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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    Hey everyone... I've been pretty silent here lately but have been checking in daily still. Just not a whole lot to say I guess.
    I have been holding onto one thing though...
    In March I received and accepted my first job offer - as a software developer for IBM in Austin, Texas!
    I'm super excited to have such an opportunity given to me. Finally all of my work paid off... Even if I still haven't received anything else and I do feel somewhat pushed into a corner when it comes to my options...
    Well this weekend I finally went down to visit the office and drive around the area. Oh boy...
    I think I like the office. I know I like the premise of the product I'll be working on. My team all seems really nice. But they seem to be expecting a whole lot out of me and as a first job I don't know what to expect and it's making me incredibly nervous.
    As for Austin itself... Wow it's hot here. And not even summer. Ugh. That'll take some getting used to. Also, the traffic is absolutely horrendous. And toll roads just to get anywhere?! Not cool. Worst of all and most importantly, I just do not have any idea where to live or what to shoot for. I think I'd want at least a 2 bedroom apartment just for the space but know nothing of neighborhoods or anything...
    I don't have a car, furniture, or even know if my girlfriend will go down with me yet (I've not even graduated college to even look at these things!)... Yet half a dozen agents - and counting - that IBM has contracted for my move have contacted me for al of these details and more. It's stressing me out so much.
    More than anything the distance is driving me crazy. I'll be so far removed from all that I know and love and it scares me. It scares me tremendously. I'll be moving into unknown territory in all ways. I still can't convince myself wholly that this is where I should be. But if I change my mind now... I have no other option. I killed myself with stress for just getting a job offer and don't want to go back to that... Not that this is much better right now. I'm scared, plain and simple, but I can't bring myself to just accept having nothing by saying no.
    So I've got a lot to think about lately. A lot to think about that makes being a horrendously indecisive person a very bad thing.
    (I didn't go stalk RoosterTeeth by the way... there'll be time for that. )
  2. Ektris
    I love this silly thing.

    Took another tiny dip into Rider roleplay (and want to keep getting Kiva stuff now, ha) and it's pretty cool.
    But kept myself limited to that this month, especially after... I somehow busted my old laptop (which was barely a year and ahalf old) and had to get a new one...
    As well as finally, finally upgrading my phone. Which I took this picture with, so can't exactly show. But it's a Galaxy S4 Mini. I'm still getting used to have only a virtual keyboard (gosh am I not good at using those), but other than that I'm loving it.
  3. Ektris
    Let's seeeee... Bought some stuff this month all right. None of it stuff I expected to haha.

    I got the Figma Asuna first from a guy over on TFW2005. He was really awesome about it and I'm so happy to have her. Now if only I could hunt down a Kirito at a reasonable price...
    Up next came the Thundertron and Blade vinyl. Thundertron's a Transformer I've been after for a while and he's pretty darn cool. But as always I had no luck with the most recent releases lol. And the vinyl is a prize I won on Tokunation, which actually delayed getting Thundertron, as he pulled prizes the day he was going to ship my stuff and had to go back and repackage heh... I've never really cared much for vinyls, but this Blade is preeeetty. I did open him up but can't decide if I'll leave him out of packaging.
    And finally... Setsucon was last week - Penn State Anime Organization's convention. It was a big mess of disappointment... For starters, they cancelled the tokusatsu panel at the last minute and I still haven't gotten an explanation out of my friend high up in operations. I was looking forward to that a whole lot. And then... Richard Epcar, voice of Ansem and Xehanort in the Kingdom Hearts series and the only guest I was really interested in, couldn't make it. So that was more panels I didn't attend. In fact, I didn't attend any in the end. Just shopped and hung out in the gaming room. But what I did buy... well, I never expected to and did set me back a bit heh. First was Figuarts Zeronos, which I got at a decent and not convention-hiked price after talking to the guy for a while. Probably also because I bought the Complete Selection W Driver off of him... I have entered another new, dangerous rabbit hole that is role play toys. I really don't think I'll get more (but the OOO Driver... tempting). But this thing has always looked cool to me and when I saw it in person I just couldn't wait.
    So yeah, that's everything. No Haytham or D-Arts Megaman like I set myself out to get at the beginning of the month... mostly because their prices went back up, of course. But they're still on my radar, as are a great many things.
  4. Ektris
    Happy new year everybody!
    I don't really feel like doing a year-in-review deal right now (but I did do a small write up on Tokunation about my best and worst toys of the year, so maybe I'll post that here tomorrow as something haha).
    This year had a lot of downs. I've lost connections to family, I've had financial issues, and zero luck finding anything to do with my life after college... But the time spent with the family that still cares, spending yet another year with the love of my life, and all of the fun I've had during late nights out with my friends at school (and I mean late) have all really helped make it a much better year. So things have changed, as they are always wont to do, yet it's not all bad I guess.
    But I'm looking forward to 2014 cautiously. I truly have no idea where it will take me. I just hope you'll all still be along for the ride with me.
  5. Ektris
    Merry Christmas, all! I hope those of you who celebrate had plenty of fun today.
    So here's some of the pic-worthy stuff:

    Aaaand a full list:
    Xbox One. :3
    Charge & Play Kit
    $40 in cards for Microsoft (no longer Points now so not sure what to refer to them haha)Bought Halo: Spartan Assault

    [*]Star Wars books:
    Mercy Kill
    The Crystal Star
    The New Rebellion

    [*]Darth Vader shirt
    [*]Turtle Beach X12

    I'm liking the Xbox One so far, though haven't gotten to use it too much. And the voice commands are way more useful than I expected them to be and am actually enjoying it. Probably going to buy Lego Marvel Super Heroes as my first hard copy game, but for now Halo: Spartan Assault will do. Speaking of! My first Xbox One Achievement! (I wish there was a Facebook app already so I could share it there. :/) It is... Skull Combo, in Halo: Spartan Assault! (Complete any mission with the maximum number of Skulls active.) Not totally cool but had to start somewhere heh.
    Really glad to finally have Star Wars book to read again too.
    But most of all I was just really glad to be spending time with my closest family. It's been rough for us and to see those that still care right now... It's really helping. I've also been having a hard time and this relaxation is much appreciated.
  6. Ektris
    And here's the stuff I got pre-Christmas!

    I'm very, very happy to finally have both Blitzwing and Shockwave. Even if both were impulse buys and nothing's really been holding me back in the past from getting them. The former I actually do rather like but I desperately need to open him up and get in there with an emery board (as well as find an emery board) to fix that dang shoulder issue... Shockwave, while I enjoy as a big Shockwave fan, does actually disappoint me. That vehicle mode is just plain bad and posing in robot mode seems too limited. Still, he's an imposing mono-eyed maniacal genius and I appreciate that.
    R2 kinda steals the show though. I got him half off and he's definitely worth it at that price, but so not the original $20 price. Just too dang small, but it's the right size. The only problem I have, and this was probably just with mine, is that the front-most compartment on his dome is nearly impossible to pop off and led to some minor damage of the figure as I tried to do so... So I'll never be doing that again.
    There's some other cool stuff I really thought about getting but just held off on for now... Generations Waspinator and Rhinox are hitting shelves now too so I'm looking forward to getting them. At least I hope I"ll be able to.
    So... I'll see you guys in a few days!
  7. Ektris
    So... Yeah. Star Wars Black Series. Wave 2 came out and I got the two I wanted most. I was a bit worried for a while about Boba, though - I had preordered both he and Han on Amazon within the first few hours after they went up, and although I actually got Han a week earlier than his expected release date, I was told I wouldn't get Boba until December 30th. Now that didn't sit very well with me... So when he randomly shipped just a week after being told that, I was pretty darn happy.
    Unfortunately he does illustrate my biggest gripe with this line rather well: the overuse of ratchet joints. The shoulders in particular just bug me because of where they lock in does not feel natural. Sure they're really soft ratchets and you can stop in-between, but they'll easily pop back into "proper" position.
    And his overly gummy rifle is annoying (gummy weapons in general are). I can't for the life of me get him to hold it in a way where it doesn't just bend in half except for pointed straight down.
    But he still looks good and Han is perfect in my opinion. He's exactly what I wanted.
    I also got R2-D2 (and Transformers Generations Blitzwing) in this week... to my dorm room. But I'm at home for Thanksgiving soooo those'll have to wait until next month. I even picked standard shipping instead of Prime 2-day so they'd get there when I got back and they still arrived in 2 days haha.
    Oh, and Samus! She's perfect, but man did I underestimate how tall she was. She towers over the other Nintendo figures (D-Arts & Figma) that I have. (Speaking of, when packing up Venusaur to take home, the ball joint on one of his vine whips just twisted clean off. ) I only wish she came with charge shot effect parts. Still, for my purposes, I'm done with Nintendo Figmas for now, so I'm happy. Now if only some of the older anime ones (*coughSAObecauseIwasstupidanddidn'tpreorderthemwhenIhadthechancecough*) weren't so darn expensive on the aftermarket...
  8. Ektris
    Now that I'm home for the week and can get online on my 3DS (which I'm working on rectifying at school as I plan on getting a router for my dorm while home), let's get to adding friend codes! For Pokémon mostly of course.
    Mine's 3566-2711-5348. Let me know yours and I'll add you back.
    P.S. If you see this, Blade, I do need yours again as I appear to have lost it...
  9. Ektris
    So... hey guys. I know I haven't exactly kept the promises I made regarding the blog, but I have been incredibly busy lately... And all free time has been spent playing AC4 heh (which I beat last night). With Thanksgiving break next week, I might get around to reposting all of them and giving new updates though. I'll definitely be adding 3DS friend codes once I'm home, so hit me up with those!
    Anyways, just wanted to somewhat brag that I got into the Elder Scrolls Online beta! I actually have two friends who did as well, so that's going to be fun if we all manage to play together. Only weird thing about it is that the beta only lasts for 3 days this weekend. So I'll probably be up very late Friday night playing it, but hope it's worth it.
  10. Ektris
    D-Arts Lucario!
    I'm glad the Pokémon line of D-Arts isn't dead and Lucario is a great addition. He'll definitely be joining my collection, since he'll complement two displays just like Mewtwo. He also looks like he'll work as an action figure the best out of the Pokémon used so far.
  11. Ektris
    I hope this doesn't discontinue the micro world line, because I really, really want that world to continue to expand. But I'm really excited about this all the same and will probably go as all-in as I can.
  12. Ektris
    So everything I got this month... Very eerily similar to what I got in October of last year.
    First up, the obvious one:

    Pokémon Y. Still playing it and finding new things to (still haven't caught Zapdos and Mewtwo, for example). Just now I'm going to be more focused on AC4 heh. Expect the blog reuploads and a new PokeLog entry soon.
    Next, Tamashii time!

    Lot more than I expected. In fact, as of the beginning of the month I only saw myself getting Wizard Infinity Style. Who is gorgeous, by the way, and I'm so glad my problems with the original Flame Style had been fixed by now. But Blade ended up being obnoxiously popular and thus fetching a high price on the aftermarket, so couple that with the US release still having open preorders and it being the series I'm currently watching and enjoying, albeit slowly, and I felt I couldn't pass him up. And it helps he's basically a perfect figure. The only problem was the playing cards on his weapon all stickers... on both sides... That was a chore to do.
    Finally, I finally got a Barnaby to go with my Wild Tiger. I only wish I had Tiger here to pose them together. Oh and Lunatic, because he rounds out the core three SHFs I wanted from Tiger & Bunny. ShukuenShinobi had/is having a massive sale of his collection and I couldn't pass these two up at the prices they were at. I'm really happy I didn't either. Although there's a lot more characters to truly complete the cast, I'm pretty much happy with who I have now (although a Blue Rose wouldn't hurt...).

    Hello Assassin's Creed. I didn't realize how much I missed you in my life.
    The new hidden blade is... alright. The entire blade this time is rubber instead of just the tip, but don't let that fool you - I've drawn blood twice with this thing. It sits much closer to the wrist than the original NECA one, almost too close, and it's very easy to accidentally catch yourself on it.
    The flag on the very left is a high quality actual flag I got from Penn State's Ubisoft rep. I have the nylon one that came with the Collector's Edition already up on display, but that's only because the cloth one is so much bigger. I haven't figure out where to put it yet. The statue that came with the Collector's Edition... Oi vey. That was a pain to put together. The connection points on the mast were just too tight. But then of course there's the rope that you have to tie yourself. That was a little annoying, but at least I'm happy with how I got it to look in the end.
    I've barely played the game, though. I've just been so busy! In fact, right after I finish writing this, I'm getting back to some homework first. What I have played I loved, especially the beginning with Edward. The modern-day content... wow that got meta and weird very fast. I wish it was more of a focal point than the intentionally-made brief content it's said to be, because exploring Abstergo as an employee sounds fun. Oh well, we'll see what happens there.
  13. Ektris
    So yeah...
    A lot of stuff happened here, huh? A lot of not so great stuff... Stuff that shouldn't have happened...
    I currently plan on reposting my lost set reviews and PokeLogs, as far as blog content is concerned.
    Not sure when I'll get to that, though, because for now I'll be a little busy:

    (That's the statue that comes with the Collector's Edition of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, for those not recognizing it.)
  14. Ektris
    Well that came out of nowhere. (Edit: And I just learned it was an SDCC announcement... How'd I never notice before?!)

