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Blog Entries posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris
    So my tooth's been bothering me for a few days and I got it looked at about an hour ago. I guess it looks like there's a little pocket of infection behind it, but the tooth itself looks completely fine. So I'm on antibiotics for now, yet it was kind of stressed that it's completely possible I'll have to go back for a root canal.
    Didn't really know how to respond at being told that.
    Now I know I'm not looking forward to it at all.
  2. Ektris
    Just the other day, I had just accepted that I wasn't going to get a part. Filming will be wrapping soon and I just had that feeling that whatever was written on my paper after I said "yes, I have a full time job" really was a killing blow.
    Fast forward to this afternoon and I'm sitting in a networking event and my phone starts buzzing like crazy, so I check it. Just happened to get five emails at once (moving in and out of service within the building maybe), and one happens to be from the casting agency behind the extras for the film!
    I hastily open that one and begin reading. What's one of the first things they get out of the way? Why, the date of course. It's... it's next Tuesday... when I'll be out of town.
    My hopes were most swiftly shattered and then crushed.
    I... I guess there's still a chance for whatever filming will be left after... But how likely are they to return to somebody who has already said no once? I even had on the form I submitted the dates I was unavailable and this one was included in the range... Probably really desperate for people considering they are trying to film right before Thanksgiving.

  3. Ektris
    I really did not play much today on account of Thanksgiving. Barely any progress was made as a result. One interesting note is I did finally find my first new Mega Stone with Sableite (not that it was hidden that well heh).
    The rest of my time was spent trying to get a good (read: Adamant) Groudon. Ohhhh boyyyyy... Mascot Legendaries are actually hard to catch! I am genuinely surprised but also please. Unfortunately the silly long cutscenes (only thought of as such since I have to keep doing it heh, otherwise they are cool) are not helping. So far I've not gotten one. And I'm going to keep doing it until I get the right nature, so... Next few days may be a bit boring heh.
    Team has not changed:
    Hashirama, Sceptile Lv. 49
    Glalie, Lv. 48
    Flygon, Lv. 48
    Latios, Lv. 47
    Altair, Swellow Lv. 47
    Abyss, Sharpedo Lv. 46
  4. Ektris
    Welcome back to my blog, all you readers. That is, for those of you who know I had one this time last year... Regardless, welcome.
    I just deleted everything that was in my blog. Absolutely everything. But, I've already begun rebuilding, as evidenced by my content blocks over to the left. (By the way, though I'll have this but for a week, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated in the comments section.)
    And right now. I'm tired. I just woke up. And I'm not looking forward to the rest of the day. I did something to my big toe last night at tae kwon do, and now it hurts to move it. I'm pretty sure it's not broken because the pain would be a lot worse. But, I'll probably end up working outside today as my dad moves a lot of dirt around in the yard to cover this spot where my late great grandmother's trailer sat. Of course, when he did it Wednesday (You see, we couldn't do it yesterday due to rain), there was nothing I could do. I hope it's the same way today.
  5. Ektris
    Day one was... Interesting.
    I had some fun with my friends, sure. But not nearly enough.
    I hate my section leader... *sigh*
  6. Ektris
    I'm in no mood to make a blog entry, but I will, just to tell you all where I'll be.
    Band camp starts today. The hours are 8 AM - 4 PM and 6 PM - 8 PM. Ten hours. Five days. And I forgot to set my alarm today, so when my sister woke me up, I wasn't too happy to just be thrust into my mom's chaotic attempts in keeping order. Seriously, I have no idea what she's trying to do. She's asking me things I told her several times yesterday. Ugh.
    So I'm not going to be active this week. Maybe it'll help me, though, gettin' away for just a bit... I think I'm letting my life influence how I act on here too much. I dunno. But by guys/gals.
  7. Ektris
    Though day three is tomorrow, I'm writing this now.
    Band camp has been horrendous done. We've fought more amongst ourself than actually doing anything productive.
    I'm quite distraught right now. I feel like I need to talk to my band director... He's giving too much power to the section leader, or perhaps more so stress, and it concerns me. But I don't know what to do.
    *sigh*Just a few more days... I'll survive them, but then we've still got a whole football season to live through.
