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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    So I didn't use sunscreen today while mowing the lawn. My arms are nice and crispy now.
    Sure feels like summer now.
  2. Ektris
    I've been doing some cleaning in my room since I don't have much else to do. In the process, I realized something was missing.
    All. My. Old. Pokemon. Games.

    I could only find my Ruby and Sapphire, but had so much more (helped only by the fact I kept my sisters' old copies). In all I had...

    Yellow x2
    Gold x2
    Silver x2
    Ruby x2

    Diamond, HeartGold, and White are safely with my DS. But yeah, I can't find most of the others. It's not like I'd really ever replay them any time soon, but all the same... It's a big piece of my childhood I can't find. And that I swear I had last year when cleaning out. It just felt good knowing held onto them..
  3. Ektris
    That movie's still hip and relevant, right?
    Finally saw it tonight. It's not that I didn't want to see it, I just didn't have any interest. But then the girlfriend wanted to see a movie and we ended up there.
    *And I plan on going to read spoilers soon, so my imagining won't last long.
  4. Ektris
    Yeah, I know it's not for a few months, but I want to check early.
    Is anyone from here going? As always it's one of hte conventions I'd love to go to most desparately, but know I won't be able to.
    But there's an exclusive Transformers gift set I desparately wantneed from the convention, so was wondering who's going to see if you'd be willing to pick one up for me. XP I'd obviously reimburse you and pay for shipping.
    I feel somewhat ashamed having to ask for help, but while I do really want this I'm not going to pay scalper's prices.
    Oh, and it's this bad boy:

  5. Ektris
    Well, at least I lasted longer than the first survival game.
    I really liked the tower concept for this map. The equipment at the start was a huge help as well. I had fun making so many traps the first day.
    Then I got swarmed by an alliance. I still don't get how they got there so fast haha. But you guys played the game well, I guess.
    Also, Takuma is awesome. It really needs said again. Thanks for the server, man.
  6. Ektris
    Few days late, but couldn't really help that.

    Not pictured for obvious reasons is also the XBox Arcade game Trials Evolution.
    Probably not gonna get much this month of May, but I think April makes up for that.
  7. Ektris
    So I still could use some help from somebody with Photoshop. The work would literally consist of just recoloring something. (Turning a red mask blue, white, green, brown, black, and silver/gray - and repeated for each mask.)
    So if you have some spare time, please let me know!
  8. Ektris
    I've had no homework for the last week of classes (that I didn't already finish last week) and if it weren't for in-class reviews before finals I wouldn't even be going to those.
    Luckily I caved and bought Trials Evolution before I wanted to, so it's been occupying much more of my time than gaming has at all in the past month.
    I'd say I can't wait for finals to be over with and start summer break, but I'm not even sure I'm looking forward to that. Stressed out about an impromptu potential internship at my dad's work, but not knowing if I'll actually have that or not makes it impossible to tell McDonald's whether I'll be working there. And I had planned on working there as close to full time as possible since my sister and I just had to put a down payment on a car to share... That neither of us have even been able to see, let alone test drive, since we're at school. But our dad insists it's fine and we'll be comfortable with it if we're comfortable with his blazer (which of course I am, since it's all I've ever driven). Ugh. Just don't know what to expect from sumemr.
  9. Ektris
    I managed to catch the second airing of The Legend of Korra's third episode this afternoon, and ohhhh boy am I getting even more excited for this series than ever!
  10. Ektris
    These guys are too awesome to save for an end-of-the-month haul entry. (Even though I've not bought much else anyways.)

    Two of the best Digimon of all time in super articulated, highly detailed form. They just look so awesome.
  11. Ektris
    Username: ShadowBludger25262
    House: Slytherin
    Wand: Black Walnut and Phoenix Feather, Twelve and Three Quarter inches, Unyielding
  12. Ektris
    So I'm trying to work on more lists for my Ultimate Checklist.
    And that means masks.
    And other collectibles. The Krana one is nearly done, I just need Swert to upload more of the images to BS01 to finish it off... Kraata is going to be an absolute nightmare, though. Kanoka I don't know where to start with for images, but that one's not a priority.
    But what I'm working on right now is the Kanohi list. I just found good images for nearly all of the 2001 masks, and oddballs like the Rahi masks and other one-off masks in later years are just going to have to be set images if I can't find good stock ones. Misprints, too, of course.
    But then I get to the Kanohi Nuva. Now these we have some beautiful images already. Like this one. And I'd love to use those. If they came in all 42 colors for the Kanohi Nuva, but they don't.
    Alas, I don't have very good image editing software, otherwise I could just try and recolor them myself.
    That's why I'm coming to you guys, in the hopes that somebody with much more skill and equipment than I could help me out.
    So if you've got some free time and are interested, let me know.
  13. Ektris
    You want pranks on this April Fool's Day?
    Well I'm actually liking this one.

    Especially TakanuvaSpike. It's really weird how perfectly the images fit.
  14. Ektris
    Didn't really buy much this month, which is fine since I proooobably need to cut back on how much I spend.
    Like that'll ever happen.

    April should be an interesting month, though. On the hunt for more Transformers and have some pretty interesting (non-Kamen Rider) figures on the way.
    Might even buy something BIONICLE again soon. Who knows?
  15. Ektris
    I am seriously horrible at keeping this thing updated.
    So Wawa's selling off his old collection still and I'd say I'm interested in his Jaller & Gukko. But I'm pretty limited on space here. It'd basically have to sit in a drawer unassembled (unless it came assembled) until I could take it home. Then cram it somewhere until I buy new shelves because I have no room there.
    But he's got a great deal on it...
    So for those of you who have the duo - would you recommend them? They aren't at all high on my wants, but I would have every version of Jaller then.
  16. Ektris
    Suggest a good one and I might just change my name to it for the next 30 days. Just for the lulz, of course.
    Totally not anything about being seen as "cool" for mimicking the staff's clear satire of rather vocal proclamations of being afraid of them.
    Nope, totally don't want to be cool.
  17. Ektris
    Well, it's the end of the month. That means time for another picture of all the stuff I've SPENTSOMUCHONUGH lovingly purchased.

    Huh, hadn't even realized I was buying two black and red bat-themed characters. But hey, they are the most awesome of the bunch.
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