    But why won't you let me preorder them LEGO? (While the pages are up, there's no preorder button there that I can find...)
  15. Ektris
    So I've finally completely caught up with both the anime and manga for Attack on Titan. Just couldn't avoid the hype train forever.
    Let me start out by saying that I was initially turned away from the series because of its iconic titan: the Colossal Titan. This skinless behemoth I found absolutely grotesque, and really it is. I just didn't get what was so appealing about something so disgusting.
    Little did I know that his appearance is pretty tame compared to the rest of the action in the series.
    To say there's a bit of blood in Attack on Titan is an understatement. To sum it up as "people get eaten by giants" is a gross simplification.
    This is definitely a very violent series. While I'm not inherently opposed to that - I'll admit I even like that at times - it definitely can come across as overdone here. There's usually a purpose for all of it, but nonetheless its overwhelming presence can't be ignored.
    So why am I absolutely in love with it?
    I'd say that's because it's so very real. Our protagonists aren't all-powerful and able to overcome whatever obstacles they face. They can and will experience great loss and even die. What they face is an enemy that is thought of as impossible to beat, and it shows.
    Mysteries also abound in Attack on Titan. There's so many things unanswered to even the characters that you just want to keep watching/reading in the hope that the answers will come out. It's a very interesting world that has been crafted here and I want to know more of its past.
    I still think the titans are really weird. There are quite a lot of them and not all are creepy... Until they open that massive jaw and start stuffing their faces. I suppose, however, that this is definitely the desired effect.
    I would hesitantly say give this a shot. There's only 18 episodes aired right now, so there's not a whole lot of catching up to do. The only catch is the violence, which should be obvious. It can be gruesome, so definitely proceed with caution.
  16. Ektris
    Well, it took a bit longer than expected, but... he's here. In short order I have received both of the Transformers labeled "biggest ever" - and this next one has even just released! It came as quite a shock that we'd get anything this big, and I was definitely most pleasantly surprised. Now, here's a lock at the second of Transformers' Titans - Generations Metroplex.
    Predictably, he's got a big box:

    It's really cool, too. I probably like it more an the SDCC one (which is stupidly large because it houses him inside a second box in the outer box, although the inner one being a hangar is rather cool) because it really conveys that Metroplex is a big guy. And it's also blatantly a toy ad because it features all of the upcoming Deluxe Autobot figures, which I do want haha. Granted, the back of Fort Max's was even worse since it featured pretty much everything that was available at the time. Anyways, it looks nice.
    What's in it, though...

    Doesn't look as good. Sweet mother of twist ties... Ugh. Those were horrible. There were also loose parts on top of that which wasn't cool. And that arm... I simply cannot understand why they needed to package him with it separated. And it's not clear how you should attach it to him in the instructions, either. I initially thought I had a bad one because his arm sagged so much and fell out very easily. I tried plugging the clip in rotated 90 degrees, but there seemed to be too much resistance at first and I assumed this was wrong. Well, it was right. And my major complaint simply vanished. But it shouldn't have been packaged that way anyways.

    So, Metroplex's vehicle mode? Yeah it looks a lot like him sitting down. I wish those big arms of his could open up and the hands flipped inside. That would help the look so much for his alternate modes. The helmet is also a nightmare since it doesn't always flip back into place properly from this configuration, leading to much fiddling. And finally it just looks bad without the stickers haha. They really do add a lot. But! He has massive wheels that work tremendously well and so this mobile battle station actually is a bit of a success.

    City mode doesn't look as much as a city as Fort Max's, but because all of his joints, you can easily reconfigure things. I rather like the fan mode that has his legs split at a ninety degree angle so they look less like, well, legs. There's no way to fix the figure's biggest problem, though, other than just ignoring it... That ramp that comes out of his chest is just useless. It doesn't line up with the leg in either battle station or city mode. It's especially bad in city mode because it's just a straight drop. The smoothness of all of Fort Max's ramps are a major boons for the mode and rather fun. You're not having fun with this part of Metroplex's city.

    Metroplex's bonus figure is Scamper. He does a fantastic job of reminding me that I was silly for scoffing at the Legends figures for so long as they've truly gotten pretty good. He's a fun little guy.

