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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    So I finally beat BioShock 2 last night, which means I've now gotten through them all. I still have the trials to mess around with and Minerva's Den to do, but the main games are complete (and of course Infinite's DLC, whenever that'll come out).
    And wow. These had long, looooong been on my radar as games to play. And I just didn't. After having played all of them, I just can't explain why.
    Infinite was amazing. It was such a compelling story and that twist at the end... Oh man. Made the second run through so much more interesting as all of those hints are now so obvious and not just the ramblings of perceived mad men.
    The original definitely made me think a lot. Would you kindly agree it was a good game? This dark, dank world was such a contrast to the Columbia that I experienced first, I'd hesitate to think they were in the same universe. But it was a really cool place to explore and experience how fallen such a "great" society could become.
    2's story really just didn't interest me a whole lot. The audio diaries explaining more of Rapture's history were so much more interesting than most of what went on with Delta. But the gameplay as a Big Daddy was loads of fun. I also haven't done a second run of this one yet like the others, but just might for the Big Brass Balls Achievement. But since I can't get all of the achievements in this game thanks to many being multiplayer, I'm not as compelled to complete it like I was the other two.
    So yeah. BioShock. Great series, and one I am very happy to have mostly crossed off my backlog of games. I now understand all of the hype.
  2. Ektris
    2. RED TEAM.... managed to kill one of those dirty Blues...
    3. One half of Red Team may have been stupid and killed himself. :|
    So yeah, that hardcore approach was definitely much more stressful. But I kinda liked it. Change every not and again is nice.
    Looking forward to whatever's next.
  3. Ektris
    Well, here's what arrived this month:

    So Springer is one solid Transformer. He's not entirely perfect, but really he's one of the best I've ever had.
    Still haven't found a Shockwave, Blaster, or Blitzwing at prices I like... Oh well...
    BioShock? Oh man that game was amazing. Already beat it twice, with the second being for the Brass Balls achievement. Man was that a challenge at first, but you eventually just accept you need to save every 5 minutes haha. Haven't started 2 yet though.
    What's in store for next month? Well... In Transformers, I'm gonna have something BIG thanks to a contest I won. So big, it'll probably get its own early entry. Also have several boxes of D-Arts and Figuarts on the way that I can't wait for.
    Now how to explain all of the boxes that'll be arriving here...
  4. Ektris
    It started with a ravine. In that ravine, mossy stone bricks. Connected to those mossy stone bricks, a fortress.
    My first naturally-discovered fortress - and by pure accident.
    Within that fortress, a library. Within the library, a chest. Within the chest...

