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Blog Entries posted by Ngakunui

  1. Ngakunui
    I found out that if I press "A" while moving forward that I'll roll forward, and a lot faster than just pressing the control stick the direction I want to go. Whatever that means.
    Maybe I should get a green tunic and windsock(to wear as a hat) next, because that would be awesome... Then again, It'd be too much like if I'm playing Legend Of Zelda if I did that. Oh well. :\
    That reminds me, I should probably talk more to people...
  2. Ngakunui
    I need to get this off my mind before I explode.
    Just let me start off by saying, that those of you who say "I'm just like you..." are selfish, rude, and annoying people at heart.
    If you just so happen to be like this, let me ask you this; Do you honestly think that by saying "oh, well if everyone would just work together everything would be fine..." that you're being selfless, or even intelligent in such judgment? Take a look at where that gets people; ever hear about how the Roman Empire would have the same mentality and essentially took over most of the world known to them? If you even dare to say that's not wrong because of what it "accomplished", then I suggest you read about Crucifixion, and all the other things they did to uphold their rule. And if you're going to use the "all men are created equal" excuse, that only applies to people being made equal- people make their own choices, end up differently, and quite frankly, that's why you hold a completely different opinion now than I do and are trying to excuse it and cling to it.
    There are a lot of people that will have you believe that people fit into one of so-and-so groups, and you're incapable of making your own decisions: thus discouraging you from doing so- what I say is that you aught to stop trying to fit in, and actually think for yourself before you loose all autonomy altogether. Let me put this in perspective for you; in the wild, the weak, unintelligent animals herd together and can't survive on their own for more than a day- while all the intelligent ones can live on their own, and act autonomously. The same basically goes for Human society, yet somewhat in reverse; if you follow what is essentially a human equivalent of a heard of goats, then you'll become dull, weak, and unable to think for yourself- if you operate in much smaller groups, if any at all, then you don't have to be constantly bombarded by what other people are thinking, yet you still maintain a much more autonomous will, and it is much easier to resist your impulses. Did you ever notice how all the "odd" "freaks" that don't fit into society usually end up as rather intelligent people like Physicists, Artists, and Engineers- while the people that fill the every requirement of the majority's collective conscious are usually Drug Addicts, Hippies and Activists. Quite a contrast, isn't it?
    Don't you even dare to use the excuse that "if everyone agrees, it must be true!" because that is no excuse. Do you even believe there to be such a thing as truth? If the majority is so correct, then why don't you test its "truth" and see how well it holds up against reality? Everything I deeply believe has been researched, tried, and tested time and time again- I just don't go "oh, well professor such and such said it!" or "Pastor whats his face says so!", because that never works. Of course, many of the things I believe are not popular, but it always ends up untouched when I try to "burn it with fire" to test it. Perhaps you should try to do the same instead of thinking everything you learned in school was true? The majority does not decide what is right; reality's past and present do, regardless of how you try to mask it.
    And there's a word for when you're completely out of touch with reality: it's called insanity. It doesn't matter if everyone else is insane and you act like them; that's still insanity. Insanity is when you think that everything, as divided, different, and diverse as it is is a single entity. Not all of it collaborates, or even affects the other- in fact, there's probably a whole history behind the town you live in- do you not see how time; an impenetrable barrier has kept you away from its history alone. And let me state again the necessity of divides and barriers within this universe: if all of a sudden the rather large expanse between here and... let's say Mars was all of a sudden closed up, so to speak, do you honestly think the outcome would be a good thing? Wouldn't both our planet and it destroy each other? It'd certainly be "united", and since the "cost" of such is negligible to most, it wouldn't seem to bother some people- most folks are so busy complaining about how much they hate their life that they wouldn't care anyway- Instead, here's a better idea that's been in place for what's likely billions of years; Mars stays where it is, and Earth stays where it is, and nothing bad happens. Try to understand that many things, people, and whatnot can't be "united", and are best off alone. In fact, many things that are together are probably best off divided; when you try "uniting" things that don't belong together, that causes war and chaos.
    OF COURSE there are things that need to collaborate in an atmosphere of mutual functions, but not everything or even most things. Even then, there needs to be division and independence. That's probably why people who live in less populated areas are more productive and less stressed; move people from a rural country with hardly any technology whatsoever into a sprawling metropolis they'll be miserable and unable to function; they can't work, they can't breathe, and they're certainly not at home. Think of it most like this: Machines need gears; gears of certain size and shape are needed in precisely the correct place, in different sizes, shapes, etc.. Now, let's say some fool tries making those gears "work together" with other machinery with a different machine that has little use for them; obviously, things will be much worse; instead of adding functions, functions are removed: those components would have been far better off where they belonged.