    Robot mode. Robot mode robot mode robot mode. Oh boy. This is what I wanted. A genuine behemoth who can articulate so, so well. Too bad his knees and hips are pretty floppy... He'll hold a pose, but pick him up with them bent too much and the weight of his own legs will cause them to fall straight. It's also really easy to bump them out of position. This is a huuuuge contrast to Fort Max's hips, which are by far the strongest ratchet joints I have ever seen. You need a good grip to even try moving those (but that's a good thing).

    He also really is the new biggest ever. He doesn't tower over Fort Max, but there's no denying the height advantage (which would be even more extreme if you extend the towers on his shoulders). You can also see here, compared to the previous picture, a cool little gimmick of his - he has a visor that flips down. Looks really cool when his eyes light up. His eyes, by the way, can move left and right. The chest also lights up and there are a good number of (very loud) voice clips to round out the electronics. I just wish the two AA batteries had been included haha.

    Aaand another pic just for a size comparison.
    Now as I mentioned before, I got this guy via Amazon - and he was meant to be released on August 1 for those who preordered, which I did. However, they oversold those preorders and so many had to just wait for additional stock... That would have been totally fine with me if they had just sent some sort of notice. I received nothing when my order status changed from "shipping August 1" to "no delivery date available." Come on, Amazon... A change to an order like that should automatically trigger an email notification. There's no way of knowing if you'll ever actually get your item with a status like that either. My concern was getting it before leaving for school, so luckily it didn't take long for more stock to be made available.
    Sorry about that rant... So Metroplex! I like him. A lot. I just got down stickering him up before writing this (Fort Max is probably going to stay stickerless, by the way) and it helps his appearance a whoooole lot. I didn't find anything wrong with robot mode - and there weren't many stickers for that to begin with anyways. (Which reminds me - the SDCC version I mentioned. It had chrome thighs and a face. That's the only difference. If you don't care about those throwbacks to the G1 toy - which I didn't - the retail release is perfectly acceptable. I'll admit I think the chrome face really pops, but the thighs are so big I think it looked bad there.) But all of the runway details for battle station mode make it so much nicer to look at.
    Hope you guys liked this look as well. And I just found where Fort Max can stand, but I'm already back to shuffling things around to make room for this guy...
  17. Ektris
    The holy grail of many a Transformer collector, reissued at last earlier this year. For 25 years, this guy was the biggest there was. There was no rival in size... Until this year. He's now only second-best in terms of height, and I fully plan on owning the new titan (but of course I went with Amazon, who oversold their preorders and my order is now basically in limbo so who knows when I'll get one...). Anyways, here's Part 1 of my look into Transformer's Titans - Fortress Maximus.
    First of all, sweet mother of boxes!

    And... sweet mother of toys!

    Fort Max is insanely big! I've watched reviews and I've looked at pictures and I've gotten a sense of his size before... but you just really can't appreciate it until you see him in hand. And it's not just the size, but his weight. This guy is one solid toy and I'm thoroughly impressed by something of its age.
    Next up, I took the few Legends Autobots I have to play with city mode a bit:

    All of the gimmicks here work well and thanks to his size, is a pretty convincing toy of a city haha. I really like it.

    Battle station mode is kind of a joke. It's just pretty meh to me.

    So Fort Max comes with some other little guys. The blue brick on the right, Cog, is a cool addition and I get why they were included - to add playability if you didn't have any other small vehicles. But he is just a brick and is pretty meh. Cerebros and Spike, on the other hand, I find pretty cool. Being a double headmaster is a big draw of Fort Max, so even though Cerebros looks rather bland, that gimmick is fun.

    Finally, robot mode, and... sweet mother of swords!
    Seriously, that is a big sword! And something that I was really looking forward to. My first exposure to Fort Max was in the Robots in Disguise cartoon, so my mental image of him has vastly different colors than what I've got... But that sword was a big part of it. I wish it came with the handled for Omega Prime, but that Optimus is apparently being reissued in the near future with the sword, so maybe I can buy it from somebody then.