  8. Ektris
    Well, still nothing to write about, I guess. Band practice tonight... It, and the next 2 practices after it, have been lengthened for an hour 'cause a lot of people (myself excluded, of course) were disrespectful to our assistant band director while our director was away. And I do mean myself included. I know how Mr. O does things, and I listened. But most everyone else didn't...
    Oh. And go read my entry two down. I spent a long time writin' that one. And, of course, it was right while the server was down.
  9. Ektris
    Didn't really buy much this month, which is fine since I proooobably need to cut back on how much I spend.
    Like that'll ever happen.

    April should be an interesting month, though. On the hunt for more Transformers and have some pretty interesting (non-Kamen Rider) figures on the way.
    Might even buy something BIONICLE again soon. Who knows?
  10. Ektris
    It's. So. BEAUTIFUL!

    And fun. Loads of fun.
    But I know it's a collector's item so I fear breaking it, so won't be playing with it too much... But dang this thing is cool. And the blade really shoots out with a lot of force! So the horror stories of the thing already breaking by the blade shooting across the room - totally realistic.
    But I'm still way too happy to have this and am looking forward to ACIII even more now.
  11. Ektris
    I'm actually quite enjoying sitting in my room all alone eating chocolate and cookies.
    Because although I may spend the day alone, that's not to say I am. So I didn't get to take her out to dinner or deliver the tulips she so loves in person... Again... We're still together and we're making it work and I don't think I've ever been happier than when I'm with her. I can always look forward to a time in the future when I'll be able to do those things. I don't see myself not loving her any time soon.
    So Happy Valentine's Day, everybody. So what if you're single on this one? Even those of us who aren't can have to spend the day alone. You always have the future to look forward to.
  12. Ektris
    Just finally bought Bioshock Infinite yesterday... and already it has me raging.
    I keep getting reset really far back every time I load the game and hit continue. Like, hours of gameplay lost. After dealing with this twice, I did some Internet digging and found you can go to "Load Chapter" to find more recent ones... but dear lord, my most recent checkpoint is still not that close to where I left off. They are way too far apart.
    It doesn't help that the autosave animation plays often, but seemingly doesn't actually do anything except lure you into a false sense of security.
    So yeah. This is a massive, massive turnoff from the game. Legitimately frustrating to lose hours of gameplay for no reason. It really makes me want to not keep playing even.
  13. Ektris
    So I'm trying to work on more lists for my Ultimate Checklist.
    And that means masks.
    And other collectibles. The Krana one is nearly done, I just need Swert to upload more of the images to BS01 to finish it off... Kraata is going to be an absolute nightmare, though. Kanoka I don't know where to start with for images, but that one's not a priority.
    But what I'm working on right now is the Kanohi list. I just found good images for nearly all of the 2001 masks, and oddballs like the Rahi masks and other one-off masks in later years are just going to have to be set images if I can't find good stock ones. Misprints, too, of course.
    But then I get to the Kanohi Nuva. Now these we have some beautiful images already. Like this one. And I'd love to use those. If they came in all 42 colors for the Kanohi Nuva, but they don't.
    Alas, I don't have very good image editing software, otherwise I could just try and recolor them myself.
    That's why I'm coming to you guys, in the hopes that somebody with much more skill and equipment than I could help me out.
    So if you've got some free time and are interested, let me know.
  14. Ektris
    So when I bought my 3DS the other day (Yayyyyy!), I also preordered KH3D.
    The problem is that Gamestop is completely out of the Mark of Mastery Edition. :'( Both online and in all stores. So I just preordered the regular version...
    But it's already starting to bother me lol.
    Does anyone think it'd be worth it to cancel that preorder and get it through, say, Best Buy instead? It's a pretty cheap upgrade and actually has something useful in the form of a case for the 3DS, so I've actually really wanted this one... But I don't know if the other bonuses are worth it.
    What are you guys - if you're buying the game - planning on getting?
  15. Ektris
    So you wanna know what sucks?
    Running a club at a large university.
    So you wanna know what's awesome?
    Running a club at a large university.
    Some of my best days this semester - football games aside - have been during our club meetings. Some of my best friends here were made in getting involved with the club. And to top it all of, we're a gaming club, so everything we do is sure to be fun.
