in the weeks up to the event.)

    New figures are:
    Android 18
    Original appearance Vegeta

    The rest (except Cell, as noted, and normal haired Goku for some ridiculous reason) have been released in some form already.
    I haven't collected the DBZ SHFs yet.
    I want to now.
    EDIT: Changed the images to be .jpgs. That better?
  9. Ektris
    So guys. Guess what!
    An Assassin's Creed movie is totally happening!
    It's apparently going to be produced by and star Michael Fassbender as Desmond, but I don't really know much about him or have seen anything he's been in that I recall... But age aside, I think he could fit the look easily enough.
    I'm also dying to know which ancestor(s) it will star. But we probably won't know that for a while. *siiiigh*
    Still, I'm going to remain hopeful for this one. And even if it sucks my fanboy love will probably blind me to that fact, so yeah.
  10. Ektris
    Hey guys. Yet again I'm looking to see if anybody here's going to the San Diego Comic-Con!?
    I'm not. But that's why I'm looking for somebody who is. Because I really want this bad boy:

    I can go to a popular video reviewer who's offered to buy any SDCC exclusives... But he's asking for a hefty markup. I'm more than willing to pay in full the price of shipping and for the set itself (of course). You'd get your money back completely for sure. I'd just like to avoid paying a ridiculous milddleman fee...
    Anywho. Are ya going? Do you feel like helping somebody out and pick up an exclusive? Or should I just go with the "sure thing" and accept paying even more? Let me know.
  11. Ektris
    I've been thinking about suicide a lot in the past week.
    Not in the sense that I'm considering it - oh no. Just literally thinking about it.
    A person I went to high school with jumped off a bridge last week. Nobody in the community knows why, nor did he leave any indication as to why he did this. He was a standout, award-winning athlete all throughout high school and was even shaping up to be a big player for his college team from what I understand. I admittedly didn't actually know him very well - hard to do in such a small school, too (but then he was a year behind me and I never socialized with many of the "jocks" anyways... or many at all in high school). But I know he was somebody I never thought ill of. He'd never done anything horribly wrong (ignoring the less-than-legal occasional drinking that I frown upon having chosen to live a life without alcohol, but to each his own). He was a truly great guy, and very outwardly happy. What most peopple remember about him was his smile. He was truly well-liked and had much going for him.
    And that's why I'm writing this. Because this apparently incredible person chose to jump off a bridge and leave an entire community in mourning. Even though I didn't know him well - I don't even know if he would have known who I was, but I sure knew of him - I'm left shocked and distraught that somebody I knew did this.
    I'm just confused. It's probably horrible to say, but I really don't think people would have been nearly as shocked if somebody like me had done this. Somebody known as being anti-social, a shut-in, different, and shunned by his peers for it. Or a person who came from a "troubled" family and had to face a lot of difficulties in their young lives. But a man like him? No, it doesn't make sense.
    I've sat and thought about this several times over the past week. I'll never come to understand it, though. That's perhaps the worst part about it all. We'll just never understand what happened.
    All I know for sure is that I've started to hope and believe that you found the peace everyone says you were looking for, Derek.
  12. Ektris
    Creeper says: That'sss a very niccce wallet you have there. It'd be a sssshame if anything were to happen to it.

    Little late to worry about that, Li'l Creeper, since I already bought you.
  13. Ektris
    So my tooth's been bothering me for a few days and I got it looked at about an hour ago. I guess it looks like there's a little pocket of infection behind it, but the tooth itself looks completely fine. So I'm on antibiotics for now, yet it was kind of stressed that it's completely possible I'll have to go back for a root canal.
    Didn't really know how to respond at being told that.
    Now I know I'm not looking forward to it at all.
  14. Ektris
    Well, my first week of my internship's now over. Never really expected to have one this summer and I do have to thank my dad for getting it... But at the same time it sure is awkward having to work with him. -.-
    Haven't done much and it's actually been a little boring. I'd hope for a little more work next week, but at the same time I don't want to be swamped.
    Boy has it left me tired, though...
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