    Now, quite a few of you are going to say "Well, you're on a Bionicle website; the first of the character's virtues are Unity..."- "Unity" does not mean "unify". If you ever actually pay attention to the storyline, you'll realize that the cast does not go on crusades conquering the setting; they defend themselves from their enemies, not go out and take over their lands, forcing them to integrate into their ideology and ideas. I got into quite a long debate with that "Greg" fellow in charge of much of the storyline before it became evident that he was largely misunderstanding me with what I was discussing with him, coupled with how I was being rather assertive, on the subject of said "virtue". "Unity" isn't the same as singularity as most promote it to be, and it's not as important as some may believe it to be, either. Most people who overstress "unity" often believe that it is the sole reason they exist; to collapse everything into an omnipotent singularity- and that will happen if you make it the center of what you believe in. Therefore, on the subject of the "Three virtues" in the Bionicle story, you're also forgetting that it is accompanied by "Duty" and "Destiny"; "unity" means something more along the lines of comradery than actual "oneness"; they are not all alike(at the least they have different masks and colours), they act differently, some of them even help their allies by acting independently at times(Like Kopaka, for example). The reason it isn't "comradery", then the rest is because first of all, most of the English-speaking people who buy Bionicle sets are young American children who go to government schools(that teach half-broken English), and thus have no idea what the word means other than it has "Comrade" in it. Secondly, with a "Red Star" being a landmark, it would made the story seem to be promoting Communism(And politics are NOT a thing to include in things directed primarily to children), and third, it doesn't sound nearly as good as "unity". Therefore, it should be clear that the "three virtues" in the story do not mean "Take over the world and force people into labour camps, because you're predestined anyway"- the people who do that are the people who want control.
    Now, in case you're confused about the title, I'll clear it up for you; the people who believe in achieving some sort of all-encompassing singularity, or think that everything already is one are about the same; they do the same things, they act the same way, and they all go down the same gutter with their plans and everything. Most notable of the primary reasons I wrote this was because I'm so constantly being harassed by people who say imbecilic things like "I AM YOU", and try to enforce that I "have no free will" and must do what they say; apparently I'm disproving them with every sign of disobedience to them. If the Universe is truly a single thing in the strictest sense, then nothing would exist; only nothing. Void is the only thing, no matter how large or small that can really be a singular, harmoniously existing thing- but it can't, because it is the opposite of existence.
    Has none of this occurred to anyone, or has no one stopped to think about what they've been taught all their lives? To grow is to add; to increase the value of something, counting greater and greater; expanding and building separate things; one number after the other, and none are identical, none are the same. Yet, the people dead-set on "unity" and nothing else- they seem to have it backwards; they subtract and subtract, removing and destroying: making things have no value. They remove until only one thing is left, as they understand nothing else. But what happens when the only thing is left to destroy and that is yourself?
    I think I just explained Black Holes, suicide, selfishness, and human stupidity in a nutshell.
  3. Ngakunui
    So, yesterday, I noticed these persistent Pharaoh ants swarming around part of my room, so I used this industrial strength pesticide (only stuff I could find) and sprayed the stuff around where they were trailing. Although that put an end to them, and will for the next few weeks, something horrible happened:
    I noticed my cat had snuck into my room, somehow opened the door, and started to lick the pesticide off the floor.
    She hasn't been acting any stranger now than normal, but I'm worried it may kill her eventually, and I'm certain she's going to end up sick later today. The stuff isn't dangerous to anything larger than a rat- then again, I've seen rather big rats before- longer than two feet. That, and I sprayed quite a bit of the pest-spray around, so I'm definitely worried about said cat. I don't know how that cat managed to get in my room, but I'm worried sick about the poor thing. There's nothing I can do but wait and see what happens; the vet won't be able to do anything, anyway.
    But yeah, I had to let y'all know.
    Update: never mind, she seems to be doing fine so far. Guessing she didn't get enough of it in her system.
  4. Ngakunui
    Just allow me to explain:
    For the past few months, my parents have been talking about "getting married again" on their... I think 25'th or 30'th anniversary- which is some time next year. Thing is that they aren't divorced, nor are they going to be(Which I'm extremely thankful for). I have no idea how that works, and I really dunno what on Earth this is about- except that they're marrying themselves again.
    Any idea what they mean? I'm really not all that educated beyond the basics when it comes to cultured behaviour, except that I'm supposed to remove my hat when I enter a house or something similar.(Go figure, I live in the suburban areas of Georgia USA) :\
  5. Ngakunui
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Seriously, even Billy Mays has a better announcer voice than the guy in that trailer. @_@ 
    I'm not joking. Billy Mays is more commanding, and he would ensure more sales.
    Well, at least in theory.
  6. Ngakunui
    ^Click the thumbnail, please.
    Under different circumstances, I'd have posted this in the Artwork Subforum- but evidently, it's rather lame, and I should've done better.
    Think I should try again using the original, non-computer draft, or just move on to another drawing?
  7. Ngakunui
    You better not scream at me if you don't like these, because I'm going to think less of you than your opinion if you do. These are my views; don't say I'm directly quoting someone, because I don't recall anyone saying these exact same things.