    But since we actually wanted to do something meaningful, and I was even contacted directly to set this up, we've been working a whole lot on doing some charity work... Specifically, we've set up an Extra Lifegaming marathon. Now, Extra Life was officially yesterday, but since that was our homecoming, it's this coming weekend.
    I never knew preparing to play video games for 24 straight hours could be so stressful!
    That said, I'm looking forward to it a whole lot. I just hope we get some good attendance. And that I find sooomething to occupy my time with other than Halo.
  16. Ektris
    Got an excellent amount of time in today during my air travel!
    I've now acquired two badges and even won my first contest - cool, with Hashirama. On a related note, I am currently soft resetting for a good Cosplay Pikachu heh. I'm definitely not going to be using it in my team, but it might be fun to train up later. What won't be fun is having a big gap in my Living Dex now where the other costumes will go... And the massive amount of box shifting that is going to involve uuuugh.
    Team right now:
    Hashirama, Grovyle Lv. 20
    Altair, Taillow Lv. 20
    Tohsaka, Dustox Lv. 20
    Biscuit, Surskit Lv. 18 (Seriously could not come up with a nickname... mumbling "Surskit" over and over had my girlfriend thinking I was saying Biscuit, so uh, that's how that happened lol.)
    Akamaru, Poochyena Lv. 17
    Asuna, Ralts Lv. 17
    Those who left the service:
    Seedot, Lv. 4
    Rocket, Zigzagoon Lv. 6
    I'm thinking I'll transfer Glalie tomorrow. It's likely to replace Biscuit. I also want to eventually have a Flygon to replace Akamaru, but then that would leave me without a water type (and oh boy will I need one) since I don't want to drop any of the others... I suppose I could just get a designated HM lackey. Tohsaka might be expendable too. We'll see.
    I am definitely having fun though, as I expected. Always is fun to go through a new Pokémon campaign, and Hoenn is a region I have not visited in a long time. Just also trying to take my time (which is going to be hard as the only game I have to play for the next week).
  17. Ektris
    Caught Terrakion, beat Marlon for my final badge! (wow that was easy with Electabuzz. :3), and am messing Team Plasma up. Overall, making progress, yo.
    Electabuzz, lv. 52
    Chirox, Crobat lv. 49
    Espeon, lv. 47
    Macku, Azumarill lv. 47
    Lucario, lv. 50
    Pumbaa, Emboar lv. 50
  18. Ektris
    Managed to be online at the right moment this morning during the restock of HTS to order a SDCC Bruticus! (With out paying ludicrous eBay prices!)
    So glad I got this. I still think the figure looks cool and this is the only version for me.
    He stayed in stock for about 15 minutes too, which is surprisingly long lol. Probably because most weren't expecting it so soon, what with no guarantee of there even going to be one. Yesterday during the initial stock (which was also unannounced... seriously, Hasbro, other toy companies can announce their exclusive stock dates, why can't you?) it took 3 minutes. That 3 minutes being during the 5 minutes I took to eat my sandwich during my lunch break.
    But oh well. I got one and I'm happy.
  19. Ektris
    I decided I don't really want my Throwbots/Slizers and RoboRiders anymore.
    But before I go listing them on Bricklink or eBay, I was wondering if anyone here has any interest in them? If there's enough/anyone thinks there'd be enough, I'll make a trading topic for them. Whatever doesn't sell there after so long would end up on Bricklink in the end anyways.
  20. Ektris
    First of all, you can still be a free member on it. This seems to be a common misconception already. People are seeing the "pay" portion of the message and then stop reading, or simply pass over the part where it says there will be no change for free users.
    Now, I will not be paying for these "enhanced features." No, five dollars is not that much. No, sixty dollars is not that much provided you make an income. I, obviously, do not. But, that is not why. It's because paying that much money to simply put your images on the internet is... Well, it's rather stupid and quite ridiculous.
    I blame all of the LUGNET users who said they'd pay to use it. Yeah, I was keepin' watch over there when Brickshelf went down, and nearly everyone of them said they'd pay. Fools... And I do believe Kevin's just trying to get money. Besides, the small number of LUGNET users aside (Whom I believe are the only people Kevin even acknowledges. So annoying.), most of Brickshelf's users are kids. THEY DON'T HAVE MONEY TO PAY FOR THIS. It just irritates me.
    (Reposted cuz of update right above.)
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