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About Ngakunui

  • Birthday 07/30/1991

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    Definitely time to put stuff here...<br /><br />Anyway, my interests include things like...<br /><br />Bionicle, Airsoft, Food, Internet, the word 'moo',weaponry, drawing, building random stuff, Fire, Explosions, destroying things, thinking up plots for movies and stories and whatnot I'll never make, My religion,God, more food,videogames, researching data for games and whatnot that I'll probably never play, Science,and all sorts of other stuff that I'll get into later.<br /><br /><br />>Bionicle: I wub Bionicle. LOVE IT. I've been into it ever since I was... probably like nine or ten years old. You should have seen me when I got my first evil Bionicle (Tahu), along with his slave Vakama. (Okay, so what if I'm not following cannon? They're MY sets after all...) Ah, the fun I had in those first few days. Like that time I made Tahu get fat...<br /><br />Erm, don't have time to put all this down. I'll get back to it later.<br /><br /><br />>Airsoft: Fun game. Basically what Airsoft is... it's a game where teenagers and adults run around in combat fatigues with Airsoft guns shooting themselves, and inflicting medium to large welts upon one another via twenty gram plastic pellets moving at speeds at an average of 310 feet a second. It hurts, and it stings, but it's safer than Paintball, believe it or not... just don't bring the wrong guns...<br /><br />>Food: FOOD. This must be broken down into sub-sections.<br /><br />>>Chinese Food:My FAVORITE. I really have no idea how on earth those people developed the recipes for that food. It is total, massive WIN.<br />My favorite food...stuffs from there is probably Sweet And Sour Chicken. The only problem I have with it is that I'll often eat it too fast...which means it doesn't stay down for long... which is bad... =(<br /><br />>>Fruit Type Thingies: MMMFRUIT. I would love it if I got the opportunity to eat this kind of stuff more often, it's just that my parents don't buy enough of it. Especially watermelon...<br /><br />>>MEAT: Ah, the joys of eating something that you know well used to be a living creature... O_O Erm, whatever...<br />Anyway I enjoy devouring the following creatures: Chicken, cow, fish, turkey, gator, calamari(It's like gator, but less greasy), and pig to some small, very small extent. I just feel kinda...uneasy about eating something that acts so disgustingly before you kill/eat it...<br /><br />>>Cereal: More of a snackfood to me. I still eat it quite often though. Heh.<br /><br />>>Cookies:Oh goodness, how could I have forgotten cookies? Sweet, wonderful, sugariffic cookies?! D= OH GOOD NO.<br /><br />>>Pizza: I LURV PIZZA. There's just something addictive about it. Either way, it's deliciousnessnuss.<br /><br />>>Doughnuts: SHUGGRY RNGZ OFF DELICIOUSNESS. O_O *devours*<br /><br />I'll work on this more, later.<br /><br />-Ngakunui

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