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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    Somebody tell me how to win on of those crane games. All I wanted was the pretty black-and-blue panda. He looked all lonesome by his panda self. He needed a friend. But the clawwww refused to grip him. It made this Rahkshi sad
  2. Ektris
    Oh yeah. I have a blog. :3 I should updaaate iiiit.
    Or maybe just go pay for Lifetime Premiership 'cause I can. Dunno if it's still worth it for me...
    Aaaalso: Getting ready for college is laaaaame. D':
  3. Ektris
    Tomorrow, I'll be going on a short vacation to Cedar Point and will be gone for three days. Just to let you guys know... (I'm talking to you, Dokspit. Please don't fill my inbox with sig reports again. )
    Oh. And anyone think I should remind Black Six about removing my blogging abilities? Heh. Sometimes being in your own member group can be pretty nice.
  4. Ektris
    So, as some of you may know, I enjoy reading/watching mange/anime, though only a few at that. One such manga/anime is Bleach.
    Let's get this out of the way, first: they didn't show a new dub episode last night for whatever reason, and that's what made me think of doing this blog entry. Sometimes I think I'd be better off watching subs instead of hoping the dub will keep a regular schedule...
    Anyways. For those of you who don't know what Bleach is, here is the Wikipedia article.
    In a nutshell, though, Bleach is about a bunch of guys with giant swords that destroy evil souls. And, really, that's all the needs be said about why I like it: giant swords.
    I haven't been keeping up much on the anime in terms of literal new episodes, mostly because I don't care much for filler (though, the Bount arc doesn't seem that bad). Instead, I primarily just read the manga. Lol, the latest chapter was great with the parallels of the Shinigami represented in the Arrancar. It should certainly be interesting seeing what happens there. Though, I'd like to see more of Barrigan himself battle.
    Sooooo, anyone else like Bleach?
  5. Ektris
    So, at around 12:55 AM on Wednesday, I awoke with a start. There was a noise, and a strange one at that. Having just woken up, however, I was still groggy and a bit dazed. Then, it hit me: glass. I had just heard the shattering of glass. Did somebody just break into my house?!
    No, nobody did. The shattering was right behind me, and nobody could quite literally enter through the window in my room. It turned out to be nothing more than a lamp. After I woke my mom to help clean up the mess (Which, surprisingly, my sister never woke up from... The slightest noise made when my parents wake up to go to work will cause her to wake up. But a loud vacuum? Nope, not at all.), I concluded that I had knocked it over somehow with my pillow - said pillow being on the floor behind me, not in the bed, at the base of the lamp.
    That's not all, though. That's the second identical lamp I've broken in the past few months. After cleaning out my departed great grandmother's trailer, my granmother let us take some of the stuff. We ended up taking the lamps, and I chose to use mine as a reading lamp. It was tall enough to fit over the headboard of my bed, so it was perfect. But, it was wobbly, and I eventually accidently knocked it over... So I took the other one from my mom, because she didn't like it. Of course, this one had to have even worse balance, so it really was only a matter of time until it fell over.
    Man was I tired in the morning from being up like that... And, of course, there was another day of band camp. Oh, and yet another today. (And one tomorrow...) It's still just boring, annoying, and tiring.
  6. Ektris
    So, I'll be going to Cedar Point on July 30th for a sort of family vacation. My sister and I were each allowed to bring a friend, and, with my parents, we'll be staying there for three days.
    I'm pretty hyped about the trip, but also a little nervous. I know I'll have a ton of fun at the water park at Great Wolf Lodge, where we're staying, and at Cedar Point itself. I love roller coasters, and I know there are some pretty intense ones there. However, that also seems to be the problem. I don't know if I'll be able to handle some of them... If any of you have ever been there, would you say that should be a concern?
    Oh, and I had another day of band camp today. It's still loads of fun. Somehow I ended up with this large bruise on my hip that's starting to bother me, but aside from that, nothing's really going on.
  7. Ektris
    So, I have now been a member of BZPower for five years. Five years ago to the day, I finally went and registered an account after lurking the forums for a few months.
    Boy, does it seem so much longer. But, it's been a good five years. Yeah, there have been times where I just felt like leaving - even though this is just a website, you still interact with people, and that can easily cause stress. But, I digress...
