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Turaga Dlakii

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Blog Entries posted by Turaga Dlakii

  1. Turaga Dlakii
    Well, since this year's probably going to be the last year that I'll actually buy anything Bionicle-wise, I might as well go out with a bang. Therefore, my Christmas list looks something like this at present.
    Mazeka Rockoh T3 Takanuva ...because I'm too cheap to buy them now. So, yeah. Which brings me to the question of why Mazeka's mask is silver. Recolouring it would've been nice, and LEGO has proven they can do that rather easily with three of last year's Matoran. Now Mazeka looks out of step with the other eight Matoran of this year. A gunmetal or white Volitak would've been good, but in dark blue-grey, it would've won, mainly because there has never been a mask in that colour. NEVER. Having said that, his box art makes it look as though he has a gunmetal mask. 

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Also, I've been hearing of these Rock Raiders rehashes for next year. They look pretty good (those recoloured energy crystals are loaded with AWESOME), though having retained a similar colour scheme to the EPIC WIN originals would've been nice. But since they're in the general vein of Rock Raiders, I am compelled to get my hands on them.
  2. Turaga Dlakii
    The MOCkery's already sinking. And last I checked, BBC doesn't allow double-posting for new content.
    Howzabout you lot provide it with some CPR? *dusts off DudeNuva's defibrillators from the Comic Emporium*
  3. Turaga Dlakii
    By far, THE best, most glorious, most epic piece of music in Brawl, even compared to the Fire Emblem tracks - in fact, it must be one of the best videogame compositions ever made. They took an awesome song and made it ten times more awesome. It's astounding. Also, I think I hear faint string instruments in some parts.
    Find it. Listen to it. NAOOOO. Maybe I could beg Kotahn to make me a Flash music player containing it or something...
  4. Turaga Dlakii
    So anyway, over at Cyan Productions, we (or rather, Emzee) have finally launched our new version of The Legend of Mata Zuto: The Infestation. It's quite a fun game. But there's something odd in the credits...
    They mention me! Which is strange, as I didn't contribute to this one. I'm a bit preoccupied with another Cyan project...

    Meanwhile, in other news, I now have the same number of posts as Dreiken! It only took me two or three years, too!

  5. Turaga Dlakii
    The next chapter of The Dlakii Chronicles isn't finished just yet, but as an incentive to read my blog, I'm previewing some small snippets of it. As you all know, this is a retelling of the original Unknown Turaga Chapter 1, so fans will be able to identify the scenes in question (A hint: The Ussal isn't included in the epic).
    As Dlakii entered the forest, the light rapidly dimmed. He quickly activated his Mask of Light to illuminate the forest. If he hadn’t turned on his mask, he would have seen a pair of bright red eyes that simply oozed cuteness staring out from a hollow tree.
    Dlakii pressed on with his walk. The darkness was slightly unnerving, so he kept his right hand close to his rapier scabbard, just in case. Dlakii took care to listen to the various noises of the forest. He heard the scratching of Brakas climbing their trees, Gukko birds swooping in with food for their chirping young, distant buzzing of Nui-Rama, a soft giggling coming from the road ahead-
    A soft giggling coming from the road ahead?
    Surprised, Dlakii carefully watched the surrounds as he walked. He could pick up nothing out of place - which, considering the giggling, was out of place. He was trying to make sense of it, when a miniature black-and-green shape launched itself out of the trees, shouting “BOOGA!!!!” in a high-pitched and squeaky voice. The thing kicked Dlakii in the chest and sent him to the ground. Hard.
    And a bit later in the chapter:
    Once again, Lai dodged Dlakii’s maniacal swipes. In doing so, however, he found himself sucked into a descending cloud of shadow energy, as it took its hold on the surrounding world. Lush trees turned black and twisted, animal life evaporated completely, and the world turned red. Everything shifted and twisted, becoming stranger and stranger every second. Dlakii had to close his eyes; the movement made him sick.
    And voila!
    TIME: Friday 27 October, 10:27 PM
  6. Turaga Dlakii
    It goes without saying that I'm just not an artist. True, I own at pixel art, and the occasional unevolved Pokémon (I OWN at drawing Mudkip ), but that's about it. Even so, I recently just started drawing, and this was the result.

    It's probably really shoddy, but I like it.
  7. Turaga Dlakii
    According to S@H, the Glatorian keep the Mistika's Australian price of AUD $20. ><
    The Agori have been inflated by AUD $2 compared to the Av-Matoran. ><
    Worst of all, the worst sets of Winter 2009, the titans, haven't received a price increase. ><
  8. Turaga Dlakii
    Well, I still remain undecided as to whether or not I'll continue buying Bionicle stuff in 2009 (with the obvious exception of hunting down older sets). I have - and please don't shoot me for saying this - warmed up to the Glatorian and Agori for the most part, but I still hate the titan sets. On one hand, some of the Glatorian look really good, and Vorox is tempting for the sheer TANness of it all. Also, those new unbent Hordika necks are sheer WANT.
    Having said that, I'm still not sure (mainly because of Malum, Strakk and the titans), and having (accidentally) seen leaked images (accidentally meaning when some people were stupid enough to post them here), I'm immensely apprehensive about continuing to purchase stuff for another year. I mean, it's the end of the Matoran Universe story, so what better time to jump off?
    We'll see how things go.
  9. Turaga Dlakii
    Yeah, so I recently bought Hydraxon. He was very reasonably priced, too, at about AU $30. The only cheaper big sets I've seen were the Nui-Rama, back in 2001. Ah yes, good times...
    Anyway, I'd like to do a proper review, but I can't since Hydraxon's been here for days now, and the review just wouldn't work with an already-opened set. Ah well, there's always Maxilos and Spinax...
    I'll say this though: Hydraxon's one innovative set, using several pieces in ways I certainly didn't think of. His hands are incredible! The only drawback would be his mask. It looks far too plain. He's still value for money, though. As I said earlier, he sells for about AU $30. I think that's about US $21, going from my experiences with signing up for Premier Membership.
  10. Turaga Dlakii
    So, instead of classes, the school took all of Year 10 (well, those who paid and who didn't go bowling as an alternative, at least) to the local cinema. I ended up watching two films. Quantum of Solace was one of them, and I quite liked it (other than the fact that the fight scenes were a bit too fastpaced for my liking).
    Ivvrak for BBCC #51! Read and post!
  11. Turaga Dlakii
    Yeah. Blame this guy for this. We were discussing Mudkip in my profile, and he directed me to his Maj, where I found this...