    A wise man says "Those who do not belong together need not be unified; those who do good alone should not mix with their enemies, nor should they give in to wrong. Nor should people coalesce at the price of good."
    But a fool tries to silence the wise, and thinks "If everyone did things my way of destruction, then there would be no fighting. My enemies should die, as my singularity is the way to peace; and I'll fight for it."
    It is hard to do good without free will; the more impulsive the human, the worse he behaves. Just as surely an impulsive person does not love, but lust. How does one who lets a wild and uncontrolled heart think for them mean any good?
    If you do what is right, the masses will hate you and forsake you, just as they now hate one another.
    But why should a hive mind stop one of good will? Why should anyone give into wrong for the sake of peace?
    It is better to be bold and humble in spirit than to be proud and boastful at heart.
    Whoever twists the truth; in both the eyes of his enemies and himself is a liar.
    Even the truth can be distorted by the tongue to tell lies and deceit some times to create lies.
    As such, so many people stumble and die from ignorance. Sometimes from their own hands, sometimes from others.
    It is foolish to follow the heart.
    It will turn to dust, just like the decaying accomplishments of fools.
    Let those who do wrong do so: let them destroy themselves and ruin their lives.
    Let evil be among evil, so it will purge itself from good.
    But if they threaten you; when they mean to take your own life and property, it is best to arm yourself accordingly.
    Just my view on things. I try to make them sound both intelligent and down to Earth: of course, not everyone is going to see them that way. There are a lot of people who won't agree with me, and that's fine; it's not for me to decide how you live your life. I'm simply stating how it is. If some of what I've written vaguely resembles that of some religious writings, don't go insane and say I "NEED TO OMG BE BANNED FOR DEBATE RELIGIOUS STUFF", because that's not what I'm doing- not at all. It's not against any religion in any way. I mean to express my moral opinions, and nothing more.
  8. Ngakunui
    I keep getting this same dream over and over again, but in different segments, and pieces that seem to make one big picture- like a kind of saga. Scary thing, is that alot of the things I see and hear and feel in them are things that happen over and over again. Even odder, these dreams seem to be set partially in the HL2 universe, but I've been having them even before the game was released, and these are things that weren't present in the first game. I didn't notice all this until I tried recreating the setting(that I now dub The Barn) of one of the dreams in the map editor for HL2.
    Let me just tell you the settings:
    The Random Antagonists: Almost entirely Metro Cops(Combine Police), but with a Navy Blue shirt, and light brown Vest- which is exactly how they looked in the Beta, even their minor details are nearly identical. These are the earliest and most explicitly memorable antagonists, and I constantly see them in some of these dreams. Their voices don't seem quite as obscured as they are in HL2, but they're definitely Metrocops or at least wannabes. There are also vehicles akin to Combine Choppers, and other enemies from HL2- I only remember the Striders, otherwise. They aren't exactly identical, but it would seem they were somehow derived from them in my dreams.
    The Barn: a barn converted into a home, from what I can tell. It's built atop a tall building next to a three-story building that leads into said much larger building. I recall the second floor having some sort of bed allowing me to overlook some sort of field.
    The People: Quite different from HL2 citizens; many wear attires that would not be unfitting in a Legend Of Zelda game, while others have a uniform of wearing a beige shirt(as in an actual shirt, sleeves and all; not a t-shirt), and olivedrab pants. Though some of them even look like minor Legend Of Zelda characters, to be honest; I think one of them looked like the "HAPPY MASK SALESMAN", and another looked like I-forgot-her-name that works at "Lon Lon Ranch". I don't exactly remember how I'm dressed in some of them, but I recall wearing something that has a rather soft, smooth texture and sort of a black color- I think it was a robe or tunic, or jacket, or something- also remember it having some sort of mono-tone embroidery on it around the edges. Don't remember what else I usually wear, though.
    The Sky: It's almost always either a bright, faded yellow, a dark orange, or some color in between. Every now and then, it will rain, and the rain seens to be some sort of black, icy...harpoon shape. It's hazardous, nonetheless.
    The Building: Ah, yes- let me tell you about the Building. If you've ever read about the stuff they had in the HL2 beta, it is almost the same as the building in "Vertigo"(which isn't in HL2's final cut), except with aforementioned buildings atop, and one end at the top seems to lead to a field or something. Basically, it's at least fifty or forty stories tall, and overlooks a city(mind you, this building is atop a rather tall cliffside) with prominent turquoise, green, and orange lights below in nearly every household, thus illuminating the city.
    The City: It looks alot like City 17 in HalfLife 2, except heavily industrialized, and is much less oppressed, and maintains the "Conquered-by-aliens Eastern-European theme". Apparently, the Combine-esque terror-state has a weak hold on it, as I recall prowling the streets on various occasions, and organizing resistance movements- speaking of which...
