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Blog Entries posted by pangaru

  1. pangaru
    "We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning.."
    I almost forgot to say what happened today.
    So, my neighbor calls me, and says something's on fire in my backyard. My first reaction was just...shock and awe.
    So anyways, she(my neighbor) said that she called the fire dept.
    So, I run outside, and see that something on the power/telephone pole is on fire. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been.
    So, I try and call my dad because I'm home alone. Of course, his cell phone was turned off. Then, i waited outside for the fire department to come. You can easily tell when they're coming even without the siren.
    So, they got there and went into the backyard and saw it and were talking about how to put it out. It turns out it was some kind of circuit box. So, they get the hose and spray it. So the fire goes out.
    So, then they leave. While they're leaving, my dad gets home and I explain everything. About five minutes later I show him what was on fire, and it's burning again. The little devil had sparked and flared up again. So, we call the fire department and they're like, "We were just there." And my dad's like "well, it's on fire again!"
    So, the fire department arrives again, and by now, we've got neighbors everywhere.
    So, we all sorta chat. Then, the fire department sprays it again, for a longer time. But it still doesn't go out. So, they set of the yellow tape to block it off because by now sparks are flying onto the ground. So, they call the electric company, and they're really busy because of the storms and junk. So, we all sit outside and talk (including the firefighters) then, the elec. company finally gets here. So, this was the coolest part.
    They get out this hammer than can expand its length. So, a guy knocks on he burning circuit box and the bottom half falls to the ground. Then, all of this reddish orange molten metal stuff falls out. It was awesome!!
    So, then they get to work with replacing it. While all of this is happening most of the block (except our house ) had the power out. So, they replace the circuit box and everyone gets their power back.
    So, the fire department leaves, and all the excitement was over. So that took up half of my after noon.
    Pretty exciting no? (I just realized, I used so like...too many times My english teacher would be displeased )
  2. pangaru
    Huzzah! Today I've been a member of BZP for three years!!!
    I would say more...but I gotta go soon... so, more tomorrow
    Also, I made an art topic to celebrate. Enjoy and stuff.
  3. pangaru
    Well, this is me taking advantage of the blog feature. For a week. Huzzah!
    I really wish i could be premier, but, enough sad...thingy...stuff.
    Happy Anniversary BZP! I can't thank you enough.
    I hope to make some kind of artwork for my three year spinny (that I get in two days ^^)
    Also, I working (slowly) on a webcomic. The theme is Star Wars, and, I have some pretty good ideas for it. It will hopefully be funny to people.
    Right now, I have a computer class in the summer, but there was a storm, and the power's out at school, so no class today!!! Now to do...absolutely nothing constructive......................
    In other news, I downloaded the new internet explorer. Get it, it looks and works a lot better. And it has tabs! ^^
  4. pangaru
    Well, I intend to use the heck out of this blog, so...
    I just finished up cleaning my yard. Dern storms. But Missouri hasn't gotten any rain for a while, so I guess it was needed.... At least I didn't lose power.

  5. pangaru
    So, theres still storms today, and trees are everywhere... It's on the national news (for USA) the storms are in St. Louis if you're interested
    I had to have my computer class in this wierd part of the building without compies
    Then, i played video games the rest of the day
    Tomorrow I get my huna! Yahoo!
  6. pangaru
    Soooo, that explanation i promised, here goes.
    Well, when I fiorst found BZPower, I thought, coo'.
    So, i tried to join. Hence the word try. For some odd reason, it didn't work. So, I just hung around the forum as a guest. For almost a year. The, one day, I just tried to join again, and it worked. So, then, I could finally post.
    So, then, I posted... my name was Toaofpoison back in the day.
    Then, the vahki came out, and I became vahkiofpoison. That's when I became an active member, got a brickshelf account, and started to draw bionicle stuff.
    Then, I got tired of my name, and changed it to pangaru, my new character's name.
    Then, I kinda stopped coming here for a few months...and just like that, I came back. and have been ever since.
    You may not see me post as much any more, but I'm still here.
    There ya' go, my life story. Not that anyone cares *glares*

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