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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    So I've now gotten back two of my final exam scores...
    I got a 76 in my physics class, which was actually enough to bump me up to a B- in the class. After bombing the first midterm, I'm satisfied with my final grade.
    But I spent so much time worrying about physics that I didn't study enough for my matrices/linear algebra class, which had a final on the same day. Failed the final, barely got a C for the class. Yet my exam scores are still above average for my section at least. Still doesn't change the fact that I am not happy about this one, when I felt so confident about that class.
    Still haven't heard back about my macro econ final, despite it being the first I took.
    And I stlil have one more tomorrow, likely to be the hardest yet.
    Yep, having a great finals week, I am....
  2. Ektris
    So it seems that while trying to outbid the highest bid, I actually managed to get it right on the second auction - the one I hadn't even tried yet. And it's exactly at the point I was going to bow out. With less shipping than the other one I was trying for and lost.
    So unless something changes in the next hour and a half, it looks like I will be getting me a Muaka & Kane-Ra.
    Oh thank goodness I'm working over break.
  3. Ektris
    *sigh* While I was sleeping the max bids on both auctions for Muaka & Kane-Ra seem to have skyrocketed such that I can't even figure out what they are... And that means it's pretty much above what I'm willing to spend. I wish eBay would just tell you the actual bid instead of hiding it to goad you into trying ever higher amounts. That's so cruel (and not how live auctions work).
    But yeah, looks like I'm not getting them now...
  4. Ektris
    So two auctions on eBay both end in a little over a day, and have Muaka & Kane-Ra going for pretty darn cheap (EDIT: $30 for both in one lot, $10 for both for another at the moment - probably should've just said that to begin with ).... I'm tempted to get in on at least one. Any of you out there think it's worth it?
  5. Ektris

    Of course, getting 10,000 votes in Cuusoo was just step one. Now let's hope they can actually do something with it.
  6. Ektris
    Oh god it just got so much worse. I can actually hear gunshots as a response of Coach Paterno's firing (my entry this morning was over him announcing his retirement). I'm legitimately scared for my life because of the riots forming.
  7. Ektris
    When will they ever figure out that differently sized boxes do exist? Especially small ones? It's like all stores in Japan that ship internationally don't realize that you can use more than three (or so) sized boxes.
    This is the package I just received from HobbyLink Japan. What you see on top of the box is literally all that was in there.

    Granted, I didn't even know Bandai was sending out these faces for everything that ordered the figure. Which is awesome, since every single picture of him on the box uses the face, yet the figure was missing it entirely... And HLF shipped it - EMS, no less - for seemingly free. But if it weren't for free I wouldn't have even bothered. That's why I'm so glad Figuarts are starting to show up on Amazong a whole lot more often, because it's what's enticing me to order them. Shipping from from overseas is pretty expensive. And when the box you get is more often than not filled with just air, paper, or bubblewrap - I'm firmly convinced you're getting ripped off in some way.
    Granted, most of this comes from observation of others rather than experience - though I have indeed experienced it. So yeah. This is my complaint of the day.
  8. Ektris
    So I was just up for about 32 hours. And then slept for 8. And still want sleep pretty darn badly, but headaches kind of preven that.
    But so yeah. Hey you. We just raised $2000 to help Children's Miracle Network Hospitals! How did you spend your weekend?
  9. Ektris
    In just 2 short hours from now, I'm going to begin my 24 hour gaming marathon. I'm so pumped for this!
    I still can't believe I was one of the people contacted to try and set this up here. I know we're a little late, but that happens when you don't have much warning. Next year, I'm sure it'll be even easier.
    My only concern now is having people actually want to participate as they're walking by. And, of course, finding a way to get online so I can keep working on ranking up in Halo: Reach.
    Right now I plan on playing Reach for much of today, and into the night I'm going to break out Dead Space 2. For those who haven't played it, it's iiiinfinitely better played at night. And if my awareness wanes during even that, I'll have my laptop to break out Minecraft - I can lose hours of time so easily with that game haha. And I'll probably play some SSBM/B, since I'm sure we'll have both. Maybe some Mario Party. And I'll have my DS in case the Pokemon club people actually show up (they're conveniently having a "LARP" simulating challenging gyms and beating the Pokemon League this weekend - yay lol).
    Soooo yeah. Now to get through my last class - and probably eat something for the first time today. That's important for this I suppooooose. But at least we'll have food there too.
  10. Ektris
    Forgot to mention that we FINALLY got approval to host the ExtraLife 24 hour gaming marathon. We're a liiiittle late, but hey, the money'll still be going to a great cause, so who cares? And it's gonna be in the main HUB lounge (the HUB being the central student building - basically, a lot of people go through there)... Right next to "Occupy Penn State." XD I think the dichotomy of the lounge is a little funny, but oh well, I'm just gonna have fun gaming.
    And oh yeah... You can still donate!
  11. Ektris
    So I've fallen down a new rabbit hole. And I don't regret it at all.
    I finally got my first Kamen Rider S.H. Figuart, and if I could sum him up in one word it would be "beautiful." Seriously, the amount of detail in this figure is phenomenal.

    The only complaint I would have is that the packaging is rather beat up and doesn't really close properly (and actually had a lot of dust on it o_O), but I can forgive that. After all, I did get this with free shipping haha.
    So yeah. I'm reeeeally tempted to get Dark Kiva, Ixa, and Rising Ixa (though he's an exclusive and will be uber expensive. ). Really wish now that they hadn't seemingly cancelled Saga so I could complete the Kiva lineup.
    Or maybe I should get a Den-O next. ...UGH. Rabbit holes. XD

  12. Ektris
    So for those of you that pay attention... Remember that video game marathon I should be doing right now?
    Yeah, it's been postponed.
    Running a club at a large university does indeed suck at times. Especially when you're a small club
  13. Ektris
    So you wanna know what sucks?
    Running a club at a large university.
    So you wanna know what's awesome?
    Running a club at a large university.
    Some of my best days this semester - football games aside - have been during our club meetings. Some of my best friends here were made in getting involved with the club. And to top it all of, we're a gaming club, so everything we do is sure to be fun.
    But since we actually wanted to do something meaningful, and I was even contacted directly to set this up, we've been working a whole lot on doing some charity work... Specifically, we've set up an Extra Lifegaming marathon. Now, Extra Life was officially yesterday, but since that was our homecoming, it's this coming weekend.
    I never knew preparing to play video games for 24 straight hours could be so stressful!
    That said, I'm looking forward to it a whole lot. I just hope we get some good attendance. And that I find sooomething to occupy my time with other than Halo.
  14. Ektris
    So a lot of people seem to be posting stuff about what they did in the downtime...
    I kept on collecting.
    Rather, I started collecting against, since 2009/most of 2010 killed my collecting interest in BIONICLE.
    I've been working on finishing my BIONICLE collection and have reentered the world of Transformers. Man, Classics ones are expensive, but that's what I'm working on.
    I also got interested in Kamen Rider, so wouldn't be surprised if I buy a few S.H. Figuarts of my favorite Riders soon. Already bought the 4 current One Piece S.H. Figuarts.
    So any other Kamen Rider fans out there?
  15. Ektris
    I don't think it's too well-known that I work at McDonald's. Cuz, like, I do. And I'm heading to work pretty soon.
    And I'm turning in my leave of absence paperwork today. I don't know why, but I'm actually really sad about it... I know I'm welcomed back whenever I have a break and next summer of course, but still... I made some friends there I didn't expect to (and tragically lost one last year), and even though there are some pretty bad days, I still enjoy it there.
    Just another side effect of college...
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