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Mr. Onua

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Blog Entries posted by Mr. Onua

  1. Mr. Onua
    Well, what more can I say? I just finished my last exam today, and I'm back. Hopefully, you'll be seeing me around the forums a lot more (that's a good thing, right? ). I know a lot of you have been out for a while already, but things are a little different up here in the Great White North .
    Rate Mr. Blog!
  2. Mr. Onua
    Happy birthday to me! I'm now 15... not that old compared to most of our staff, but still pretty old. I've been out ALL DAY with family... now I'm tired, and I'm probably gonna be going to bed.
    I actually probably would've forgotten to post something here on my blog if not for a PM from someone wishing me a happy birthday.
  3. Mr. Onua
    Ah... lazy Saturday afternoon. I was supposed to go out today with some friends to watch a movie or something, but it didn't work out. I know a lot of you must've seen Pirates 2... how was it? Don't ruin anything! I still wanna see it.
    I know EVERYONE is already talking about this, but I might as well add my two cents. The staff pranks are getting much more complex. It's pretty cool to watch it all go down. I think it builds a real sense of community within these forums.
    You know, I've been looking at a lot of people's blogs lately (sorry I haven't commented!... been kind of busy lately), and I've noticed that a lot of people post a lot more pics than I do. I should add a pic in every entry... makes them SO much more interesting. Perhaps I'll even add my own pic (and, no, I don't wear a tie and drink coffee all the time)... but who really wants to have to look at my face?
  4. Mr. Onua
    To me, summer always reminds me of good times on . I first found out about this site during this time of year, and it's when I spend the most time posting.
    I was looking through my Brickshelf account recently... and came across these. For you older members, you may remember these terrible, terrible avatars I had made before. I'd like to think I've improved somewhat, since then... but, my avatar still ain't that great. The only reason my banner looks cool is because of Biomech!