    FOUR Silk Touch enchanted books! There was a fifth such book outside the portal room and an Infinity book in another chest!
    The catch?
    I was playing a PvP game and as such they were all (sans Infinity) useless.
  5. Ektris
    So Microsoft just retracted its 24-hour check-in and limited game sharing policies* that had make many fans around the globe - myself included - deride and reconsider sticking with the next generation Xbox console.
    So to make it clear:
    You do NOT have to be online every 24-hours
    You CAN sell your games at your discretion
    I'm pretty much back on board, even at $100 more than the PS4. I honestly considered changing because of these restrictions and how arrogant Microsoft's execs were being about it (even though I am in the group that it didn't really hurt too much... everything they were saying about it kind of made me mad). But the only what-should-have-been an exclusive for the PS4 - Kingdom Hearts 3 - is actually multi-platform, so we're back to me wanting more Xbox exclusives.
    *The original revision to this included allowing you to share games with up to ten people free of charge, and by simply playing online connected to the cloud server with the original owner's saves and whatnot. I actually really like that and thought it a great change. Oh well...
  6. Ektris
    Gonna get this out right away:
    That is AWESOME news! And he looks like such a versatile character. I can't wait to play as him. Only have plans for the 3DS version as of now, though.
    But then they almost killed it all with the Wii Fit trainer! xP I know joke characters are a thing, but that seems just a lotbit too silly for me. Almost killed the Mega Man hype.
    Just kidding, can't knock that down.
    Then of course Animal Crossing villager... yay?
    So yeah, really excited for this new Smash. And the screenshots for both versions look great to me so far.
    Mario Kart 8 was kind of interesting with the twists and whatnot, but being for the WiiU, doesn't have me too interested. :/
    Then of course... Pokémon. Oh man Pokémon. Fairy type? *sigh* I still hate the name, but I had accepted it as fact a while ago. But its advantage over Dragon is awesome.
    Speaking of Dragons, Noivern looks sick. And being a primary Flying type? Yeah that's cool.
    There's a private round table going on for Pokémon right now, so I'm sure more will come from that. Seems so far the talk's just been about the challenges and new features of a simultaneous global release (for example, you can choose your language instead of it being pre-set it seems?). Don't expect anything massive from there though. The "Player Search System" sounds really cool and useful too. (Quick Edit: A minute later I was ALREADY proven wrong haha. They are actually revealing new Pokémon during this. Wonder when we'll get pics of those... since this is a private event.)
    Oh yeah! Pokémon-Amie! The new way to interact with Pokémon. Seems cute and fun but will probably eventually be something I ignore... maybe, who knows haha. Do love the pun it makes. I'm just hoping it's not tooo necessary. Though I do believe Sylveon was said to evolve with a new happiness mechanic, and this sounds like that. So maybe it'll actually be used a lot...
    'Nother edit: Rhyhorn rideable?! HORDE attacks (5 v 1)?! Yes please!! Sky battles? Sounds... interesting. Regardless, tons of cool new mechanics. And there's a new Fire/Flying revealed. :3
  7. Ektris
    Because I'm SICK of discussions about the consoles themselves. So just games here, folks.
    In order of excitement:
    KINGDOM. FREAKING. HEARTS. THREE!!! I know it's only an in-development announcement and it's probably not going to see the light of day for a while, but I am still really, really, really looking forward to this.
    BattleFRONT! Haha so confusing with that and Battlefield, especially since both are by DICE now... But yeah, considering it wasn't that long ago that EA even got the rights to Star Wars games, it's great to see them start working so quickly.
    AC4 still looks great. And it occurred to me during the Sony conference gameplay that Edward is just NOT a good person. At all. So it'll be really interesting to be playing from such a different perspective in an Assassin's Creed game.
    Elder Scrolls Online coming to consoles?! Yes!! I really hope they pull a Defiance and have them all connected cross-platform.
    Watch Dogs looks pretty great still.
    Halo 5. One of the only things pulling me to Xbox One... maybe the only since there was no new Fable. Only interesting thing to me was how they were adamant about not calling it "Halo 5" just yet... Huh. That'd be stupid if they don't.
    Titanfall? Giant mechs are cool and it looks pretty fun.
    More Trials is always more fun.
    And lastly, I keep looking at Destiny and thinking "so... it's still Halo?" Even though I know it's not. It's just not grabbing my attention as much as I'd hoped. :/
    So that's it for day one, a little late. Hope to see a lot of amazing things from Nintendo today that'll get their own post later on.
  8. Ektris
    Well, my twenty-first birthday is almost over. It was a pretty modest day - even still went to work haha - but fun nonetheless. And before anyone asks, I didn't even go get a drink... although I did have dinner with my girlfriend and was handed the drinks menu without even being asked, and despite her pestering didn't try. It's just not what I want to do heh.
    So yeah... I'm 21. It's cool I guess lol.
    (Oh, and loot!
    Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan
    Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse
    BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edtion
  9. Ektris
    Here we go!

