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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    I'm actually quite enjoying sitting in my room all alone eating chocolate and cookies.
    Because although I may spend the day alone, that's not to say I am. So I didn't get to take her out to dinner or deliver the tulips she so loves in person... Again... We're still together and we're making it work and I don't think I've ever been happier than when I'm with her. I can always look forward to a time in the future when I'll be able to do those things. I don't see myself not loving her any time soon.
    So Happy Valentine's Day, everybody. So what if you're single on this one? Even those of us who aren't can have to spend the day alone. You always have the future to look forward to.
  2. Ektris
    My team's not playing, I dislike both teams that are, and no "safe" (ie nowhere that won't be filled with overzealous college students who like to drink way too much while I don't care to even be in its presence) place to get some free food and at least have a good time socializing.
    So I'll sit in my dorm facing away from the TV doing homework while my roommate watches it and yet still get mad with him when the Patriots do something good.
    In summary: Productive night > Lame Bowl.
  3. Ektris
    I'm sure a lot of you have heard by now about the upcoming Transformers video game Fall of Cybertron. If not, go look up the teaser trailer - it's full of buckets of hype.
    Well. It's Transformers. There's going to be toys, of course. With its prequel, we only ever got 5 figures - all of which were great, but there were still so many more that would've made great toys...
    FoC is not going to disappoint here.

    We're getting a fully combinable Bruticus! Of individual bots we've only seen Swindle and Brawl (and I guess you can count Onslaught for the Bruticus torso/head), and they look great. If they're any indication, this is gonna be one huge bot. And I love that.
    My wallet won't, but I sure will.
  4. Ektris
    Sooo here's most of what I got this month:

    I say most because these are what I care about lol. I also got 4 more Transformers from the EZ Collection, but want to sell them, and there's still 4 figures I ordered this month that haven't arrived.
    Oh how Epic Barney loves my first ever misprint...
  5. Ektris
    Went to my first 'con today - Setsucon.
    Wasn't too bad. Pretty small event, though, considering it's hosted by students here at the school. Still had some fun with friends, though.
    Most interesting thing might've been running into some people who were there just to advertise their own 'con lol. What I loved about that was they were the ooonly people who were into toku things like me (Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, etc.) and their 'con is in Pittsburgh in two months. I wish I could go. But I got to play with the guy's Mobirates and talk some Kamen Rider with real people for once!
    Highlight: I got a Straw Hat from One Piece. And got it signed by Luffy's voice actress. B)
  6. Ektris
    Seriously one of the strangest things I have watched ever. Of all time. (Wikipedia article on it.)
    The lack of a benshi [narrator] made it hard to follow, but that just made it all the more creepy.
    Oh how I'm loving this Japanese film class haha.
  7. Ektris
    What's the point of having the only day off from classes (Spring break aside) be during the second week? Every semester, Penn State. Every semester. Why? We don't need a break yet. We really, really don't. Give us one later, it would be so much more welcome.
    It'll never happen, of course.
    Well, back I go to playing Skyrim instead of doing homework. Because that's what Monday's for.
  8. Ektris
    Semester 4, week 1 is finally over. It was a pretty darn long week, too. But I can't say I didn't learn some things this week. Here's some of that:
    Food Science 105 - Food Facts and Fads:
    Food is a good thing. But if you live in North Carolina and spend over $400 in food every week, don't let some guy claiming to do research take a picture of you and all the food you bought that week for his book because you will be ridiculed in every single food class to ever happen again ever.
    Japanese 121 - Japanese Film and New Media:
    As annoying as it may be to have to meet for 3 hours on Monday nights on top of normal class times other days, a 1926 Japanese silent film about samurai can still be pretty darn good.
    Physics 213 - Fluids and Thermo Dynamics:
    I learned this in high school. Also, don't post all 6 homeworks online during the first week. Might never go to class again. So thanks, actually.
    Computer Engineering 271 - Intro to Digital Systems:
    You can, in fact, have a computer class that will be taught on an overhead projector nowadays. Huh.
    Computer Science 311 - Intro to Systems Programming
    Also known as the class that matters most for me this semester. And besides using an SSH Client, all I learned was...
  9. Ektris
    Google. They be viewing the blogs. A lot recently.