    The Resistance: Ah yes, what would any dream or series thereof with even a remote resemblance to Half Life 2 not have the Resistance to our dear Benefactors? Unlike the HL2 citizens, they same "THE COMBINE CAN'T STOP ME FROM PRETENDING THIS IS ZELDA" attitude towards their wardrobe most of the time, as those other people I metioned and seem to be a great deal less oppressed- that is to say, the Combine(supposing that's what they are) act more like a modern Communist country, than an absolutely totalitarian state(yes, people, there's a difference). They have different weapons, which seem to be composed of modern weaponry, such as the F.A.L.(not F.A.I.L.), M.P.5, M.P.7(which although present in HL2, this has a much bulkier look, and more fidelity), and a number of other weapons.
    Inner-city Combine: They usually have, as opposed to the normal, realistic armor, some sort of fancy, shiny-green, robust power-armor, and some sort of giant gun I can't remember. There are also tanks, and a myriad of odd synthetic biomechanoids distinct from the "synths" present in-game. Some of them look like they jumped out of a painting drawn by that H.R. Geiger creep, and I'm not exaggerating... though they aren't quite as colorless. I would define some of them as being absolutely horrifying enough to the point that my brain rejected the memory of most of them for fear of my own sanity. There are various complexes, some of which contain maimed, mutilated human bodies with implanted machinery(and this is very graphic), where I guess they're turning them into full-blown Combine Soldiers. They apparently have too long of a waiting line for some of their people to have their transhumanizing surgeries done, as in some of the deepest reaches of these facilities seem to contain rotting corpses with only partial "enhancements" carried out. There are also places where the Combine have a myriad of other things going on, featuring different species- at least I guess that's what they are. All of the conspicuous things are hidden from plain sight, and the Combine overall have a lame security force in the city as a whole. Though the Metro Cops are rather common, they don't do much.
    CAPTAIN PICARD; THE HONORARY CONSUL TO OUR BENEFACTORS: Not only did the Combine pick someone who had no qualms with aliens, not only did they had to pick someone who had a commanding voice, not only did they choose someone who didn't mind his face being transmitted over a hundred televisions with no other purpose but that- but they had to ensure, god forbid, that it was Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. The Combine have once again proven their poor command structure by the apparent overload of geeks and trekkies within it that specifically decided to put Captain Pciard of the Entire Earth. They show their fandom to our dear captain, excuse me, Consul by projecting a still image of his face over a myriad of monitors throughout the city. StarTrek is also the most frequently aired show on the Combine Television Network, if I recall correctly- go figure. Every now and then, when I'm in "the city", he speaks every now and then about recent events and "The Universal Union of Beneficial Combined Coalitions, Federations, Species, and Ideals for Omnipotent Unity"... in layman's terms, that would be the Combine Empire. I think I even saw him commenting on some bizarre sports game once- like a narrator.
    The Stratosphere: The clouds, unknown to those on the ground, are home to a completely different world altogether. Somehow, I guess by extreme pollution, it conceals a series of different towns, vessels, and creatures(Seeing as this is so heavily derived from HalfLife 2, I'm guessing they're largely from Xen.). The towns have a completely alien style of architecture that I don't remember too well, and are predominantly white and orange. Also remember there being large Combine ships of sorts prowling it too, but anything more is hard to remember besides the dwellers in the upper atmosphere being exceptionally graceful, and the Combine struggling with some sort of piracy against their ships.
    The Computer: Well, I don't know what to call it really. Only saw it in one dream I can remember(though I guess there's more), but it's this huge underground complex that replaces the Citadel- at least I guess it does. Quite frankly, it looks like something from The Matrix, and contains hundreds of conduits and machinery that seem to compute and transmit all sorts of things. The complex itself seems to react as if a living being, has a dominant green hue that glows from its machinery and it is capable of being almost entirely self reliant- according to my best guesses. There are no normal Combine there save for maybe a few, and it has hundreds of unattached machines that seem to somehow be part of it. There are quite a few near-seamlessly man/machine people these that seem to be integrated into The Computer via some sort of round...chair, to the point where they probably can't or won't feel the world outside them on their own- I feel they're part of a collective conscious that somehow makes up the or a thinking process of the Computer. This... place is where most if not all of the specifically nightmarish Combine originate from, and there seems to be something... dare I say demonic about it. It's like some sort of all-consuming think-tank, I presume, where the Combine devise all sorts of devious, ungodly things to inflict upon their empire.
    The Legion: I have no doubt that this is included in my dreams due to an RPG about a particular apocalypse that I play on another forum. Exactly like the "Legion" from said game(which only two active members here have heard of), it is a demonic, near-unstoppable entity represented by golden runes that they leave scared on their hosts and such. I've rarely seen them, and I'm afraid to say much due to how these sort of things disturb me greatly, but in my dreams, I've seen them exorcised from people(once by Father Grigori from HL2, not surprisingly), possess people, and so-on. I do believe that in this dream, they have a direct link to The Computer, considering the large and possibly metaphysical stretch of the Combine.