    Really, really happy with Pit and Charizard, despite the latter's box being completely ruined during shipping.
    But yeeet agaaain, numerous Transformers figures have eluded me this month. Even online... Just can't be found whenever/wherever I look...
    Also, after fixing the glitches I was having with BioShock Infinite (thank god that was very early in the game), I ended up thoroughly enjoying the game. Already did two playthroughs and got all of the achievements! Can't wait for the DLC. Also probably getting 1 and 2 for my birthday haha.
  10. Ektris
    Aside from being just about the worst name ever, I was pretty excited for the console reveal.
    Until people started attacking it and insisting Sony's better in the three other places I was talking about it during the reveal. Even though I never tried to bring up any of that console war idiocy. Then of course they get mad at me for trying to defend things or tell them to take it elsewhere or whatever... but yeah, oh well.
    Don't care about the EA sports games (at all) or Forza 5. Quantum Break sounded pretty cool, and getting 8 new franchises next year has me excited. And I hate to admit it, but the CoD: Ghosts talk actually had me somewhat interested, with the new engine touted and emphasis on campaign.
    And the hardware sounds pretty decent. It sounded like they mentioned built-in video recording, which I'm very much looking forward to.
    Oh, they did spend way too much time talking about using your gaming console to watch television, though... Too many features, not enough focus.
    I'm definitely looking forward to E3 for bigger game reveals. But also for them to hopefully address the always-online rumor, which was not even alluded to here. (Current reports are saying after the conference, Microsoft confirmed the rumor false.) And of course the new no-used game rumor started today alongside the reveal... It doesn't affect me any since I only buy new games, but of course I understand why many would be concerned. Especially since the rumor says it ties games to an account, not even a single system.
  11. Ektris
    Just finally bought Bioshock Infinite yesterday... and already it has me raging.
    I keep getting reset really far back every time I load the game and hit continue. Like, hours of gameplay lost. After dealing with this twice, I did some Internet digging and found you can go to "Load Chapter" to find more recent ones... but dear lord, my most recent checkpoint is still not that close to where I left off. They are way too far apart.
    It doesn't help that the autosave animation plays often, but seemingly doesn't actually do anything except lure you into a false sense of security.
    So yeah. This is a massive, massive turnoff from the game. Legitimately frustrating to lose hours of gameplay for no reason. It really makes me want to not keep playing even.
  12. Ektris
    Because of service like this:

    The boxes were worse; was even more caved when my sister picked it up from outside. Where it had been sitting who knows how long, because they never even tried ringing the door bell or notifying us anything was here. My sister had been up since 7 AM and had no clue it was here. A small correction: Apparently she did know, but forgot about it for a few hours. >_< Nonetheless, we didn't have to sign for it or anything. It was just dropped off.
    The contents of the box being fine are the only thing keeping me from punching walls... or driving to the post office and saying some choice words I don't think I'd regret.
  13. Ektris
    So this month was pretty awesome. And that includes some of my haul.
    First of all, thank you very, very much TheFMAlchemist63 for Karzahni & co. and Radiak. They're all sets I've wanted for quite a long time and I'm very happy to have them.
    And Mewtwo? Wow. If the D-Arts line had started with Pokémon, I think it'd be an even bigger success right now.

    Although, my Mewtwo is a little defective. :/ Came out of the package with a messed up right bicep; it popped off and shredded some of the peg when I first tried to turn it. Looks like the hole in the lower arm was misshapen. It went back on and stays, but posing is a nightmare because it just pulls on that connection instead of moving the arm at the shoulder like I want it to. And I sometimes need to "push" it in a little bit to look flush... But it's ultimately a collector's piece so will stay posed on the shelf most of the time, so I'm not too concerned.
    I do wish I had some Transformers loot to show off too. I don't know whether it's laziness or I genuinely just couldn't find the time/justification to catch a bus and go out hoping to find something. And reports from other fans in my area saying there's nothing here didn't help. But once I'm home next week, I plan to finally go buy Bioshock Infinite, so that'll be a perfect opportunity to check out Wal-Mart too.
    And D-arts Charizard is on his way. And I just ordered figma Pit and am awaiting confirmation on that... So next month should be pretty big heh.
    Also... Gotta love Mewtwo's Shadow Ball effect part:

  14. Ektris
    So our game was voted best in the class!
    For those wanting to check it out, here it is again.
    And HERE is a link to (most of) the other games made by the class. I'm quite a fan of Neuro, Leecher, and Gravity Assist myself.
    Overall the last day of classes for my sixth semester of college ended on quite the high note. Had a pizza party in one class and won a Pizza Hut gift card in another. And had a ton of fun gaming with my club last night.
  15. Ektris
    Well, it was for a school project, so time was limited. Otherwise I'd love to keep working on this. But here's what we managed to get together.
    The Final Game!
    (And for those of you that get frustrated, here's the final level )
    I would have loved to have gotten in 10 more levels, but compared to other games in the class, 15 is a lot. And it seemed to get a pretty warm reception during yesterday's demo, too. Looking forward to tomorrow's now, although I'll probably be playing more of the others than watching people play mine.
    It's also missing a "ghost vision" feature we tossed around quite a lot during development, but never quite got around to implementing. The hope was phasing would build into it, but alas that never came to be.
  16. Ektris
    Well, came in last in yet another BZPC. But I did thoroughly enjoy the change of pace this one presented. And of course, the post-game shenanigans were as fun as always.
  17. Ektris
    I want to blog and didn't really know what to do.
    EDIT: We've added 5 more levels and tweaked the player controls some.
    So here's my game so far!
    As of this post, there's only 5 workable levels. I'd especially appreciate some feedback on level 5... Whether it's too hard or anything else you think should be changed.
    Oh! And the title screen is horrible, so here are some instructions. xP
    Left/Right or A/D to move left and right.
    Up/W/Space to jump
    P activate phase mode. You can walk through walls 'n stuff.
  18. Ektris
    Finally sat down and watched the first episode of Firefly last night with some friends.
    I have to say... I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    The only thing that seemed odd to me was that both in pacing and aesthetics it seemed very much more film-like than an episode of a TV show. That's not to its detriment at all, but was just a curios observation.
    Don't know when I'll find time for the rest, but I have no doubt I'd like to watch it.
  19. Ektris
    So my angry mood was spoiled by being intercepted by more people than I thought would be there before the meeting.
    Instead, I played up the sadness. I acted very morose. Immediately had them asking if I was alright; that I seemed depressed. Played that out for the next half hour; stayed distant, outside the room, like I couldn't be around anyone. Then gave my speech about deciding to disband the club, apparently quite convincingly. They were pretty much speechless. As I closed the door, one of the girls pointed out it was April Fool's Day and they erupted in laughter. All went well if you ask me.
  20. Ektris
    So for those of you that don't know, I run a video game club. Tonight we are set to elect a new vice president, as our current vp will be graduating at the end of the semester.
    It's somewhat known within the club that I've been frustrated by our current vp because of her recent shenanigans, but that's a story for another time and place. The point is it might be understandable that I could be a little angry.
    And I'm counting on that.
    I plan on announcing an alternative solution to our vice presidential problem - disbanding the club in a rage and just walking out.
    The sad thing is it might be believable coming from me heh... but hey, that should make it a good one. We'll see.
  21. Ektris
    Well, only one thing arrived in time for this month's haul pic. But I've got plenty more on the way already.

    This is the figure I alluded to in an earlier blog post about a purchase being disappointing. Allow me, please, to explain that. It's an import figure and rather than buying from a Japanese outlet, I chose to support the US distributor in this instance. However, it took a little longer than usual for their stock to get in, which was rather frustrating when nothing was being said on it. When it does finally ship, I get it just two days later - gotta love Amazon prime. But the box it arrived in? Take a look at this beauty:

    This didn't contribute to it being disappointing, I just found it hilarious that they sent my one small item in this massive box.
    But what Amazon did screw up - and this goes for everybody who got this figure from them - is forgetting a first run bonus effects part. I'm firmly in the camp that believes this part should've just been packed in with the figure to begin with rather than packed separately (and also excluded from future production runs... but still). So it being forgotten is most annoying. Fortunately, I've contacted Bluefin and should have a replacement on its way to me shortly.
    But that was the main cause of the frustration. Oh, and the figure's waist connection designed so his torso pops off far, far too easily. While it's cool we can change his robes (...which of course the missing part is an alternate robe...), it's upsetting that it came essentially at the cost of waist articulation.
    Anywho, enough ranting and rambling! That's all I've got for this month. But next month will have some BIONICLE goodies.
  22. Ektris
    Gotta just love it when several preorders fall very close together and you find other stuff you really want for sale...
    I hope I'm happy with the rest of the stuff I'm getting, because the first in the lot (and possibly the only one that'll get here in time for this month's haul) is somewhat disappointing..
    But yeah, I need to watch my spending. :x Luckily I've only got one thing preordered next month and don't think I'll be buying much else, at least not anything too expensive.
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