    Well, I just thought I'd give you guys a few laughs... feel free to use these!... lol
    I forget exactly which kit I got these sprites from... maybe RZ? I forget... anyway, credit goes to whoever made them.
  5. Mr. Onua
    Maybe it's just me, but I remember that GD used to be filled with a lot more "meaningful" topics before. I don't know, maybe it was just simpler back in the day, but it just seems like GD has been flooded with those pointless opinion topics (for the past year ).
    I don't mean to offend anyone, but I just feel that the sole purpose of these topics is for people to boost their post count and to get hot topics. Now, some of these topics are actually valid and help to create a sense of community within these boards: ones that involve the actual members talking about eachother, expressing gratitude, etc. However, most of these topics can hardly even be called that. I mean, they're more like polls with too many options to be allowed in the BZP Voting Booth. Now, I will not specify ANY topic so as not to put someone "on the spot". However, I don't think it's necessary to list them; it's quite obvious which topics I am referring to.
    Again, I don't mean for this to come off as flaming or anything like that. I just want to see if anyone feels the same way I do (because I DON'T want to make a topic that's going to turn into a whole lot of spam). You wouldn't believe how frustrated I've become... I'm actually considering making a song about it (I know guitar ). One of 'em "I Want It That Way" parodies... lol.
    I just want the boards to be a little cleaner and have a some more topics with a little more depth to them. I want topics that require more than a one-word answer.
    Again, what do you guys think about this? I hope I'm not the only one! :blush:
  6. Mr. Onua
    Alright...I don't know about you guys, but I'm really psyched for Generation 7 of video games. My personal favourite is the Wii.
    I've been a Nintendo fan for a LONG time. I still own an original NES and SNES. The Super Nintendo, IMO, had some of the best games...it still has to be one of my favourite systems. I had all the Super Mario World's...they were "da bomb". However (I must admit), this past generation, I bought a PS2. Don't get me wrong, I thought the PS2 was a great system...it's just that I now wish I bought a Gamecube. Many argue that the graphics of the Gamecube are inferior and such (which they're not in anyway), but to me, gameplay is way more important. The original SMB still has to be one of my favourite games (and it has terrible graphics! ). I am a big Melee fan. Link is "da bomb" (and can throw 'em, too).
    On the topic of next-gen...I am REALLY looking forward to the Wii. Let's face it: the name sucks...but it grows on you. I can't wait to try out games like Super Mario Galaxy or Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Not only are the controls extremely innovative, but the price point is gonna be great, too (as far as we know now, it's gonna be under $250...I have a feeling it's gonna be around the $200 mark). Now, a lot of people are saying that Nintendo (yet again) has inferior graphics. I'd have to disagree. I mean, sure, it doesn't have nearly as much horsepower, but the graphics still look awesome. From what I've heard, the Wii can pump out graphics that match the 360. Also, Wii does not support HDTV, but it does support EDTV. The games are still gonna be awesome. With awesome controls and access to Nintendo's legendary library of games (you can download select games from all of Nintendo's previous systems and some of Sega ones, too), you can't go wrong. I think this is a really good step in the right direction for Nintendo. I know what system I'm getting.
    Now, that I've ranted and everything, which system are you guys planning on getting?
  7. Mr. Onua
    Just to let you guys know what I've been up to for the past week or so, I've been working on building a website for someone. It's actually eaten up a lot of my time because the person who I'm building it for (a teacher) wants me to use the stupid built-in "easy" editor so that she can use it...which would be fine, if the editor weren't so annoying. It's just very troublesome to use, and I prefer coding my sites myself. If you guys ever get the chance to learn XHTML... do it. It's really an awesome thing to know. Don't bother with those WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors if possible. There's always this sense of accomplishment if you did it yourself, anyway!
  8. Mr. Onua
    Ah! Some of you may have noticed that I STILL haven't really been around the boards...well, I'd like to say that I had some really important thing that kept me from you guys...but I don't. To be honest, I've been playing Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Grega version) a whole lot. :blush:
    To be honest, I'm kinda embarassed about it... it's really eaten up A LOT of my time...argh! I feel so tired right now. I didn't even finish the game! I decided to just quit because it felt like it was consuming me. It takes FOREVER to get all those Battle Chips. I'm glad I snapped out of it.
    Anyway, this is just an update for all you guys. I can't believe I've missed SO much. There's been so much going on. An S&T Fact Team just got appointed, and I'm SO jealous. Maybe if I had been on the boards a little more, I would've gotten picked. I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't get to be on the Blog Moderator Team, either...when I see a lot of guys from S&T on there... Now, there's also that S&T Contest now... I just feel so "left out"... Well, there's not much I can do now. I'm still hoping for that FA position in my FAVOURITE forum!
  9. Mr. Onua
    Well, if any of you have been wondering where I've been for the past few weeks (I sure hope at least SOMEONE from S&T noticed), I've been really working hard in school. The end of the year is here for me. Next week is exam week for me...yikes! I gotta get back to studying, but I just wanted to let you guys know what I'm up to. I'll see you Wednesday afternoon (after my last exam)!
    Don't forget to rate my blog!
  10. Mr. Onua
    Wow...this blog is "da bomb". Being a PM sure does have its perks. I'm really excited about this new feature because it gives us members a chance to just talk. Normally, you have to stay on topic in the different forums...but here, we can talk about whatever's on our mind!
    I've actually made my own blog before (coded it and everything on my personal site), but I never really spent much time posting in it. Anyway, hope it doesn't happen with this.
    I really hope that all of you now will have a chance to get to know me a little better.
    Yours cooly,
    Mr. O
  11. Mr. Onua
    Well, this time I have an excuse as to why I haven't posted today... my internet went down. Yes... annoying thing it is. Wanna hear something funny? My mom actually called the ISP to find out what was going on (that isn't the funny part... so if you laughed, shame on you!), and after finding out that it was indeed THEIR fault and not ours, she ended up asking for a refund for the day of service that we missed. It came out to be a little over $1 (that's CANADIAN!... like what around 90 cents US)! Alright... so maybe it wasn't THAT funny... but, I deserve that for not getting to post today!
    Thanks to whoever rated my blog! I like that score. Thanks, guys!
  12. Mr. Onua
    You guys probably aren't interested, but I'm giving you another update, anyway!
    I know, I know... I said I would be posting more, but I haven't been. I'm really sorry about that. However, RL has just been throwing things at me. Lately, I've been having to do a lot of work with computers... Like recently I've been working on loading up all these old computer with software (something like 20 of 'em) so that we can give them away to needy people in other countries. I suppose it's a noble cause... and that's why had to wait for a bit.
    Well, that's all really. I feel a posting spree coming on... I get those every so often and it'll last until I complete about 1000 posts... just the way it is.
    In case anyone else was wondering what happened with MMBN 6, I finished it, but only had 129 chips in my library. I could've done way better. I remember I got every chip in MMBN 1 except Bombman 2 and LifeAura! Bombman 2 was the real culprit, though... my data ended up getting erased and I fugured it wasn't worth it to start all over. All those games really do waste A LOT of your time.
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