    Robot mode Fort Max also has access to a toooon of guns. This guy has no shortage of weapons and it's awesome.
    So, Fortress Maximus. The former largest Transformer of all time. He's fun to look at, fun to play with (even if he is your standard G1 brick for the most part), and although I thought it would be cool to, I never thought of owning one. So a huuuuuge thanks to Optibotimus, who gave this guy away as part of his 50,000 subscriber contest on YouTube! (And this was second place!) Seriously, Paul, you are awesome.
    I haven't put any stickers on the guy yet, mostly because I know in the future he'll be worth more with an intact sticker sheet haha. Do you guys think I should sticker him up though? There's quite a lot... And he'll look so much more impressive with them. I'm pretty indecisive on the matter.
    Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the look, and let me know if there's anymore you'd like to know/see. Now if only I could find a place to display him...
  18. Ektris
    ...is Peter Capaldi.
    I don't know much about him (the only thing I think I've seen that he's in is the Fires of Pompeii episode), but during his brief interview following the reveal, there wasn't anything I disliked. I definitely like the older Doctor route they're returning to, I'll say that.
    I'm looking forward to him as the Doctor.
  19. Ektris
    Wow! What a month. I hadn't realized until I started taking pictures just how much I bought/arrived this month.
    First up - Bandai Tamashii products!

    The D-arts MetalGarurumon and Blastoise are amazing. Both are visually stunning, but Blastoise is predictably limited in the articulation department. But MetalGarurumon? That guy is just loads of fun to play with - although his abdomen was TERRIFYINGLY tight and I had to be really patient in loosening that up.
    Kamen Rider Beast looks cool. And he came with a free stand for W, which is also cool. That's about it to him haha.
    And then there's DragonRanger... Or as I'll always think of him, the Green Ranger. I had the US version (which will lack some accessories that aren't relevant outside of Japan and feature special packaging) preordered on Amazon, but then the release date was revealed to be not until the middle of next month, despite other places getting him sooner. So I added him onto my order with Blastoise and Beast since it would end up costing me less and I got him sooner. I believe it was last year's SDCC that he was first shown off and I've been waiting ever since. Man, does he look cool.
    Transformers time!

    So my big thing didn't arrive yet. But it should soon, along with yet another massive item I'm not sure I should have bought haha. More on that later though... Anyways, I broke down and bought Blaster and the data disks at my comic book shop, because even at their inflated prices, it was better than online and I never found him anywhere else. And they're all loads of fun.
    Also, Minion Dave I "stole" from work. He says banana. It's hilarious.
    Star Wars books.

    Had to "settle" for some books I really haven't been crazy about picking up since Barnes & Noble didn't have a big selection lol. But Scourge was great and Shadow Games was alright. Jedi Twilight is on a long list that I've been purposefully avoiding, but the lack of novels I did want pushed me to finally start them, which I will probably tonight.
    Finally, but most certainly not least...

    This item comes courtesy of DeeVee. And I love it. I so wish I were going to BrickFair this weekend to thank you in person, but alas I still just don't have a way of getting down there.
    So that's it for this month. I wish I had gotten out to go shopping on my own to look for more Transformers (I really am saying that a lot, huh? At least I did actually do that some this month lol.) and even the new Star Wars Black Series figures since those just came out, but I was either with family or feared retribution from my mother if I couldn't hide that I bought things... Even just coming home with Blaster, she drilled me over spending money. One second she's saying she understands I have a hobby and enjoy it, but the next she's yelling at me to not spend money. It's not like I don't know to watch my finances. I don't ever spend too much or outside my means. I am an adult now, after all. I'd hope she'd let me make my own decisions. (In fact, that's pretty much why I've never asked to go to BrickFair these past few years. I know my parents wouldn't let me go down by myself. Ever. Even in spite of the fact that I could crash with my uncle and go with him and my little cousin [who has gone before and they talked about maybe going again this year when they visited...], I know it would be a no. Oh well... Eventually I'll be on my own and can travel to all of these cons I've been wanting to for years.)
    It's going to make the big boxes coming here soon very interesting, though. The first she knows about since I warned her weeks ago when I won the contest - Optibotimus just took a while to mail them out (but he did say it could take a while, so I'm not upset or anything). The second she doesn't know at all, and I just realized it's released tomorrow, so coupled with my Amazon Prime shipping, should be here Saturday or Monday haha. That's going to be loads of fun lol. But both will definitely get their own entries when I receive them.
  20. Ektris
    To sum up my feelings:

    Also, "official" BZPower Facebook page. Because that should be shared too.
    I was just thinking the other day how much I wished this were included with the other anniversary overhauls of the site, and I am so excited it has FINALLY happened. These have been some great changes and additions. The raffle feature in particular I quite like.
    Aaand I've now been here for 10 years as of a few days ago. Yay spinny Tohu. :3
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