    I've done a lot in these five years. A lot more than I probably expected when I first joined - I've got over 10,000 posts, I'm a staff member, and I even made some friends. It's been great. Here's to another year!
  8. Ektris
    A dangerous, vile monstrosity has just recently been thrust upon me. To make matters worse, for some reason, my parents actually insist I asked for it. And the name of this monster? Braces.
    Almost two weeks ago, I went in to see the orthodontist so he could put braces on my upper teeth. I expected it to be horrible, but, aside from the long wait, it wasn't all too bad. Of course, immediately afterwards, I absolutely hated it.
    I also had an expander placed between two of my molars. This has been the primary cause of all my agony, and I expect it will continue to be such for the six months I will have it. For a while, I had incredible difficulty swallowing. The thing was so low it got in the way of my tongue, and I simply could not swallow. So, for a while I was stuck eating just soft foods or taking very small bites... Because I had to put the food on my tongue, then put the tongue behind the expander and swallow from there. I don't know if there would have been an easier way to overcome the problems, but that's how I did it.
    Fast forward from there to last Saturday. For those of you who don't know, an expander has to be turned with a special tool for it to work. My mom has to turn it twice a day - once in the morning and once at night. (The first day, she couldn't do it and we had to go back to the orthodontist and get somebody to show her how again...) Well, for whatever reason, the expander chose Saturday to actually do something aside from causing me problems with swallowing... It decided to cause pain. Oh, and within three hours of turning it - while I watched TV - a rift appeared in the roof of my mouth (yay breaking palates), my two front teeth inexplicably moved apart by about a centimeter, and my far left incisor dropped down like a centimeter (I had it pulled around the age of four, and the permanent tooth did not come in until after all of the others for some reason... So it was higher up because there wasn't enough room for it.). It was great fun, I tell you.
    Finally, it's a complete and utter annoyance to play my trumpet with braces. Oh, and a pain too. Can't forget pain. The range of notes I can play has been diminished to the point where I can't play much of my music (so much for finally being on first part for marching band >>), and they're causing ulcers to form in my mouth. Even if I put wax on them (and trust me, I am...), the ulcers are there and always bothering me.
    They want me to go two years with these (and I haven't even gotten the bottom ones yet)? I can hardly go two weeks!
  9. Ektris
    Well, it took a little bit to get things fixed, but I now have access to my blog again, thanks to BZP's anniversary.
    Of course, this is a horrible week for it.
    I've got band camp all week - that means from 8 (really 7:30...) AM to 4 PM, I'll be offline. Joy... But it's even more complicated because of my new braces (more on that later).
    But, yeah... I'm back to blogging.
  10. Ektris
    My band's first major performance is this Tuesday night at the amusement park Kennywood. It's a pretty sweet place, honestly.
    This year, we're playing one of our half time songs, "Fly Me to the Moon," rather than an additionaly song picked solely for the parade. If it's anything like last year, it'll be no problem. I'm just looking forward to having some fun at Kennywood. Phantom's Revenge... First seat... Is simply awesome.
    And that's it for this week's band-related activites, practices aside. Another entry coming up soon...
  11. Ektris
    Lol, I didn't really hold up my promise much, did I? Well then, I'll post an entry, like, every twenty minutes or something. But I did have a good reason.
    My dad's fiftieth birthday is coming up in a few weeks. He didn't want a party. So we threw him one today. Perfect cover being we were having a family picnic 'cause my great aunt and uncle were visiting from across the country. But the best part was how we had to lie 'bout what we were up to all day. I could have sworn he was onto us... But, he said he had no idea anything was coming when I talked to him afterwards.
    Highlights include my playing Taps to start a "march" of his nieces and nephews (And daughter ) as they came out to present him with balloons, gifts, and cake. I played Taps as part of the joke - he's fifty, he's old, and, according to one of the lil' ribbons/buttons, he's a living corpse. Regardless of why, it was fun. 'Specially 'cause I never played it before.
  12. Ektris
    Hmm. It's the last day for blogs, isn't it? Man, I was gettin' used to havin' this... And to think, I used to loathe blog-hosting sites. I guess I still do, really. They're too chaotic and people are far too revealing about themselves. But here... Wow, I've told you I play in the band and some trees fell over.