    I actually find this funny, probably because it makes Ash and Pikachu look better than they really are.
    (Yes, I liek mudkipz. Get over it. )

  12. Turaga Dlakii
    Well, since my constant raving about Fire Emblem seems to raise several questions, I thought I'd elaborate... with pictures. Lots of them.
    (I apologise in advance for the horrible quality of these images, but at least I didn't resort to photographing my TV. I've fixed each screen in Photoshop to reduce horribleness.)

    The title screen. Note the epic artwork.

    An example of an average game chapter; the units surrounded with a blue circle are ones I command, while ones with a red circle are enemies. As you can see, each also have a bar in the same colour; that is a simplified HP bar, more of an indicator. Yes, that's Ike with only 1/4 HP left over. Also shown is a number, indicating how many Player turns have passed thus far, and above that, the goal of this particular chapter. Down the bottom is a glossary listing button commands, because I was too lazy to shut off that feature at the time.

    Here we have Haar, a Dragon Lord and one of the most awesome playable characters, flying in to battle the enemy commander for this chapter, Septimus. This screen probably doesn't make much sense to any of you, but whatever. Note the HP bars and weapons; the ones grouped with the blue are Haar's, while the red ones are the enemy's. In between there are some stats which apply to what's about to happen. "Hit" is the chance (%) of actually hitting the opposing unit, "Dmg" is how much damage will be dealt to the opposing unit, and "Crit" is the chance (%) of scoring a critical hit, dealing 3x the damage.

    In these three screens, the fight's ended, and Haar has killed off the boss. Though I didn't get screens of it, Haar gained some Experience from the fight, as in any RPG, and has levelled up, also as per any RPG. You don't exactly have to be initiated to make sense of these stats. By the way, these stats are outstanding by the standards of this game.
    And now, more violent screens!

    Here we have Titania, an Axe Paladin, attacking a Lance General. I know this shot's horrible, but it's something.

    In this scene, an Axe General named Brom has just attacked a Sword General. Note the floating red number on the enemy Sword General; that's how much damage Brom just inflicted.

    And here, Soren the Archsage has attacked a Lance General with a wind magic spell; more specifically, a custom spell I made using the game's Weapon Forge, called "Airblade". I'm not sure what happened in this screen, as it was ages ago, but I think this killed that knight.

    Finally, here we have Ike the Awesomest attacking with a critical hit. Whee.
    Any questions?
    Ivvrak for BBCC #51! Read and post!

  13. Turaga Dlakii
    Promising news, indeed; if Europe gets it earlier, let alone this year, it might mean that Australia won't have to wait anywhere near as long, given that the two are in the same region (PAL). And for those of you who still don't know what I'm talking about, that article sums the Fire Emblem series up pretty well.
  14. Turaga Dlakii
    For the first time in years, I tried my hand at Kingdom Hearts.
    Several hours later, I've taken down that Agrabah optional boss and Ansem, two things I couldn't do years ago. Which is weird, since having not played the darn game in ages, I literally had no idea what I was doing for a time. The 100 Acre Wood still makes no sense, though.
    Darnit, now I want the sequel.
  15. Turaga Dlakii
    Still playing Radiant Dawn...
    Whoa, that Bonus EXP thing owns. It's just so convenient. Are you letting a prepromoted unit soak up all your EXP like a sponge? Not anymore, with this trick! Just give a weak unit Bonus EXP and watch him/her/it flourish!
    (insert non-existent screenshot here)
    There is one downside, however: when a unit levels up using Bonus EXP, he/she/it will only gain three stat increases. On the other hand, it is a good thing, since sometimes a unit gains less than three stat increases. When I recently leveled up Oscar (Lv. 19 Lance Paladin), he only gained one stat point. ONE!!!
    Also, that Paragon ability's great. Equip it on a unit, and his/her/its EXP gains will go through the roof! I didn't see it to begin with, so I left it equipped on Geoffrey (who was a Lance Paladin at the time), who was high-leveled to begin with. He became a Silver Knight with practically no effort on my part at all!
    Oh yes, what else? An easy science test here, a nearly-complete National Pokédex there... nothing as exciting as Radiant Dawn.

  16. Turaga Dlakii
    I'd like to put something meaningful in here, but I can't, because there isn't anything worth mentioning anywhere, there's no point. All that's amusing at the moment would be Lai's odd suggestions in the background, not to mention his attempts to sing the theme to Pokémon Master Quest. And that's it really.
    Oh yes, that's right! I've recently appointed a new co-author for the New Comic Emporium. (That's right, there's a new Comic Emporium. The old one died in the downtime. It's somewhat infuriating seeing that other inferior comic makers survived that purge.) Please welcome my good friend DudeNuva as the official Co-Author for The Newsroom!
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