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Blog Entries posted by Koname

  1. Koname
    OK, so anyone privy to the goings-on of AMG will know that I am doing mehself a good ol' timeskip. What does this entail? Well, this little entry's gonna cover what happened, what's happening, and why it all is happening. Also, feel free to add suggestions, criticize my ideas here (these aren't all finalized), and praise what you do like. OK, so here's the basics....
    Come morning, we will be propelled into the future by 2 weeks. We'll be at morning again.
    You can choose where you want to start out, but for simplicity's sake, you might just want to go to base.
    All injuries, minor or major, can be healed...severed limbs or broken weapons, not so much.
    If you were imprisoned, I'll leave it up to you if you escaped or were let free (as is the case for Dawn members in the DH Base).
    OK, now for events that happened over timeskip...
    Reconstructing damaged Ga Metru. Dawn troops took out Varunem and combed the area for Dusk, and left in the morning. Dusk went to Great Temple, stole some documents, and returned to base via sewer system. Enjoyed bath at home in Po Metru
    Talks were made with the Shadowed One concerning the prisoners being held in the DH Base and for the mutant Rahi. Due to TSO's stubbornness, Mata Nui was able to relocate the prisoners to Le Metru, but was forced to leave the creatures with the Dark Hunters for their troubles. Currently, rumors persist on both ends that the alliance may be severed soon.
    Two days ago, or 12 days from now, a strange swarm decimated Ko Isa. All signs of the attackers are gone, but the population of Ko Isa has been scattered. Toa Rizalu is currently on Onu Isa, with many Ko Isans. No investigation has started yet for fear of more deaths.
    Anti-Dawn messages have begun to pop up throughout the city. Apparently, Ga Metru is somewhat bitter towards the Dawn for failing to apprehend most Dusk members. Of course, protest is not very vocal among them, but rumors of sabotaged or abandoned experiments have surfaced.
    Reconstruction has also begun in Po Metru, albeit less enthusiastically than the efforts in Ga Metru.
    OK, so feel free to suggest some more filler for the timeskip. More about Ko Isa along with the documents from the Great Temple will be revealed in game.
  2. Koname
    To my undyingly loyal fans and all the people who play AMG (), I want your opinions. Now, over the span of two months, we've really only covered about two days in game. I blame myself...so I wanna speed things up a bit, or at least have day and night go by faster. But I also would like some input. By the end of the first quarter, I'm hoping to have the Varunem defeated so as to work on the sequel. So I ask for your help...after this battle in Ga Metru, would you like to....
    A)Timeskip a week or two, and we'll work on filling in what happened in those two weeks.
    B)Continue on as we are, and no change in day/night pace.
    C)Continue on as we are, and keep the day/night pace.
    And I'd like to hear your ideas for quests. And to help, let me list some goals...
    Gain notoriety and popularity, so as to gain credibility
    Avoid capture
    Gather evidence of Mata Nui's evilness and undermine authority
    Research and combat Varunem
    Research and overthrow Mata Nui/Dawn
    Quell rebellion
    *secret*-Eventually remove DHs from island
    Gain more power
    Take over Isas (more Mata Nui's goal than Dawn's)
    Dark Hunters
    Find Ignika and Vahi
    *secret*-Eventually take over Metru Nui
    Also, I plan on getting the Isas involved here soon...the plan as of now is...an artifact search. Yep, the RPG cliche which I hoped to avoid. But...it wouldn't last long, it'd help make some characters stronger, it'd help bring about the defeat of the Varunem, and help just about all the factions...But still, I'd really really really like to hear your guys' opinions on these matters.
  3. Koname
    Well, I'm sure everyone around BZP is out and about using and abusing their new features. So I figured I'll join in. I'm mostly excited about the blog and the PMs. Anyways, I'm not sure this entry really serves a purpose....I know, maybe some of my loyal AMGers will come check this out! For those who have noticed 'The Scribe' in my Brickshelf Folder...any guesses as to what role he will play in the story? And who here is interested in Avari's and Rhadel's backstory? As for Arkhaan...his probably won't be revealed until later....And for the heck of it, another question...How upset/happy would you be if there was, for a short amount of time, an important quest that involved finding 'artifacts' of sorts? I tried to stay away from this cliche, and it's most certainly not the focus of the story, but it could serve an important role in defeating the Varunem. So to those reading this who have no idea what I'm saying, go join AMG!
  4. Koname
    Anyone else miss the primitive, tropical, simple feeling that was present on Mata Nui? I love the new sets, but I hope the storyline gets less complicated and goes back to the looking for masks kind of plot of the early years.
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