    The Dungeons: There are large abandoned, and derelict structures akin to Dungeons(precisely in the same matter as in Legend Of Zelda) that I've had to go through on quests and stuff(certainly comes from more Zelda based things). They're filled with all sorts of horrific, feral creatures, and in their deeper sections, the higher-ranking Combine that look oh-so evil and demonic. I don't remember them that well, except that the fighting in them is brutal to the point that it would put Ancient Romans to shame, and the lairs are very, very dark; I recall seeing by some means other than my eyes, somehow- as odd as that seems.
    The Fields: outside the city there are lush, expansive fields- fields with trees, and mostly grass- then ocean, with very few exceptions, though there's various wildlife. The Combine apparently made quite an investment in humanity in these dreams, or at least Earth's environment, as they've restored, and somewhat perverted the landscape into a single "idealistic environment" with no natural predators, in which there are unnatural amounts of white rabbits, deer, and other herbivorous species. It's all very eerie in a way, because at it's core, you just know this is wrong, and hiding something else.
    Now, I have always considered the Combine to be the on of most evil forces in all of fiction, after playing HalflLife2 over and over again- it's no surprise that my wildest dreams portray them as something demonic, and almost the very definition of evil. While that certainly doesn't come to mind when I'm typing "WASD" over and over, and clicking away on my computer, as to pierce the skulls of Combine Soldiers with a simulated crowbar. While I've always considered this environment to be somewhat eerie, after seeing a few things about HL2's development, and eventually reading the commentary on the game's development(I.E. HL2: raising The Bar), it's no wonder my brain instantly associates the name "COMBINE" with the antagonists- whether or not they're something else alludes me, but considering how much some things resemble things, likely by coincidence, from the HalfLife2 Beta that I've researched, I find "Combine" to be the most fitting term for the antagonists, even though they may or may not be something else- so I assume that's what they are, and commentate accordingly.
    Still, these dreams of mine intrigue me beyond doubt, and I'm absolutely fascinated by them all. If anyone here wishes to comment, please do so.
  9. Ngakunui
    I've decided that the best way for me to "fix the world's problems" is by prodding those who start them with stun-batons and downright killing them when they're protesting. I'm tired of turning on the news half the time to see a bunch of imbeciles go about vandalizing businesses and killing innocents just because reality doesn't conform to their opinions. It's horrifying. At least I'd get a spiffy gas-mask and a black-and-green-and-grey uniform...
    And yes, I'm serious. Now pick up that can.
    But really; I actually am seriously considering getting a job as a riot-control agent if I can ever get fit enough for it and gain the will to get my hair cut to that ridiculous crew-cut. Seems like the only way I can stop imbeciles in their tracks. :\
  10. Ngakunui
    I had the most logical and note-worthy dream I've had in years the other day. Figured I'd aught to post it.
    I don't quite remember how it begun, but it started with me roaming this desert. It wasn't exactly barren, as there were evidently signs of former life there, (like mud buildings that seemed to be almost somehow natural with their construction) but I was pretty much alone. I walked into this one building and noticed various machinery- probably for handling things. All of it seemed abandoned and forgotten. I quickly went up to the top of the clay tower and looked over the horizon. I eventually heard something downstairs, and looked to investigate. Now, I remember wearing some sort of slightly westernized khaki tunic, a scarf, and some pants, as well as some sort of backpack or pouch, I think a book, and what I think was a G-3 battle-rifle(and no; I wasn't a terrorist). I went down stairs only to notice a door to a surprisingly well lit nexus of tunnels, eventually leading me to some sort of village that seemed to be some sort of fantasy mix of African and some other style of architecture. I don't remember what happened directly after that very quickly other than people panicking upon seeing me, and being hit over the head with some blunt implement, but I do remember the village bearing a theme that would not be unfitting for a location in a Myst game, being largely built on the side of a cliff, it being dusk or dawn, and some sort of blue lighting they used. Now, I remember somewhat more or less clearly me leading a type of revolution or rebellion, the uniforms being used by they and I wore very closely resembling the Combine Metrocop uniforms(but without the helmet, and having a drab orange bandoleer), the people we were fighting wearing some sort of mix between a Combine Overwatch uniform and US army uniform, and we winning. I also remember the fighting being very brutal and violent. Again, we were not terrorists- at least I wasn't.
    Now, after that, I remember being flown to some place- like a town in a plane, being escorted to some expensive vehicle with three other people(politicians, I could tell) that looked like the four main characters from Seinfeld- and of course, the fourth one, meaning someone who looked like Cosmo Kramer was the driver. I don't remember any paparazzi's or anything, but I recall that I was wearing some sort of formal military uniform, and was driven to some political building. Then, I was escorted to an office that looked like a much smaller version of the Oval Office, with far more Navy Blue covering the walls(which I don't think the Oval Office has any of), and having some sort of conversation with some people. Later on, probably days later, and after a few other events where I became very good friends with someone who sounded like he could be from somewhere in Britain, I'm informed that I have some sort of terminal medical condition that can only be cured by a procedure that involves putting me in a coma for ten years. So I get the procedure done, and end up awakening what must be eighty years later, somehow un-aged. So I end up leaving the hospital going to this dock outside that reminds me of this one I went to before in it, seeing this guy I met before, then running up to him and hugging him as he's about the only one I remember from before the long, freakish coma, in this completely changed environment(apparently the sea has risen a great deal, and society has become extremely corrupt- as in immoral and overall bad). Said guy then tells me to look and see how bad things have become in my absence, I turn my back to him, start walking away weeping, the term "all is vanity" comes to mind, and I wake up.