    I'm goin' to make several entries today to conclude this year's anniversary. Seriously. I won't forget. Entries will include my take on BBC Contest #45, what happens today, and perhaps I'll even make an entry or two about things I mentioned in previous entries but never fully explained.
  13. Ektris
    Well, it's now been two days after the storm... And damage reports are most definitely in.
    I got off so easy livin' higher up away from any rivers. Pittsburgh got slammed...
    Well, I now know that five of my trees fell over or were moved. Two pine trees were knocked down, one tree was just tilted over (It was relatively small and is now upright once more with the aide of some pipes), and two additional trees were knocked over from several feet off the ground. And those ones... Pretty tall. I just spent the last few hours cutting branches and the trunks to fit into a cart to haul to a burn pile. It took three trips. And some of the better pieces we're saving for future use. So it was extra working cutting those so they'd fit the fire ring.
    Yet, it didn't bother me in the least. Sure, I sweated some, but that happens when you work. Right now, though, my left thumb (Hmm. Should I say why the left one is so important?) is rubbed raw on the inside and is simply killin' me. But I'll get over that too.
  14. Ektris
    Well, I've recently acquired a certain green Titan set... One that gave me some fame for quite a while... But I'm not going to tell you who it is.
    And if all goes well, I'll be reviewing him. But even if I don't, I'll share my opinion in the official review topic. I want to get my revised opinion on this guy out somewhere. (EDIT: Oh, and this blog doesn't count. )
  15. Ektris
    I knew I had to do it eventually, and as I can't think of anything else to write about at the moment, I figured I might as well do it now.
    The BIONICLEsector01 Wiki, commonly known as the BS01 Wiki, has recently ran into some trouble. We were kicked off of our old host most ungraciously. But the worst part about it is that Swert didn't have enough time to save everything in the Database.
    But, what does this mean? The Wiki is now back up, so what's the problem? Well, we've pretty much lost everything. Yes, since it was put back up, we have made great strides in this new Rebuilding. But much, much more can be done. That is why I am asking you, the readers of this blog (Gravitan, you can stop reading already, this isn't for you. ), to come on over to the Wiki and help us. Even if it's just some little things like a few grammar changes. It all helps in the end.
    And I gotta tell ya, bein' the only (unofficial) Moderator on there half the time gets pretty tiring. Boy, will this be fun when school starts.
  16. Ektris
    I'm experiencing a pretty big storm right now.... Constant lightning and thunder, rapid rainfall making a barrier around my house, strong gusts of wind. And my house is shaking.
    And my dog is scared out of her mind. She keeps trying to hide in the windowless bathrooms as usual, but when she does she locks herself in and tears apart the door.
    And, according to my grandma, a tree's down in my yard for the first time in years... Well, her yard, but we're neighbors so it doesn't really matter. Though, I can't see anythin'.
  17. Ektris
    I'm unusually tired considering the time of day...
    I got home from band practice about an hour ago. And I do believe half my section mutually agrees upon a certain emotion for at least somebody else in the section. We experienced this during band camp, but it was hotter tonight than it was then... And that couldn't have helped much.
    Now, back to the subject of sleep. I have typically gone to bed around 1 AM this summer - staying up to watch Bleach. But the past few days I've been going to bed at midnight... But still waking up at the same time - around 9 AM. So I'm getting more sleep. And somehow I'm really tired right now (10:18 PM). It's just not makin' sense.

  18. Ektris
    Well, still nothing to write about, I guess. Band practice tonight... It, and the next 2 practices after it, have been lengthened for an hour 'cause a lot of people (myself excluded, of course) were disrespectful to our assistant band director while our director was away. And I do mean myself included. I know how Mr. O does things, and I listened. But most everyone else didn't...
    Oh. And go read my entry two down. I spent a long time writin' that one. And, of course, it was right while the server was down.
  19. Ektris
    Well, it's back up... I haven't really wanted to make a blog entry while the forums were down 'cause only staff would've been able to see it. But nothin' interesting has really happened, so it was really no problem.
    Though, I did make to make, like, 30 posts in the past week while the board was offline.
  20. Ektris
    Due to my inability to access BZPower until just now, I was unable to conclude the band camp series... So, I shall do so now, summarizing Friday, Saturday, and today (Sunday was boring ). And I wanted to see what's wrong with the blogs... Nothin' seems wrong to me, but apparently there is for others.