    I hope they look at mine. And while they are at it, offer me an intership. Because that'd be cool. B)
  10. Ektris
    I just realized I was playing on Novice.
    The game really should have made some sort of note at the beginning about difficulty. Or if it did, I never even noticed and it should have been clearer.
    Pushed it up to Adept. Anyone think I should go higher?
  11. Ektris
    Just finished reading the last book of The Corellian Trilogy. I was not expecting the ending at all and was actually a little saddened by it.
    This even after having read the entire New Jedi Order series some time ago, where some of the last books make references to this trilogy. Granted I hadn't even read Truce at Bakura then, so not a lot of them made sense and frankly I hardly remember those books. But that's what happens when one particular series is twenty books long. It's probably a good thing I'm trying to read a lot of the older books in chronological order now. In a universe as large as the Star Wars one, it really is fascinating how authors years down the line can tie in characters and plotlines left forgotten.
    I mentioned in Valenti's blog that I'd like to see the Vuuzhan Vong some more. But now that I'm thinking about it, the Ssi-ruuk wouldn't be bad either.
  12. Ektris
    I have no idea why, but mining a bunch of useless iron just to turn it into gold in Skyrim is so much fun. I think you can imagine my joy when I finally found my first actual gold mine.
    On a related note, I would find joy in mining instead of slaying dragons... Stupid Minecraft...
  13. Ektris
    As annoying as it may be to type the BBCode, here I am on my phone trying to get this one up lol.
    I really, really tried to flesh out and complete my BIONICLE collection this year. And while I definitely did a toooon of looking around, my actual purchases weren't that many. But two of them were at the same time pretty substantial... Regardless, I'm pretty happy with everything I've gotten.

  14. Ektris
    Up next, all my Figuart purchases:

    Please ignore the other random things in the background (and that it's a little too bright; took this one in a hurry).
    Also related would be the pictures I took for that contest I mentioned yesterday.

    I want to do BIONICLE next, because I've made quite a lot purchases of those this year, but I do have to leave (in a hurry and all), but expect that one later tonight. It just miiiight be 2012 already in my timezone by the time I get to it haha.
  15. Ektris
    So I thought I'd do a few entries on all of the things I've gotten this year collecting-wise... Except for Star Wars books because honestly I didn't keep track of which ones I specifically bought this year, and there's just too darn many of them anyways.
    Here's my first one, then. With the exception of Drift (who I got near the end of 2010), all of these guys were bought this year... Wow, I hadn't even realized I had gotten so many myself. And there's so many more I would've liked to have found too.

  16. Ektris
    I'm boooored. And I don't feel like sleeping yet.
    Perfect time to clean the room and set up a display area for my Figuarts, I suppose. Meant to do that days ago to take some pics for a contest... the deadline for which is tomorrow. Gotta love cuttin it close, eh?
  17. Ektris
    I'm so not a few days late on this... I'm just fashionably late. That's all.

    Star Wars complete visual dictionary
    Star Wars themed candy canes
    Star Wars themed character-shaped soaps
    2 Star Wars shirts (...so yeah up to this point, I think my girlfriend's parents have figured out what I like )
    5 Star Wars novels (Planet of Twilight and some of the X-Wing books if I'm remembering right)
    Star Wars poster (haven't opened yet; going in my room at school so I don't know what it is :3)
    1 Assassin's Creed shirt (Desmond's eagle shirt FTW)
    Box of cookies & bag of candy (yay McDonald's!)
    Dragon lamp
    New water bottle with built in filter
    M&M's character laptop screen cleaner
    $10 iTunes gift card

    Too bad all of the money's already gone to books for next semester.
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