    Basically, I dunno what's up with these dreams. I keep seeing the same setting in them, and somehow they all link together telling a continuing story, but I can hardly remember them. I remember that when I'm in them "I" go by some other name, have darker skin, black hair and seem to have some Asian descent somehow. Other than that, I'm me. I think. Though the variety of locations are are as various as places akin to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory to the Wild West and so forth. I even remember going about raiding places and banks with someone else like Bonnie and Clyde did with Browning Automatic Rifles and all in this one dream, except we were wearing some sort of armor, which makes it more like Ned Kelly's robberies, somehow. I think. Except only one of us died, and not me. I notice there's no line of dialog or setting that doesn't resemble something I've seen, imagined or heard whilst not sleeping. It's weird.
  11. Ngakunui
    Well almost. I'm drawing a portrait of my Bionicle self wielding a Gravity Gun. <3
    Also, I can't get the Gerudo Desert theme from Ocarina Of time out of my head. Somehow, my mind registers it as being a song from The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, which also comes to mind. I'm guessing that's somehow affecting my drawing's progress.
    Also, I can't help but imagine him being in scenes of that movie with a Mexican Standoff with some Bone Hunter and Tuma in the middle of some graveyard on Bara Magna... And then that creepy G-Man fellow randomly appearing in several places as soon as he arrived.
    But yeah, just figured I'd post this.
  12. Ngakunui
    Well, I am. Kind of... ish.
    In the past month I've become increasingly interested in things related to nuclear weapons, technology, fallouts, and radiation. I don't know why at all, but I doubt it has a thing to do with my favorite game of all time having "HalfLife" in it. Not to mention I read a factual story a while back about a boyscout who tried making a nuclear reactor and caused his entire block to be quarantined, and nearly died.
    But really, I'm starting to think I'm going crazy or something. In fact, I've even looked up if there's any place to buy a Geiger Counter just because I think it'd be neat.
    No, I'm not fooling around with nuclear, or radioactive things, but somehow those sort of things do in some way intrigue me, if not frighten.
    P.S.: Does anyone know where I might be able to buy a Geiger Counter?
  13. Ngakunui
    Think about the resemblances:
    >Same faces(from what I can tell)
    >Almost identical beards
    >Both are mad geniuses bent on universal domination
    Apparently Doctor Breen is an alias that Billy Mays goes by after being appointed Earth's administrator by the combine. Of course, his hair has grayed a bit, and he's not as loud when he's on TV.
    1998:Black Mesa incident happens and Junk. Billy Mays is Black Mesa's CEO, and goes by Wallace Breen to avoid gaining attention to himself. It is interesting to note that Black Mesa Laboratories is where Oxi Clean and other products Billy Mays advertises were developed.
    2010: Combine take over Earth, more junk happens. Billy Mays/ Doctor Breen negotiates Earth's surrender; negotiating that Oxi Clean can be implemented as a source of fuel, as well as throwing in the promise of having Earth turned entirely into cyborgs for use as slaves and soldiers as an unexpected bonus. Being how he is, he used his convincing "HI, BILLY MAYS HERE. YOU MUST BUY PRODUCT, BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE" approach, which the Combine Empire could simply not resist.
    2017: Combine begins depleting Earth's natural resources to produce Oxi Clean for their clean-burning Oxi Clean powered machinery. By this time Breen/Billy Mays understands that "SCREAMING AT EVERYONE OH HI GAIZ" does not work for brainwashing civilians, and imitating Big Brother, and resorts to a more calm approach.
    2030: Doctor Gordon Freeman PhD(actual inventor of Oxi Clean) comes outta nowhere and causes havoc, mass rebellion, etc. against the Combine and Wallace/Billy, causing Billy Mays/DR. Breen to eventually be killed when the Combine Citadel's Reactor blows up (due to Gordon crowbaring it to death, despite a Gravity Gun being used in the game), and he dies.
    So yeah, there you have it. Scary, huh?
  14. Ngakunui
    zomg another English word
    Penguining, [verb]
    Etymology: combination of “penguin”(a particular subspecies of flightless birds native to the southern hemisphere), and English “-ing” suffix. The term is derived from how penguins are so commonly found in popular culture due to silly, and arguably charming things they do in nature that are of little to no value to those adoring them.