    Okay, Friday was miserable. The whole day, a large storm was on the weather radar, so we were always hesitant to go outside, most notably my band director, who constantly went into his office to check the online radar. We started a half hour late - this was intentional, though - and immediately had to put on our uniforms to get ready for pictures. In a non-air conditioned room, with open doors, permitting the humidity in, it was most uncomfortable. But when we got to taking the pictures, I sort of just forgot about it. Included was a picture of the whole band, class pictures, section pictures, and invidual pictures. Some of us trumpet players wanted to take the section picture with the trumpet on our head, but our section leader wouldn't let us. I didn't get mad at her for that, though, because we were just messin' around. Anywho, trumpets were last, of course... And by some stroke of luck, I was dead last for getting my individual picture (My band director doesn't count. ). So I was in my uniform the longest... Yeah, waiting in line is when I remembered how hot it was. But, things from there weren't too bad. We practiced inside, because then the rain came, but that was it - just rain, no lightning or thunder. It was just really heavy, otherwise we would've gone outside, like we did several times last year. In the afternoon, we ventured outside, with that ominous storm still on the radar, to review drill for the show we were to perform for our parents in just a few hours. Many of us forgot all of the drill to the fourth song, and the first we had only gone over once... But, that didn't matter, because we had to go inside due to some lightning on the horizon. In the end, we just played the music in the auditorium... It wasn't too fun. Not in the least for me. I had this massive migraine - at least, I think it was one - and simply could not stop sweating. Needless to say, as soon as we could leave, I was gone.
    That night, we had a picnic. I pretty much just played baseball for the couple hours we were there. Much fun was had.
    I visited my aunt's house for a lil' party/picnic while my uncle (and my aunt and two cousins) was visiting from Virginia. Mmm... That baked alaska was pretty good.
    I just returned from Wal*Mart. I really wanted Lesovikk, but I knew I wouldn't be able to purchase him... Luckily, I didn't get crushed by that, for he wasn't even there. There weren't even spots for the "warriors." In fact, the unusually small section for LEGO (Last time I visited that place, it covered the whole aisle) was mostly barren, with only a few larger sets and some Barraki. But on the next aisle over, on the end, were a ton of Mahri. I'd say it was as big as the stand at Comic-Con, so there were no worries in getting one of them. I just finished building Hewkii. Hahli I built on the way home. I'll share my opinion on those two later, though...
  21. Ektris
    It's day four now... Only one more to go...
    Well, yesterday was much, much better than the day before. Things sort of relaxed some, though there still some obvious tension.
    Methinks I've been forgetting to tell more about what we do... We don't just march and play music. Oh, no. We couldn't possibly do that for only ten hours a day. Thus, our band director plans a marching competition and a random game at about 3-3:30; just before the two hour break for supper. And out of the ~80 members in the band (Majorettes and Guard included), I some how placed second. Something a guy, apparently, hasn't done for, like, ever. Odd, no? So, of course, I was nervous, and when I shifted just a tad, it was too obvious and I was kicked out - I probably would've gotten away with it if we were still in a group and everybody wasn't watching just myself and the other person...
  22. Ektris
    Though day three is tomorrow, I'm writing this now.
    Band camp has been horrendous done. We've fought more amongst ourself than actually doing anything productive.
    I'm quite distraught right now. I feel like I need to talk to my band director... He's giving too much power to the section leader, or perhaps more so stress, and it concerns me. But I don't know what to do.
    *sigh*Just a few more days... I'll survive them, but then we've still got a whole football season to live through.
  23. Ektris
    Day one was... Interesting.
    I had some fun with my friends, sure. But not nearly enough.
    I hate my section leader... *sigh*
  24. Ektris
    I'm in no mood to make a blog entry, but I will, just to tell you all where I'll be.
    Band camp starts today. The hours are 8 AM - 4 PM and 6 PM - 8 PM. Ten hours. Five days. And I forgot to set my alarm today, so when my sister woke me up, I wasn't too happy to just be thrust into my mom's chaotic attempts in keeping order. Seriously, I have no idea what she's trying to do. She's asking me things I told her several times yesterday. Ugh.
    So I'm not going to be active this week. Maybe it'll help me, though, gettin' away for just a bit... I think I'm letting my life influence how I act on here too much. I dunno. But by guys/gals.
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