    1: To be popular, become popular, or act in a way that will make one popular by way of silly, clumsy, charming, or cute methods: to act silly and adorable as to attract attention. “My pet cat keeps penguining, and becoming increasingly adored by our visitors.” “Many popular terms and phenomena have become popular by penguining across the internets.”
    2: To huddle into a group to keep warm, as a group of penguins. “The campers kept penguining as to not die from the -140 degree Fahrenheit temperature.”
    3: To bob-sled around on the belly, usually on a snowy, or icy terrain. “I went penguining down the hill because I lacked skis.”
    4:To imitate the actions of a penguin
    Came up with this yesterday, and couldn't post it until just now due to problems with the server dying and stuff.
  15. Ngakunui
    This guy that came to my church last night that looked just like that Ben character from LOST...
    Except he wasn't creepy. Also he had glasses.
  16. Ngakunui
    Actually, an edited picture of my lame self-MoC that I'm messing with in Photoshop to make look "like a realistic Movie-Stylized character"

    Not quite sure if I like how I did his mask though. Still a work-in-progress, though, so it'll likely be worked on.
  17. Ngakunui
    Well, this if the last year of this century I can call "Aught-Something"...
    Also, I've made it a New Years Resolution to finish the game "Banjo Kazooie" at last. Never made it past the part on the ship in the Engine Room. Got the game when I was like eight or so, and gave up when I was thirteen. Yup.
    Also, I slept through when it turned "New Years". To worn out from everything. ._.
    BUT, I hope this year isn't as lame as the last, even though everything seems to be going down hill everywhere.
  18. Ngakunui
    Yesterday I got an emulator for the system it ran on. And the game. And played it.
    Today, I finished it. Bloody difficult even on Easy, if I may add.
    Let me just be the first to say, the ending is far more bizarre than the beginning. MUCH more bizarre. In fact, it's so odd that I'll need to record it in the near future so the world can witness it's oddness.
    Also reminds me that I should probably use my "ZIG" avatar I made for MSN over here. It's awesome.
  19. Ngakunui
    It's over already. ._.
    Maybe I should celebrate Hanukkah next time. It lasts longer.
    Also, I got Axalara. I'll probably put up a review later on.
  20. Ngakunui
    "Every time you say 'Happy Holidays' an elf dies."
    Neal Boortz said that.
    Also, next time you even THINK of saying that... phrase I'm alluding to, just save people the trouble of wondering what holiday you celebrate, and say something specific relating to whatever holiday you may celebrate... if any at all. Really, I'm not offended by people saying "Merry(HOLIDAY NAME HERE)!" if it's not one I celebrate. Besides, hardly anybody celebrates Festivus, anyway.
    P.S.: I still think Frank Costanza was a genius. Same goes for Cosmo Kramer.
  21. Ngakunui
    Just in case most of you are wondering why I'm not very active any more, it's because all the topics are clones of themselves. And when it comes straight down to it, they're nothing but "post opinion/leave" topics.
    Honestly, I just never find any actual discussion here outside the blogs, or debatable subjects(which I avoid when possible). I'm not as into the storyline as I was, so storyline discussion will just end up in me creating idiotic posts, and all in all, I really don't have anything to do here other than raise my post count, blog, and rarely post fan art.
    So, if you can tell me, is there any subforum with any actual discussion I could participate in? Because I really don't have much to do here other than blog and browse the forums, in all honesty.
  22. Ngakunui
    And here's why;
    Of late, I've been working on a "shmup" type shooter in Game Maker. More specifically one that falls into that genre that's really popular in Japan where bullets cover the vast majority of the screen, and it's more like some sort of morphing maze puzzle than an actual shooter.
    That said, the purple bullets from the test level are still haunting me, and every time I close my eyes, I see them rather explicitly, and I try to dodge them instinctively. And really, when I say they cover the screen, I do mean it. Like, all you can see are purple bullets, your ship, and occasionally oncoming enemies. And the background if you're lucky. Still need to work on the enemies' bullet patterns, though.
    Also, I'm starting to sleep irregularly. Around Christmas, even worse. @_@
  23. Ngakunui
    This morning, I had a rather odd dream.
    It took place at my house, and I was in this platoon of like thirty other guys. They were all wearing these black fatigues, black armour, Korean War Era U.S. Army helmet, and some sort of "tactical visor". I was wearing the same thing in the dream, mind you. And I don't remember what they were armed with, but I think it was some variant of the M-14.(No, they weren't riot police. It was combat gear.) So, these guys were right behind me, and all of them were like "You can't go over there! They're the Über Elite Dude-Guy People!"(Or something like that. Dunno what they said for certain. Something tells me this took place in CounterStrike.) So I walked around the corner where the "Über Elite Dude-Guy People!" were, and I was like "Don't shoot, I'm here to negotiate!". And all the enemy guys were dressed in old fashioned, olive-drab fatigues. Their leader also had some sort of cap that he was wearing backwards. Anyway, when I got within range, I grabbed some one of them in a choke-hold, and took his gun from his holster, pointing it at his head(it was a Mac-10, I think), and I exclaimed "I have you now, Corporal!"(though he had two distinct, gold stars on his collar, which would men he's a general, which is much different than a corporal...).Unfortunately, his gun was unloaded. Then I felt the muzzle of a gun pointing at my neck, and the leader of the enemy guys said "If you came here just to mess around, you can forget about us giving your guys ammo!"(Made no sense to me. At all.) So I ducked to the side, pulled out my side-arm, shot the enemy guy who was behind me, and threw a grenade at the guys that I had confronted...
    The dream ended after that. Guess I asploded when the grenade went off. BUT IT WAS AWESOME, it felt like I was Chuck Norris. Or something.
    OH AND FOR THE GAME, I'm making a real-time strategy game in Game-Maker. I'm almost done with the alpha stage, and about a quarter of the sprites are done. It's playable, but the enemy A.I. ... well, they act like a bunch of zombies. To put bluntly, they do nothing more than wander around and engage my guys at random, whilst roaming the map like there's nothing to do. They still shoot rather accurately, and can kinda organize, but like I said, in a very dull and ignorant manner. I'm thinking of a way to put them under the control of a singular A.I. thing to direct them, but then I'd probably run into the same problem. Worried I may need to create a whole bunch of different enemy instances.
    Also, if any of you are interested in beta-testing said game, let me know. I would appreciate it. Could also use some help with the story, too.
  24. Ngakunui
    Not necessarily the Measurement Problem, because that deals with quantum mechanics, which is confusing.
    What I am saying is that, somewhat like said "Measurement Problem", is that not everything can be measured without changing it's values, properties, etc.
    If you don't believe me, let's put this into a more commonly demonstrated principle: Someone decides to start a poll on... some website, and begins to ask the question "Which is your favourite color; red or blue?". Now, people before this may have had downright different preferences and did not like one or the other- their favourite colour may have been green, or turquoise... or orange. But simply put, those are not allowed by the poll's binary "Red or blue?" question. Therefore, there are going to be people who reply inaccurately, by saying that either red or blue is their favourite colour, and not whatever it may truly be. Though there are going to be people who can reply Red or Blue accurately, that does not apply to everything, and most people, who are very "Go with the Flow" and did not hold either opinion before, are going to change their preference to one or the other- or so it may seem. Because if Red and Blue are the only options available, it won't be very accurate if there are other variables, will it?
    And that's really not the only example there is. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to understand something if it somehow either prevents itself from you observing it, or more commonly, the one observing it limits his own understanding to a number of things it could be.
    Allow me to give you another example:
    One day, a man named "Bob" is walking down a street minding his own business. When all of a sudden, he feels a sharp pain, glances towards where he felt it, and noticed a small, white object (roughly six millimeters in diameter) bouncing off of him. He assumes, due to being shot by one, that an irresponsible child is firing at him with an airsoft gun (which generally fire white, small, plastic projectile). And decides to run. However, it may have been a series of other things, such as:
    >A small hailstone impacting him due to a brewing storm
    >An insect or bug that bit him, and flew away afterward.
    >A type of nut or berry from a nearby tree that fell on a sensitive, previously inflicted welt.
    >Something else
    Sad truth is, we really can't tell for certain. Usually, people limit things to being what they "know" to be possible, and consider the most commonly perceived cause to be the answer. The impulsive thought process goes much like the following:
    >Suchandsuch has always been the cause of Whatever.
    >Whatever happened.
    >Suchansuch, therefore, has caused Whatever.
    However, the only way to confirm this is by actually investigating to see what the cause is- which also means that "Evidence" will potentially be corrupted, and so on. And if it's been the cause before, after multiple tests, then it won't seem like it's necessary to test and see what the cause is again. Keep in mind, this has been proven to be the cause of how people become susceptible to things, and lower their guard in some circumstances- though that's questionable too, isn't it?
    However with that said, the scientific method, sadly, can only go so far before it becomes incorrect. It uses what is perceived as knowledge and truth, and applies them to what are believed to be working methods of testing to prove or disprove hypotheses theories, and other related things that are created to supposedly explain phenomena. And simply put, some theories today are really no better than theories of the past such as Humorism and Classical Elements. Example; they could both be considered true in part, and were scientifically proven in ancient times, but are not nearly as agreed upon today. This is mainly due to how we now have about a hundred different medical "sciences", and the periodic table of elements today. If you look at Humorism, it is not really all that effective as modern medicine, though a few things it did worked, and as for Classical Elements- just about all the elements on the Periodic Table could be classified into one of them (Except Fire isn't an atom, but that doesn't mean it isn't real, or play a role in chemical reactions).
    So, all in all, just because something seems true and is "Proven" due to each and every one of it's observations and knowledge being in agreement, that doesn't mean it's wholly unhampered with, or even correct at all. I, honestly, wouldn't be surprised if almost all the scientific theories and so-on agreed upon today are largely, if not conclusively disproved within my lifetime.
    Just my thoughts, though.
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